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Publications In International Refereed Journals
1)* Sources and Constituents of Two Western Malaysian Dart Poisons, N.G.Bisset, K.H.C.Baser, J.D.Phillipson, J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 29 (1977) (Suppl.Br. Pharm. Conf. 1977, 17P).
2)* Muscle-Relaxant Activity in Asian Strychnos Species. A Re-examination of Two Western Malaysian Dart Poisons, N.G.Bisset, K.H.C.Baser, J.D.Phillipson, L.Bohlin, F.Sandberg, J. Nat Prod., 40 (6) 546-560 (1977).
3)* Protostrychnine, A New Alkaloid from Strychnos nux-vomica, K.H.C.Baser, N.G.Bisset, P.J.Hylands, Phytochemistry, 18, 512-514 (1979)
4)* Alkaloids of Sri Lankan Strychnos nux-vomica, K.H.C.Baser, N.G.Bisset, Phytochemistry, 21(6) 1423-29 (1982).
5)* Structural Variations Among the Aporphine-Benzylisoquinoline Dimers, H.Guinaudeau, A.J.Freyer, R.D.Minard, M.Shamma, K.H.C.Baser, Tetrahedron Letters, 23(25) 2523-2526 (1982).
6)* N-2′-Noradiantifoline: A New Aporphine-Benzylisoquinoline Alkaloid, H.Guinaudeau, M.Shamma, K.H.C.Baser, J.Nat.Prod., 45(4) 505-506 (1982)
7)* Isolation and Identification of Anisaldehyde and Three Alkaloids from Leaves of Thalictrum minus var. microphyllum, K.H.C.Baser, J.Nat.Prod., 45(6) 704-706 (1982).
8)* Uskudaramine: A Novel Type Aporphine-Benzylisoquinoline Alkaloid, H.Guinaudeau, A.J.Freyer, R.D.Minard, M.Shamma, K.H.C.Baser, J.Org.Chem., 47, 5406-5407 (1982).
9)* Occurrence of Longicaudatine, A New Type of Bis-indole Base and Bisnor- C- alkaloid H in Strychnos Species, G.Massiot, M.Zeches, C.Mirand, L.Le Men-Olivier, C.Delaude, K.H.C.Baser, R.Bavovada, N.G.Bisset, P.J.Hylands, J.Strömbom, R.Verpoorte, J.Org.Chem., 48, 1869-1872 (1983)
10)* Enzymic Control of Stereochemistry Among the Thalictrum Bisbenzylisoquinoline Alkaloids, H.Guinaudeau, A.J.Freyer, M.Shamma, K.H.C.Baser, Tetrahedron, 40 (11) 1975-1982 (1984).
11)* Thalivarmine and Thalsivasine: Two New Bisbenzylisoquinoline Alkaloids from Thalictrum minus var. minus, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, Planta Med., (5) 448-450 (1985).
12)* Alkaloids of Anatolian Thalictrum sultanabadense, K.H.C.Baser, M.Ogutveren, N.G.Bisset, J.Nat.Prod., 48(4) 672 (1985).
13) Alkaloids of Anatolian Thalictrum aquilegifolium, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, Fitoterapia, (2) 142-143 (1987) .
14)* Northalibroline: A new Bisbenzylisoquinoline Alkaloid from Thalictrum minus var. minus, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, Planta Med., 513-515 (1988).
15) The Pharmacological Effects of Takatonine, M.İ.Cingi, K.Erol, M.Fidan, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Fitoterapia, 49, 472-475 (1988).
16)* Immunologically Active Polysaccharides from the Aqueous Extract of Nerium oleander, I.Carbik, K.H.C.Baser, H.Z.Ozel, B.Ergun, H.Wagner, Planta Med., 56, 668 (1990)
17)* Alkaloids of Anatolian Thalictrum foetidum, K.H.C.Baser, A.Ertan, Planta Med., 56, 337 (1990)
18) Composition of the Essential Oil of Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam., K.H.C.Baser, E. Sezik, G. Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 3(4) 237-239 (1991).
19) Ziziphora tenuior L. A New Source of Pulegone, E.Sezik, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 6 (1) 101-103 (1991).
20) Composition of the Essential Oil of Micromeria congesta, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 3 (6) 387-393 (1991)
21)* Alkaloids of Anatolian Thalictrum minus var. majus, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Planta Medica, 57 (6) 587 (1991).
22) The Essential Oil of Origanum minutiflorum O. Schwarz et P.H.Davis, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, E. Sezik, J. Essent. Oil Res., 3 (6) 445-446 (1991)
23) The Essential Oil of Satureja parnassica Heldr. and Sart. ex Boiss subsp. sipylea P.H.Davis, G.Tumen, E.Sezik, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 7 (1), 43-46 (1992).
24) Hepatoprotective Activity of Hypericum perforatum L. Alcoholic Extract in Rodents, Y.Ozturk, S.Aydin, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, N.Kurtar-Ozturk, Phytother. Res., 6 (1) 44-46 (1992).
25) Composition of the Essential Oil of Micromeria myrtifolia Boiss. et Hohen, T.Ozek, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4(1) 79-80 (1992).
26) Composition of the Turkish Cumin Seed Oil, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4 (2) 133-138 (1992).
27) Composition of the Essential Oil of Origanum sipyleum of Turkish Origin, K.H.C. Baser, G.Tumen, T.Ozek, M. Kurkcuoglu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 4 (2) 139-142 (1992).
28) Composition of the Essential Oil of Calamintha nepeta subsp. glandulosa, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4 (2) 189-190 (1992).
29) Characterization of the Essential Oil of Thymus sibthorpii Bentham, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4 (3) 303-304 (1992).
30) Composition of the Essential Oil of Thymus longicaulis C.Presl. var. subisophyllus (Borbas) Jalas From Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4 (3) 311-312 (1992).
31) Composition of the Essential Oil of Dorystoechas hastata, A Monotypic Endemic From Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Ozturk, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4 (4) 369-374 (1992).
32) The Essential Oil of Thymus leucostomus var. argillaceus, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4 (4) 421-422 (1992).
33) Turkish Rose Oil, K.H.C.Baser, Perfum. Flavour, 17(3) 45-52 (1992).
34) Effects of Alcea pallida L. (A.) and Tilia argentea Desf. ex DC Infusions on Swimming Performance in Mice, S.Aydin, Y.Ozturk, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, N.Kurtar-Ozturk, Phytother. Res., 6, 219-220 (1992).
35) Composition of the Essential Oils of Sideritis germanicopolitana Bornm., N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, H.Tanriverdi, F.Koca, A.Kaya, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4(5) 533-534 (1992).
36) The Essential Oil of Thymus pectinatus Fisch. et Mey. var. pectinatus, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4(5) 523-524 (1992).
37) Essential Oils of Thymus cariensis and Thymus haussknechtii, Two Endemic Species in Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4(6) 659-661 (1992).
38) Characterization of the Essential Oil of Sideritis dichotoma, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, E.Sezik, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4(6) 641-642 (1992).
39) The New Role of Computer Networks in Scientific Development, K.H.C.Baser, S. Aydin, Aginfo Link, 6 (1) 4-6 (1992).
40) Composition of Essential Oils of Turkish Laurel Leaves and Berries, H.Tanriverdi, T.Ozek, S.H.Beis, K.H.C.Baser, Essays for Science: Felicitation Volume on the 50th Birthday of Prof.Atta-ur-Rahman, 67-74, Hamdard Foundation-Pakistan, MAS Printers, Karachi, Pakistan (1992).
41) Saponins from Bongardia chrysogonum (L.) Spach. Growing in Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, G.Toker, B.Sener, Acta Hort., 333, 175-179 (1993).
42) Essential Oils of Anatolian Labiatae: A Profile, K.H.C.Baser, Acta Hort., 333, 217-238 (1993).
43) Essential Oil of Micromeria fruticosa subsp. barbata of Turkish Origin, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, Acta Horticulturae, 333, 239-244 (1993)
44) The Composition of Manila Elemi Oil, M.A.Villanueva, R.C.Torres, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, Flavour Fragr. J., 8(1) 35-37 (1993).
45) The Essential Oil of Micromeria fruticosa (L.) Druce subsp.barbata (Boiss. et Kotschy.) P.H.Davis of Turkish Origin, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, T.Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5(1) 79-80 (1993).
46) The Essential Oil of Ageratum conyzoides L. from Ghana, M.Mensah, K.Sarpong, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5(1) 113-115 (1993).
47) The Essential Oil of Micromeria fruticosa (L.) Druce subsp. serpyllifolia (Bieb.) P.H.Davis, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, M.Harmandar, J. Essent. Oil Res., 5(2) 199-200 (1993).
48) Composition of the Essential Oil of Nepeta racemosa Lam., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, A.Akgul, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5(2) 215-217 (1993).
49) The Essential Oil of Salvia pomifera L., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5(3) 347-348 (1993)
50) The Occurrence of Three Chemotypes of Thymus longicaulis C.Presl. subsp. longicaulis in the Same Population, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5(3) 291-295 (1993)
51) The Essential Oil of Origanum syriacum L. var. bevani (Holmes) Ietswaart, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 5(3) 315-316 (1993)
52) The Essential Oil of Laser trilobum of Turkish Origin, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Kirimer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5(4) 365-369 (1993)
53) Essential Oil Composition of Four Origanum vulgare subspecies of Anatolian Origin, E.Sezik, G.Tumen, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5 (4) 425-431(1993)
54) The Essential Oil of Scaligeria lazica Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, A.Guner, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5 (4) 463-464 (1993)
55)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Calamintha grandiflora, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, Planta Medica, 59 (4) 390 (1993)
56) Composition of the Essential Oil of Origanum majorana L. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 5 (5) 577-579 (1993)
57) The Essential Oils of Rhus coriaria L. (Sumac), S.Kurucu, M.Koyuncu, A.Guvenç (Koroglu), K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 5(5) 481- 486 (1993).
58) The Essential Oil of Satureja cilicica P.H.Davis, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, J. Essent. Oil Res., 5(5) 547-548 (1993).
59) Chromosome Aberrations Induced by Aflatoxin B1 in Rat Bone Marrow Cells in vivo and Their Suppression by Ecballium elaterium, A.Basaran, E.A.Cakmak, İ.Degirmenci, N.Basaran, S.Artan, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, Fitoterapia, 64 (4), 310-313 (1993)
60) Petit-grain di Limone Turco: Composizione della Essenza, del Deterpenato e delle Frazioni di Testa, H.Tanriverdi, C.Kunkar, T.Ozek, S.H.Beis, K.H.C.Baser, Ess.-Deriv. Agrumari, 63(2) 181-190 (1993).
61) Composition of the Essential Oils of Turkish Origanum species with Commercial Importance, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, E.Sezik, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5 (6) 619-623 (1993).
62) The Essential Oil of Sideritis athoa Papanikolaou et Kokkini, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen , J. Essent. Oil Res., 5(6) 669-670 (1993).
63) The Essential Oil of Thymus bornmuelleri Velen, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N. Kirimer, H. Malyer, J. Essent. Oil Res., 5(6) 691-692 (1993) .
64) The Essential Oil of Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum of Turkish Origin, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6(1) 31-36 (1994).
65) The Essential Oil of Cyclotrichium niveum (Boiss.) Manden et Scheng., K.H.C.Baser, S.Sarikardasoglu, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6(1) 9-12 (1994).
66) Composition of the Essential Oil of Thymus cilicicus Boiss. et Bal., G.Tumen, M.Koyuncu, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6 (1) 97-98 (1994).
67) Composition of the Essential Oils of Two Varieties of Thymus longicaulis C.Presl. subsp. chaubardii (Boiss. et Heldr. ex Reichb.fil.) Jalas, K.H.C.Baser, M.Koyuncu, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6(2) 207-209 (1994).
68)* Thyroid Hormone Enhancing Activity of Juglans regia L. in Mice, S.Aydin, Y.Ozturk, R.Arslan, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kurtar-Ozturk, Phytother. Res., 8, 308-310 (1994).
69) The Essential Oil of Echinophora tenuifolia L. subsp. sibthorpiana (Guss.) Tutin, K.H.C.Baser, F.Z.Erdemgil, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 6 (4) 399-400 (1994).
70) The Essential Oil of Sideritis hispida P.H.Davis, An Endemic Species from Turkey, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res.. 6 (4) 435-436 (1994).
71) Composition of the Essential Oil of Lagoecia cuminoides L. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, G. Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6(5) 545-546 (1994).
72) The Essential Oil of Origanum solymicum P.H.Davis, G.Tumen, N.Ermin, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6(5) 503-504 (1994).
73) Composition of the Essential Oil of Orthurus heterocarpus (Boiss.) Juz., B.Sener, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6 (4) 349-351 (1994).
74) The Composition of Essential Oils from Two Varieties of Thymbra spicata L., G.Tumen, N.Ermin, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6 (5) 463-468 (1994).
75) Quantitative Determination of Aescin- A Comparative Study of HPLC and TLC- Densitometry, O.M.Kockar, M.Kara, S.Kara, B.Bozan, K.H.C.Baser, Fitoterapia, (5) 439-443 (1994).
76)* The Essential Oil Composition of Dictamnus albus from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kosar, H.Malyer, T.Ozek, Planta Med., 60 (5) 481-482 (1994).
77) Essential Oils of Labiatae from Turkey-Recent Results, K.H.C.Baser, Lamiales Newsletter, (3) 6-11 (1994).
78) Composition of the Essential Oil of Nepeta caesarea Boiss. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6, 645-646 (1994).
79) The Essential Oil of Origanum hypericifolium O.Schwarz et P.H.Davis, K.H.C.Baser, N.Ermin, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 6, 631-633 (1994).
80) The Essential Oil of Thymus syriacus Boiss., G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 6, 663-664 (1994).
81)* Endothelium-Dependent and Independent Effects of Garlic on Rat Aorta, Y.Ozturk, S.Aydin, M.Kosar, K.H.C.Baser, J. Ethnopharmacol., 44, 109 (1994).
82)* Alkaloids of Aconitum orientale, E.G.Milgrom, V.G. Plugar, U.A.Abdulllaev, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, B.T. Salimov, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 878-879 (1994), Chem. Nat. Comp., 30 (6) 774-775 (1994).
83)* Oreaconin – A New Alkaloid from Aconitum orientale, B.T.Salimov, E.G.Milgrom, U.A.Abdullaev, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin. 879-881 (1994), Chem. Nat. Comp., 30 (6) 776-777 (1994).
84) Composition of the Essential Oil of Ocimum basilicum L. Cultivated in Turkey, T.Ozek, S.H.Beis, B.Demircakmak, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 203-205 (1995).
85) Composition of the Essential Oil of Heracleum platytenium Boiss. from Turkey, M. Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, H.Malyer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 69-70 (1995).
86) Composition of the Essential Oil of Salvia cryptantha Montbret et Aucher ex Bentham from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, S.H.Beis, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 113-114 (1995).
87) The Essential Oil of Origanum saccatum P.H.Davis,G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 175-176 (1995).
88) The Essential Oil of Salvia caespitosa Montbret et Aucher ex Bentham, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, S.Sarikardasoglu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 229-230 (1995).
89) The Essential Oil of Origanum rotundifolium Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 7, 95-96 (1995).
90) Composition of the Essential Oil of Coridothymus capitatus (L.) Reichb. fil. from Turkey, T.Ozek, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 7, 309-312 (1995).
91) Composition of the Essential Oil from Viburnum orientale Pallas Leaves, A.Yuruker, İ.Calis, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 321-323 (1995).
92) The Composition of Cold-Pressed Bergamot Oil from Turkey. K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Tutas, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 341-342 (1995).
93) The Essential Oil of Thymus sipyleus subsp. sipyleus var. sipyleus, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, A.Akgul, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 411-413 (1995).
94) Constituents of the Essential Oil from the Hulls of Pistacia vera L., S.Kusmenoğlu, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 441-442 (1995).
95) The Essential Oil of Micromeria carminea P.H.Davis, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 457-458 (1995).
96)* Effects of Essential Oils from Certain Ziziphora Species on Swimming Performance in Mice, Y.Ozturk, S.Aydin, B.Tecik, K.H.C.Baser, Phytother. Res., 9, 225- 227 (1995).
97) Constituents of the Essential Oil of Achillea biebersteinii Afan, S.Kusmenoğlu, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Harmandar, Z.Gokalp, J.Essent. Oil Res. 7, 527-528 (1995).
98) Composition of the Essential Oil from Fruits of Scaligeria lazica Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, A.Guner, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 557-558 (1995).
99) Composition of the Essential Oil of Nepeta viscida Boiss. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 569-570 (1995).
100) The Essential Oil of Thymus thracicus Velen var. longidens (Velen) Jalas., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 661-662 (1995).
101) The Essential Oil of Sideritis amasiaca Bornm., G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, N.Ermin, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 699-700 (1995).
102) Composition of the Essential Oil of Calamintha incana (Sm.) Boiss. from Turkey, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demircakmak, J.Essent. Oil Res. 7, 679-680 (1995).
103)* Carvacrol Rich Plants in Turkey, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, Khim. Prir. Soedin. 49-54 (1995). Chem. Nat. Comp., 31, 37-41 (1995).
104)* The Essential Oil of Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani A.Rich): Recent Results, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 23-29 (1995). Chem. Nat. Comp., 31, 16-20 (1995).
105)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Thymus Species Growing in Turkey, G.Tumen, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 55-60 (1995). Chem. Nat. Comp., 31, 42-46 (1995).
106) A New Naphthaquinone from Roots of Arnebia densiflora (Nordm.) Ledeb., N.Kirimer, B.Bozan, K.H.C.Baser, Fitoterapia, 66, 6, 499-500 (1995)
107)* Effects of Extracts from Certain Sideritis species on Swimming Performance in Mice, Y.Ozturk, S.Aydin, N.Ozturk, K.H.C.Baser, Phytother. Res., 10, 70-73 (1996).
108) Composition of the Essential Oil of Thymus eigii (M.Zohary et P.H.Davis) Jalas from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, E.Sezik, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8, 85-86 (1996).
109) The Essential Oil of Satureja spicigera (C.Koch) Boiss. from Turkey, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent.Oil Res., 8, 57-58 (1996).
110) The Essential Oil of Salvia syriaca L., K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, N.Ermin, J.Essent.Oil Res. , 8, 105-106 (1996).
111) The Essential Oil of Origanum laevigatum Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent.Oil Res., 8, 185-186 (1996).
112) The Essential Oil of Origanum micranthum Vogel, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent.Oil Res., 8, 203-204 (1996).
113) The Essential Oil of Origanum bilgeri P.H.Davis, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent.Oil Res., 8, 217-218 (1996).
114) Composition of the Essential Oil of Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindl., K.H.C.Baser, N.Ermin, N.Adiguzel, Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res. 8, 297-298 (1996)
115) The Essential Oil of Tagetes minuta L. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, H.Malyer, J.Essent. Oil Res. 8, 337-338 (1996)
116) The Composition of Essential Oils from Three Varieties of Thymus praecox Opiz Growing in Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, N.Ermin, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res. 8, 319-321 (1996)
117)* Alkaloids of Berberis crataegina, M.Kosar, M.V.Teleneskar, I.Hamidov, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (1) 106-107 (1996). Chem. Nat. Comp., 32(1) 88-89 (1996)
118) Constituents of the Essential Oil of Ruta chalepensis L. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, S.H.Beis, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8, 413-414 (1996).
119) The Essential Oil of Echinophora chrysantha Freyn et Sinth., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demircakmak, A.Bicakci, H.Malyer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8– 433-434 (1996)
120) Composition of the Essential Oil of Wiedemannia orientalis Fish. et Mey. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, B.Demircakmak, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8, 543-544 (1996)
121) The Essential Oil of Cyclotrichium origanifolium (Labill.) Manden. et Scheng. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, J.Essent.Oil Res., 8, 569-570 (1996)
122)* Investigation of Origanum onites, Sideritis congesta and Satureja cuneifolia Essential Oils for Analgesic Activity, S.Aydin, Y.Ozturk, R.Beis, K.H.C.Baser, Phytother. Res., 10, 342-344 (1996)
123) The Essential Oil of Pimpinella aromatica Bieb. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, H.Duman, A.Guner, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8, 463-464 (1996)
124) Composition of the Essential Oil of Aloysia triphylla (L’Herit) Britton Grown in Turkey, T.Ozek, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8, 581-583 (1996)
125) Composition of the Essential Oil of Sideritis condensata Boiss. et Heldr., N.Kirimer, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr.J., 11, 315-320 (1996)
126) Essential Oil Composition of three Labiatae endemic to Turkey (Micromeria fruticosa (L.) Druce subsp. giresunica P.H.Davis., Sideritis lycia Boiss. et Heldr. and S. arguta Boiss. et Heldr.) K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, F.Karaer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8, 699-701 (1996)
127) The Essential Oils of Thymbra sintenisii Bornm. et Aznav subsp. isaurica P.H.Davis and Origanum leptocladum Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, N.Ermin, T.Ozek, B.Demircakmak, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent.Oil Res., 8, 675-676 (1996).
128) Essential Oils from Four Chemotypes of Thymus zygioides Griseb. var. lycaonicus (Celak) Roniger., K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, N.Ermin, M.Kurkcuoglu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8, 615-618 (1996).
129)* Effects of Hypericum calycinum L. Extract on the Central Nervous System in Mice, Y.Ozturk, S.Aydin, R.Beis, K.H.C.Baser, H.Berberoglu, Phytother. Res., 10, 700-702 (1996)
130)* An Ent-Kaurane Diterpene from Sideritis huber-morathii, K.H.C.Baser, M.L.Bondi, M.Bruno, N.Kirimer, F.Piozzi, G.Tumen, N.Vassallo, Phytochemistry, 43 (6), 1293-1295 (1996).
131)* Effects of Hypericum perforatum L. and Hypericum calycinum L. Extracts on the Central Nervous System in mice, Y.Ozturk, S.Aydin, R.Beis, K.H.C.Baser, H.Berberoglu, Phytomedicine, 3, 139-146 (1996).
132) The Essential Oil of Origanum acutidens (Hand.-Mazz.) Iestwaart, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 91-92 (1997).
133) Composition of the Essential Oil of Thymus subcollinus Klokov from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res. , 9, 105-106 (1997)
134) Composition of the Essential Oil of Allium macrochaetum Boiss. et Hausskn. subsp. macrochaetum from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kosar, M.Koyuncu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 126-126 (1997)
135) The Essential Oil of Thymus leucostomus Hausskn. et Velen. var. leucostomus, G.Tumen, N.Ermin, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 229-230 (1997)
136) The Essential Oil of Sideritis scardica Griseb. subsp. scardica, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 205-207 (1997)
137) Composition of the Essential Oil of Scandix australis L. subsp. grandiflora (L.) Thell., G.Tumen, K.H.C. Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 335-336, (1997)
138) The Essential Oil of Thymbra sintenisii Bornm. et Aznav. subsp. sintenisii, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Ermin, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 355-356, (1997)
139) The Essential Oils of Calamintha pamphylica Boiss. et Heldr. subsp. pamphylica and subsp. davisii (Quezel et Contandr.) Davis, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res. , 9, 371-373, (1997)
140)* Neo-clerodane Diterpenoids from Teucrium sandrasicum, la Torre, B.Rodriguez, M.Bruno, C.Fazio, K.H.C.Baser, H.Duman, Phytochemistry , 45 (8), 1653-1662, (1997)
141) The Essential Oils of Mediasia macrophylla (Regel et Schmalh.) Pimen. and Foeniculum vulgare Mill. from Uzbekistan, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, Kh.R. Nuriddinov, A.M. Nigmatullaev, K.Kh. Khadzimatov, Kh.N. Aripov, J. Essent. Oil Res., 9, 249-250 (1997)
142) Composition of The Essential Oils of Thymus atticus and Thymus roegneri from Turkey, G. Tumen, N. Kirimer, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 9, 473-474 (1997).
143) The Essential Oil of Mentha asiatica Boriss. from Uzbekistan, K.H.C. Baser, Kh.R. Nuriddinov, A.M. Nigmatullaev, Kh.N. Aripov, J. Essent. Oil Res., 9, 453-454 (1997).
144) Composition of The Essential Oil of Origanum tytthantum Gontsch. from Uzbekistan, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demircakmak, Kh.R. Nuriddinov, A.M. Nigmatullaev, Kh.N. Aripov, J. Essent. Oil Res., 9, 611-612 (1997).
145) Composition of The Essential Oil of Bunium persicum (Boiss.) B. Fedtsch. from Tajikistan, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, B.E. Abduganiev, U.A. Abdullaev, Kh.N. Aripov, J. Essent. Oil Res., 9, 597-598 (1997).
146) The Essential Oil of Salvia aytachii M.Vural et N.Adiguzel, K.H.C.Baser, H.Duman, M.Vural, N.Adiguzel, Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 489-490 (1997).
147) Composition of the Essential Oil of Micromeria dolichodontha P.H.Davis, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, H.Duman, Flavour Fragr.J., 12, 289-291 (1997).
148) Composition of the Essential Oil of three Teucrium species from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 545-549 (1997).
149)* Quantitative Determination of Napthaquinones of Arnebia densiflora (Nordm.) Ledeb. by an Improved High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method, B.Bozan, K.H.C.Baser, S.Kara, J.Chromatogr. A, 782, 133-136 (1997).
150) Composition of the Essential Oil of Laserpitium petrophilum Boiss. et Heldr., K.H.C.Baser, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 707-708 (1997).
151) Composition of the Essential Oil of Micromeria cremnophila Boiss. et Heldr. subsp. amana (Rech.fil.) P.H.Davis, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 725-726 (1997).
152) Composition of the Essential Oil of Schinus molle L. Grown in Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demircakmak, N.Ulker, S.H.Beis, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 693-696 (1997).
153)* Essential Oils of Some Artemisia species from Central Asia, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demircakmak, Kh.r.Nuriddinov, B.Yo.Abduganiev, Kh.N.Aripov, K.Kh.Khodzimatov, O.A.Nigmatullaev, E.D.Shamyanov, Khim. Prir. Soedin, 383-385 (1997). Chem. Nat. Comp., 33(3) 293-295 (1997).
154)* The Essential Oil of Perovskia angustifolia from Kyrgyzystan, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demircakmak, B.Yo.Abduganiev, Kh.R.Nuriddinov, Kh.N.Aripov, A.S.Doriev, Ch.Sh.Karataeva, Khim. Prir. Soedin, 386-387 (1997). Chem. Nat. Comp., 33(3) 296-298 (1997).
155)* The Essential Oil of Perovskia scrophulariifolia, Kh.R.Nuriddinov, K.Kh.Kodzimatov, Kh.N.Aripov, T.Ozek, B.Demircakmak, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin, 389-391 (1997). Chem. Nat. Comp., 33(3) 299-300 (1997).
156) Current Knowledge on the Wild Food and Non-Food Plants of Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, Cah.Options Mediterr., 23, 129-159 (1997).
157)* Antispasmodic and Spasmogenic Effects of Scolymus hispanicus and Taraxasteryl acetate on Isolated Ileum Preparations, N. Kirimer, Z. Tunalier, K.H.C. Baser, I. Cingi, Planta Med., 63, 556-558 (1997).
158) Composition of the Essential Oil of Morina persica L. Flowers, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 117-118 (1998).
159) Composition of the Essential Oils of Origanum boissieri Ietswaart and Origanum bargyli Mouterde, K.H.C.Baser, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 71-72 (1998) .
160) Pulegone-rich Oils of Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 1-8 (1998) .
161)* The Essential Oil of Satureja cuneifolia, G.Tumen, N.Kirimer, N.Ermin. K.H.C.Baser, Planta Med., 64, 81-83 (1998).
162) Composition of the Essential Oils of Nepeta sulfuriflora P.H.Davis, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 179-181(1998).
163) Composition of the Essential Oil of Origanum haussknechtii Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 227-228 (1998).
164) Composition of the Essential Oil of Thymus canoviridis Jalas, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 199-200 (1998).
165)* The Essential Oils of Satureja coerulea Janka and Thymus aznavourii Velen, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, N.Ermin, Flavour Fragr.J., 13, 65-67 (1998).
166)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Salvia euphratica Monbret et Aucher ex Bentham var. euphratica from Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, Z. Aytac, Flavour Fragr.J., 13, 63-64 (1998).
167) The Essential Oil of Nepeta flavida Hub.-Mor., K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, A.Altintas, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 299-300 (1998)
168) Composition of the Essential Oil of Nepeta cadmea Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, A.Altintas, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 327- 328 (1998).
169) The Essential oils of Six Echinophora species from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, H.Malyer, A.Bicakci, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 345-351 (1998).
170) Composition of the Essential Oil of Origanum husnucan-baseri H.Duman, Z.Aytac et A.Duran, A New Species from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, H.Duman, Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 419-421 (1998).
171) The Essential Oil of Bifora radians Bieb., K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, N.Ermin, F.Demirci, I.Boydag, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 451-452 (1998).
172) The Essential Oil of Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. (Chervil) Growing Wild in Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Ermin, B.Demircakmak, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 463-464 (1998).
173) The Essential Oils of Two New Satureja species for Turkey: S.pilosa and S.icarica, G.Tumen, N.Kirimer, N.Ermin, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 524-526 (1998).
174) Composition of the Essential Oil of Heracleum argaeum Boiss. et Bal., K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 561-562 (1998).
175) Composition of the Essential oil of Trinia glauca (L.) Dum., K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, M.Vural, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 593-594 (1998).
176)* Choleretic Activity of Gentiana lutea ssp. symphyandra in rats, N.Ozturk, T.Herekman-Demir, Y.Ozturk, B.Bozan, K.H.C.Baser, Phytomedicine, 5 (4), 283-288 (1998).
177)* Nepetalactone: A new opioid analgesic from Nepeta caesarea Boiss., S.Aydin, R.Beis, Y.Ozturk, K.H.C.Baser, J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 50, 813-817 (1998).
178) Composition of the Essential Oil of Ferulago trachycarpa (Fenzl) Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, M.Koyuncu, M.Vural, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 665-666 (1998).
179) Composition of the Essential Oil and the Headspace Sample of Mandragora autumnalis Bertol. Fruits, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, H.Erdogmus, J.Essent. Oil Res. , 10, 632-634 (1998).
180) Composition of the Essential Oil of Salvia cedronella Boiss. from Turkey, G. Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 713-715 (1998).
181) Wild Food and Nonfood Plants: Information Networking, Country Profile: Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, Cah. Options Mediterr. 38, 303-322 (1998).
182)* New Alkaloids from Bongardia chrysogonum, A.U.Rahman, D.Shahwar, Z.Parween, M.I.Choudhary, B.Sener, G.Toker, K.H.C.Baser, Nat.Prod.Lett., 12 (3) 161-173 (1998).
183)* Supercritical CO2 Extraction of Volatile Components from Leaves of Laurus nobilis L., T.Ozek, B.Bozan, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (6) 746-750 (1998).
184)* Comparison of Ascorbic and Citric Acid Contents in Rosa canina L. Fruits Growing in Central Asian region, B.Bozan, B.T.Sagdullaev, M.Kosar, Kh.N.Aripov, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (6) 768-771 (1998).
185)* Effects of secoiridoid compounds, gentiopicroside, swertiamarine and sweroside, on cultured chicken embryonic fibroblasts N. Ozturk, S. Korkmaz, S. Aydin, Y. Ozturk, K.H.C. Baser Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology 358 (1) P5242 Suppl. 2 1998
186)* Analgesic effects of Nepeta italica L.: Evidence for a new opioid compound; 1,8-cineole, S. Aydin, T. Demir, Y. Ozturk, K.H.C. Baser, Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology, 358 (1): R77-R77 P35199 Suppl. 1, 1998
187)* Composition of Essential Oils from Two Endemic Sideritis species of Turkey, N.Kirimer, N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (1) 76-80 (1999). Chem. Nat. Comp., 35, 61-64 (1999)
188)* Alkaloids of Bongardia chrysogonum, Atta-ur-Rahman, D.Shahwar, M.I.Choudhary, B.Sener, G.Toker, K.H.C.Baser, Phytochemistry, 50, 333-6 (1999).
189) Composition of the Essential Oil of Nepeta trachonitica Post from Turkey, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, B.Yildiz, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 21-22 (1999).
190) Composition of the Essential Oil of Teucrium antitauricum, T.Ekim, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, H.Duman, Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 61-62 (1999).
191) Composition of the Essential Oil of Thymus pseudopulegioides Klokov et Des.-Shost from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, N.Ermin, G.Tumen, H.Malyer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 86-88 (1999).
192)* Study of the Essential Oil Composition of Two species of Abies cilicica (Ant. et Kotschy) Carr. from Turkey, E.Bagci, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Babac, S.Celik, Flavour Fragr. J., 14, 47-49 (1999).
193)* Essential Oils of Acinos troodi (Post) Leblebici subsp. vardaranus Leblebici and subsp. grandiflorus Hartvig et Strid, A.Kaya, K.H.C.Baser, F.Koca, Flavour Fragr. J., 14, 50-54 (1999).
194)* The Essential Oil of Acinos alpinus (L.) Moench growing in Turkey, A.Kaya, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, F.Koca, Flavour Fragr. J., 14, 55-59 (1999).
195)* Analgesic activity of Nepeta italica L., S.Aydin, T.Demir, Y.Ozturk, K.H.C.Baser, Phytother. Res. , 13 (1) 20-23 (1999).
196)* The Essential Oil of Acinos suaveolens (Sm.) G.Don fil, Acinos arvensis (Lam.) Dandy and Acinos rotundifolius Pers. Moench growing in Turkey, A.Kaya, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, F.Koca, Flavour Fragr.J., 14, 60-64 (1999).
197) Steam Volatiles of the Fruits of Prangos bornmuelleri Hub.-Mor. et Reese, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, H. Duman, J.Essent.Oil Res., 11, 151-152 (1999).
198) The Composition of Essential Oils from Two Varieties of Ajuga chamaepitys subsp. chia from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, Z.Erdemgil, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, J.Essent.Oil Res., 11, 203-205 (1999).
199) Essential oils of Thymus striatus Vahl. var. interruptus Jalas from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent.Oil Res., 11, 253-256 (1999).
200) Composition of the Essential Oil of Marrubium parviflorum Fisch. et Mey. subsp. oligodon (Boiss.) Seybold., Y.Bal, S.Kaban, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent.Oil Res., 11, 300-302 (1999).
201) Composition of the Essential oils of Thymus pectinatus Fisch. et Mey. var.pectinatus at Different stages of Vegetation, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 333-334 (1999).
202)Composition of Essential Oils from Tilia L. species growing in Turkey, G.Toker, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 369-374 (1999).
203) Industrial Utilization of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, K.H.C.Baser, Acta Hort., 503, 177-192 (1999).
204) The Essential Oils of Thymus zygioides Griseb. var. zygioides from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 409-410 (1999).
205) The Essential Oil of Pimpinella anisetum Boiss. et Bal., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Tabanca, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 445-446 (1999).
206) Composition of Essential Oil of Thymus fallax Fisch. et Mey. from Turkey, G.Tumen, B.Yildiz, N.Kirimer, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res. 11, 489-490 (1999).
207) Quantitative Determination of Naphthoquinones of Arnebia densiflora by TLC-Densitometry, B.Bozan, K.H.C.Baser, S.Kara, Fitoterapia, 79, 402-406 (1999).
208) Essential Oils of Mentha species from Northern Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tarımcılar, G.Kaynak, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 579-588 (1999).
209)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Plumeria obtusa L., A.S.Kamariah, L.B.L.Lim, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, Flavour Fragr.J., 14, 237-240 (1999).
210)The Essential Oil of Cymbocarpum wiedemannii Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Vural, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 679-680 (1999).
211)Composition of the Essential Oils of Thymus leucostomus Hausskn. et Velen var. gypsaceus Jalas and Thymus pubescens Boiss. et Kotschy ex Celak var. cratericola Jalas, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, B.Yildiz, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 776-778 (1999).
212)* The Quantitative Determination of Some Phenolic Acids in Delphinium formosum by HPLC, N.Durust, B.Bozan, S.Ozden, Y.Durust, K.H.C.Baser, Analytical Letters, 32 (14), 2841-2849(1999).
213)* The Analysis of Essential Oil and Headspace Volatiles of the Flowers of Pelargonium endlicherianum Fenzl. used as an Anthelmintic in Folk Medicine, B.Bozan, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Planta Med., 65, 781-782 (1999).
214)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Four Endemic Sideritis Species from Turkey, N.Kirimer, N.Tabanca, G.Tumen, H.Duman, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 14, 421-425 (1999).
215)* Essential Oil and Lipids from the Cone Berries of Juniperus seravschanica, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, S.D.Gusakova, Sh.Sh.Sagdullaev, I.I.Maltzev, Kh.N.Aripov, Khim.Prir.Soedin, 445-448 (1999). Chem.Nat.Comp. 35, 399-400 (1999).
216)* Isomers of Palmitoleic Acid in Lipids and Volatile Substances from the Fruits of Ziziphus jujuba, S.D.Gusakova, Sh.Sh.Sagdullaev, Kh.N.Aripov, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, Khim.Prir.Soedin, 449-451 (1999). Chem. Nat. Comp., 35, 401-403 (1999)
217)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Nepeta fissa C.A.Meyer, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Yildiz, Z.Bahcecioglu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 27-28 (2000).
218)* The Essential Oil of Seseli campestre Besser, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 105-107 (2000).
219)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Chaerophyllum aksekiense A.Duran et Duman, A Recently Described Endemic from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, A.Duran, H.Duman, Flavour Fragr. J., 15, 43-44 (2000).
220)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Glaucosciadium cordifolium (Boiss.) Burtt. et Davis from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, H.Duman, Flavour Fragr. J., 15, 45-46 (2000).
221)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Prangos heyniae H.Duman et M.F.Watson, A New Endemic from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, H.Duman, Flavour Fragr. J., 15, 47-49 (2000).
222)* Triterpenoid Saponins from Bongardia chrysogonum, Atta-ur-Rahman, D.Shahwar, M.I.Choudhary, B.Sener, F.Toker, K.H.C.Baser, J.Nat.Prod., 63, 251-253 (2000).
223)* Diversity and Antifeedant activity of Diterpenes from Turkish Species of Sideritis, M.L.Bondi, M.Bruno, F.Piozzi, K.H.C.Baser, M.S.J.Simmonds, Biochem. Sys. Ecol., 28, 299-303 (2000)
224)* Testing the Wound Healing Activity in T15 Fibroblast Culture: A Morphometric Analysis, S.Korkmaz, H.Zeytinoglu, M.Zeytinoglu, S.Aydin, Y.Ozturk, K.H.C.Baser, ATLA, 28, 41-51 (2000).
225)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Echinophora lamondiana B.Yildiz et Z.Bahcecioglu, K.H.C.Baser, A.Bicakci, H.Malyer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 147-148 (2000).
226)* The Essential Oil of Hippomarathrum boissieri Reuter et Hausskn., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 231-232 (2000).
227)* Essential Oils of Annual Sideritis Species growing in Turkey, N.Kirimer, N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, Pharmaceutical Biology, 38, 106-111 (2000).
228)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Achillea phrygia Ball, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, R.Kaiser, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 327-329 (2000)
229)* Essential Oil Composition of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. from Mozambique, F.P.Pagula, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 333-335 (2000).
230)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Heracleum paphlagonicum Czeczott, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, N.Adiguzel, Z.Aytac, D.Joulain, R.Laurent, J.Essent. Oil Res. 12, 385-386 (2000).
231)* Betulenols from Betula Species, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, F.Demirci, Planta Med., 66, 490-493 (2000).
232)* New Caryophyllene Derivatives from Betula litwinowii, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, F.Demirci, M.T. Hamann, J.Nat.Prod., 63, 902-904 (2000).
233)* Essential Oil of Crithmum maritimum L. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, Y.Saritas, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 424-426 (2000).
234)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Origanum x adanense Baser et Duman, K.H.C.Baser, H.Duman and Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 475-477 (2000).
235)* The Chemical Composition of Turkish Myrtle Oil, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 541-544 (2000).
236)* The Chemical Composition of Santolina chamaecyparissus L. Essential Oil, B.Demirci, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 625-627 (2000).
237)* A New Bisabolene Derivative from the Essential Oil of Prangos uechtritzii Boiss. et Hausskn. Fruits, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, E.Bedir, P.Weyerstahl, H.Marschall, H.Duman, Z.Aytac, M.T.Hamann, Planta Med., 66, 674-677 (2000).
238)* Antifungal Activities and Essential Oil Constituents of Some Spices from Pakistan, Atta-ur-Rahman, M.I.Choudhary, A.Farooq, A.Ahmed, M.Z.Iqbal, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, J.Chem.Soc.Pak., 22, 60-65 (2000).
239)* Lipids and Essential oil of Origanum onites L., N.Azcan, M.Kara, D.T.Asilbekova, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (2)106-109 (2000). Chem. Nat. Comp., 36(2) 132-136 (2000)
240)* Lipids of Origanum tytthanthum Gontsch, D.T.Asilbekova, A.I.Glushenkova, N.Azcan, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (2) 100-102 (2000).
241)* Alkaloids of Thalictrum orientale Growing in Turkey, F.Z.Erdemgil, M.V.Telejenetsekaya, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (2) 177 (2000).
242)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Origanum floribundum Munby from Algeria, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, Z.Houmani, L.Abed, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 753-756 (2000).
243)* Steam Volatiles of Lallemantia peltata Fisch. et Mey. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 689-690 (2000).
244)* Essential Oils of Nepeta Species Growing in Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, Khim.Prir.Soedin, (4) 291-293 (2000). Chem.Nat.Comp., 36, 356-359 (2000).
245)* The Composition and Antifungal Bioassay of the Essential Oils of Different Betula Species Growing in Turkey, F.Demirci, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, K.Guven, Khim. Prir. Soedin, (2) 126-130 (2000). Chem.Nat.Comp. 36, 159 (2000)
246)* The Production of Essential Oil from Cumin Seeds, S.H.Beis, N.Azcan, T.Ozek, M.Kara, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin, (3) 214-216 (2000).
247)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Zosima absinthifolia (Vent.) Link and Ferula elaeochytris Krovin from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, M.Kurkcuoglu, Z.Aytac, H.Duman, Flavour Fragr. J., 15, 371-372 (2000).
248)* Essential Oil Constituents of the Spice Cinnamomum tamala (Ham.) Nees et Eberm., A.Ahmed. M.Z.Iqbal, Atta-ur-Rahman, M.I.Choudhary, A.M.Khan, A.Farooq, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 15, 388-390 (2000).
249)* Antimicrobial Activities of Ferulago Essential Oils, F.Demirci, G.Iscan, K.Guven, N.Kirimer, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Z. Naturforshung C, 55, 886-889 (2000).
250)* Effects of Berberine on C6 glioma and NIH3T3 fibroblast cell lines, S.Korkmaz, M.Kosar, K.H.C.Baser, Phytomedicine, 7 (Suppl.II), 123 (2000).
251)* The inhibition of DNA synthesis by carvacrol in mouse myoblast cells bearing a human N-Ras oncogene, H. Zeytinoglu, Z. Incesu, K.H.C. Baser, Phytomedicine, 7 (Suppl.II), 123 (2000).
252)* Composition of the Essential oil of Nepeta betonicifolia C.A.Meyer from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 13, 35-36 (2001).
253)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Tanacetum armenum (DC.) Schultz Bip, Tanacetum balsamita L., Tanacetum chiliophylum (Fisch. et Mey.) Schultz Bip. var. chiliophylum and Tanacetum haradjani (Rech. Fil.) Grierson and the Enantiometric Distribution of Camphor and Carvone, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, N.Goren, Flavour Fragr. J., 16, 195-200 (2001).
254)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Tanacetum species from Turkey, N.Goren, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 16, 191-194 (2001).
255)* Screening of Biotransformation Products of Carvone Enantiomers by Headspace-SPME/GC-MS, F.Demirci, N.Kirimer, B.Demirci, Y.Noma, K.H.C.Baser, Z. Naturforsch. C., 56, 58-64 (2001).
256)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Ferulago asparagifolia Boiss. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 13, 134-135 (2001).
257)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Sideritis congesta P.H.Davis et Hub.-Mor., N.Kirimer, N.Tabanca, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 13, 132-133 (2001).
258)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Xanthogalum purpurascens Lallem., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 13, 206-207 (2001).
259)* The Essential Oils of Aframomum corrorima (Braun) Jansen and Aframomum angustifolium K.Schum. from Africa, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 13, 208-209 (2001).
260)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Achillea goniocephala Boiss. et Bal. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, H.Duman, Z.Aytac, N.Adiguzel, J.Essent. Oil Res., 13, 219-220 (2001).
261)* Essential Oil Composition of Sea Fennel (Crithmum maritimum) form Turkey, M.Ozcan, A.Akgul, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Tabanca, Nahrung/Food, 45, 353-356 (2001).
262)* Composition and Antibacterial Activity of the Essential Oils of Satureja wiedemanniana (Lallem.) Velen, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, N.Tabanca, F.Demirci, Z. Naturforsch. C., 56c, 731-738 (2001).
263)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oils of Micromeria cristata subsp. phrygia and the Enantiomeric Distribution of Borneol, N.Tabanca, N.Kirimer, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, J. Agr.Food Chem. 49(9) 4300-4303 (2001)
264)* Alkaloids of Thalictrum orientale, F.Z.Erdemgil, M.V.Telezhenetskaya, M.G.Levkovich, N.D.Abdullaev, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (3), 251-252 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(3) 253-255 (2001).
265)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Two Endemic Species from Turkey: Achillea lycaonica Boiss. et Heldr. and Achillea ketenoglui H. Duman, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, H. Duman, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 209-214 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37, 3, 245-252 (2001).
266)* Seed Oils of Fifteen Ebenus Taxa Growing in Turkey, N.Azcan, S.Saricoban, B.Demirci, Z.Aytac, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 215-217 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(3) 253-255 (2001).
267)* The Essential Oil of a New Sideritis Species: Sideritis ozturkii Aytac et Aksoy, N.Kirimer, N.Tabanca, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, H.Duman, Z.Aytac, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 201-203 (2001).Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(3) 234-237 (2001).
268)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Origanum x dolichosiphon P.H.Davis, N.Tabanca, F.Demirci, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (3) 204-206 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(3) 238-241 (2001).
269)* Antibacterial Activity and Chemical Composition of Propolis, N.Keskin, S.Hazir, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, Z. Naturforsch. C., 56c, 112-1115 (2001).
270)* The Composition of the Essential Oil of Stachys iberica subsp. stenostachya Growing in Turkey, A.Kaya, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (4) 278-279 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(4) 326-328 (2001).
271)* Fatty Acid Composition of Sideritis Species, A.Ertan, N.Azcan, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (4) 259-261 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(4) 301-303 (2001).
272)* Essential Oil and Antimicrobial Evaluation of the Pistacia eurycarpa, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, I.Calis, E.Gokhan, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (4) 282-284 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(4) 332-335 (2001).
273)* Microdistilation as a Useful Tool for the Analysis of Minute Amounts of Aromatic Plant Materials, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, N.Kirimer, I.C.Hedge, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (4), 285-286 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp., 37 (4), 336-338 (2001).
274)* Essential Oil of Ajuga bombycina from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, F.Z.Erdemgil, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (3), 207-208 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37 (3) 242-244 (2001).
275) Turkisches Rosenöl, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, Forum für Aromaterapiae und Aromapflege, (20) 26 (2001).
276)* Chemical Investigations on Some Hypericum L. Species Growing in Turkey-I, S.Erken, H.Malyer, F.Demirci, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (5) 370-373 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(5) 434-438 (2001).
277)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Haplophyllum myrtifolium, H.Saglam, T.Gozler, B.Kivcak, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (5) 374-375 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp.37(5) 439-441 (2001).
278)* Volatile Compounds from Haplophyllum myrtifolium, H.Saglam, T.Gozler, B.Kivcak, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (5) 376-378 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37 (5) 442-444 (2001).
279)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Arbutus unedo L., B.Kivcak, T.Mert, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin.,(5) 379-380 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37 (5) 445-446 (2001).
280)* Essential Oil Composition of Three Species of Achillea Kazakhstan, Ye. M. Suleimenov, G.A.Atazhanova, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, A.T.Kulyyasov, S.M.Adekenov, K.H:C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (5) 381-384 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(5) 447-450 (2001).
281)* The Composition of Essential Oils from Two Varieties of Sideritis erythrantha: var. erythrantha and var. cedretorum, N.Tabanca, N.Kirimer and K.H.C.Baser, Turk J.Chem. 25, 201-208 (2001).
282)* Essential Oil Constituents of Satureja boissieri Hausskn. ex Boiss. From Turkey, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(4) 329-331 (2001).
283)* The Composition of Essential Oils from Various Parts of Juniperus foetidissima Willd., Z.Tunalier, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Chem.Nat.Comp. 38(1) 43-47 (2002).
284)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Salvia aramiensis Rech. Fil. Growing in Turkey, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, Flavour Fragr. J., 17, 23-25 (2002).
285)* The Essential Oils of Thymus migricus and T. fedschenkoi var. handelii from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, N.Kirimer, F.Satil, G.Tumen, Flavour Fragr. J., 17, 41-45 (2002).
286)* Enantiomeric Distribution of Some Monoterpenes in the Essential Oils of some Salvia species, B.Demirci, N.Tabanca, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 17, 54-58 (2002).
287)* Compositions of the Essential Oils of Four Helichrysum species from Madagascar, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, N.Kirimer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 14, 53-55 (2002).
288)* Biotransformation of (-)-alpha-pinene by Botrytis cinerea, A.Farooq, S.Tahara, M.I.Choudhary, Atta-ur-Rahman, Z.Ahmed, K.H.C.Baser, F.Demirci, Z. Naturforsch. C., 57c, 303-306 (2002).
289)* Aromatic Biodiversity Among the Flowering plant taxa of Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, Pure Appl.Chem., 74 (4) 527-545 (2002)
290)* Comparative Study of the Essential Oils of Heracleum sphondyllium ssp. ternatum obtained by Micro- and Hydrodistillation Methods, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Chem.Nat.Comp. 38(1) 48-50 (2002).
291)* Essential Oil of Arischrada korolkowii from the Chatkal Mountains of Uzbekistan, K.H.C.Baser, H.R.Nuriddinov, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, N.Azcan, A.M.Nigmatullaev, Chem.Nat.Comp. 38(1) 51-53 (2002)
292)* Essential Oils of Two Hypericum Species from Uzbekistan, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, H.R.Nuriddinov, B.Demirci, Chem.Nat.Comp. 38(1) 54-57 (2002)
293)* Antimicrobial Screening on Mentha piperita Essential Oils, G.Iscan, N.Kirimer, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, F.Demirci, J. Agr.Food Chem., 50, 3943-3946 (2002).
294)* Ferulagone: A New Monoterpene Ester from Ferulago thirkeana Essential Oil, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, T.Hashimoto, Y.Asakawa, Y.Noma, Planta Med., 68, 564-567 (2002).
295)* Composition of Essential Oils from Two Varieties of Salvia aucheri Bentham Growing in Turkey, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 14, 241-242 (2002).
296)* Book Review: Bioassay Techniques for Drug Development, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, J.Nat.Prod., 65 (7), 1086-1087 (2002).
297)* Composition of the Microdistilled Essential Oils of Tordylium apulum L. and T. pustulosum Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, T.Ozek, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 14, 353-354 (2002).
298)* The Microbiological Oxidation of (-)-beta-Pinene by Different Fungi, A.Farooq, M.I.Choudhary, S.Tahara, Atta-ur-Rahman, K.H.C.Baser, F.Demirci, Z. Naturforsch. C., 686-690 (2002).
299)* Antimicrobial Activity of Some Satureja Essential Oils, D.Azaz, F.Demirci, F.Satil, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, Z. Naturforsch. C., 817-821 (2002).
300)* Detoxification of Terpinolene by Plant Pathogenic Fungus Botrytis cinerea, A.Farooq, I. Choudhary, Atta-ur-Rahman, S.Tahara, K.H.C.Baser, F.Demirci, Z. Naturforsch. C., 863-866 (2002).
301)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Achillea multifida (DC.) Boiss, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, S.Kocak, C.Akinci, H.Malyer, G.Guleryuz, Planta Med. 68, 941-943 (2002).
302)* Antioxidant and Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Eight Salvia Species, B.Bozan, N.Ozturk, M.Kosar, Z.Tunalier, K.H.C.Baser, Chem.Nat.Comp. 38 (2) 198-200 (2002)
303)* The Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of the Resurrection Plant Myrothamnus flabellifolius, A.M.Viljoen, M.E.Klesper, E.J.Ernst, D.Keele, E.Roling, S. van Vuuren, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, B.E. van Wyk, S.Afr.J.Bot., 68 (1) 100-105 (2002).
304)* The Essential Oil Composition of the Roots and Rhizomes of Siphonochilus aethiopicus, A.M.Viljoen, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, B.E. van Wyk, S. Afr. J. Bot., 68(1) 115-116 (2002).
305)* Comparative morphological, anatomical, ecological and chemical studies on Endemic Saturaja parnassica subsp. sipylea from Turkey, F.Satil, G.Tumen, A.Akcelik, K.H.C.Baser, Acta Bot. Croat., 61, 2, 207-220 (2002)
306)* Effects of Gentiana lutea ssp. symphyandra on the Central Nervous System in Mice, N.Ozturk, K.H.C.Baser, S.Aydin, Y.Ozturk, I.Calis, Phytotheraphy Res. 16, 627-631 (2002)
307)* A Comparative study on the antiinflammatory, antinociceptive and antipyretic effects of isoquinoline alkaloids from the roots of Turkish Berberis species, E.Kupeli, M.Kosar, E.Yesilada, K.H.C.Baser, Life Sciences, 72, 645-657(2002).
308)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Ononis viscosa L. subsp. breviflora (DC.) Nyman, F.Z.Erdemgil, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 38 (6) 565-567 (2002).
309)* Micro-distilled Volatile Compounds from Ferulago Species Growing in Western Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, T.Ozek, E.Akalin, N.Ozhatay, Pharm. Biol., 40(6) 466-471 (2002).
310)* Composition of the Essential Oils From Five Endemic Sideritis species, N.Kirimer, N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 15, 221-225 (2003).
311)* Antioxidant and Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Rhus coriaria and Cinnamomum cassia Extracts, B.Bozan, M.Kosar, Z.Tunalier, N.Ozturk, K.H.C.Baser, Acta Aliment. Hung., 32(1) 53-61 (2003).
312)* The Essential Oil of Seseli tortuosum L. Growing in Turkey, A Kaya, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 18, 159-161 (2003).
313)* Essential oils of boswellia, myrrh and opopanax, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, A.Dekebo, E.Dagne, Flavour Fragr. J., 18, 153-156 (2003).
314)* Wood Essential Oils of Juniperus foetidissima Willd., Z.Tunalier, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Holzforschung, 57, 140-144 (2003).
315)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, A.A.Donmez, Flavour Fragr. J., 18, 122-123 (2003).
316)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Six Endemic Salvia Species from Turkey, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, B.Yildiz, Z.Bahcecioglu, Flavour Fragr. J., 18, 116-121 (2003).
317)* Essential Oils from Buds of Betula Species growing in Turkey, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 18, 87-90 (2003).
318)* Composition of the essential oil of Cotinus coggygria Scop.from Turkey, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 18, 43-44 (2003).
319) Turkish rose oil: Recent results. K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, T. Ozek, Perf. Flavour, 28(2) 34-42 (2003).
320)* The essential oil of Origanum syriacum L. var. sinaicum, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, T.Ozek, Flavour Fragr. J., 18, 98-99 (2003).
321)* The essential oil of Achillea falcata, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J. 18, 192–194 (2003).
322)* Studies on Turkish Rose Concrete, Absolute and Hydrosol, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir. Soedin., (5) 375-379 (2003). Chem. Nat. Comp., 39(5) 457-464 (2003).
323)* The Isolation of Some Soluble and Dispersed Materials of Oregano Water, I.Boydag, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 39(5) 465-469 (2003).
324)* Compositions of Volatiles Obtained from Spices by Microdistillation, N.Sargın, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat.Comp. 39(4) 355-357 (2003).
325)* The Bioactive Essential Oils of Heracleum sphondylium L. subsp. ternatum (Velen.) Brummitt, G.Iscan, F.Demirci, M.Kurkcuoglu, M.Kivanc, K.H.C.Baser, Z. Naturforsch. C., 58c, 195-200 (2003).
326)* Osmitopsis asteriscoides (Asteraceae) – The antimicrobial activity and essential oil composition of a Cape-Dutch remedy. A. Viljoen, S. van Vuuren, E. Ernst, M. Klebser, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, B.-E. van Wyk, J. Ethnopharmacol., 88 (2-3) 137-143 (2003).
327) Olymposciadium caespitosum (Umbelliferae): A monotypic endemic species from Turkey. A. Kaya, K.H.C. Baser, Flora Mediterranea, 12, 377-387 (2003).
328)* Inhibition of DNA synthesis by carvacrol in mouse myoblast cells bearing a human N-ras oncogene. H. Zeytinoglu, Z. Incesu, K.H.C. Baser, Phytomedicine, 10(4) 292-299 (2003).
329)* Glandular Trichomes and Essential oils of Salvia glutinosa L., A. Kaya, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, S. Afr. J. Bot., 69, 422–427 (2003).
330)* An Improved On-Line HPLC-DPPH Method for the Screening of Free Radical Scavenging Compounds in Water Extracts of Lamiaceae Plants, M. Kosar, H.J.D. Dorman, R. Hiltunen, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 39(2) 161-166 (2003).
331)* Thalictroside: A new phenolic compound from Thalictrum orientale. F.Z. Erdemgil, K.H.C. Baser, P. Akbay, O. Sticher, I. Calis, Z. Naturforsch. C., 58 (9/10) 632-636 (2003).
332)* Antimicrobial Compounds from Pimpinella Species Growing in Turkey, N. Tabanca, E. Bedir, N. Kirimer, K. H. C. Baser, S. I. Khan, M. R. Jacob and I. A. Khan, Planta Medica, 933-938 (2003).
333)* The Glycosidically Bound Volatile Compounds of Taxus baccata, N. Erdemoglu, B. Sener, B. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 39(2) 195-198 (2003).
334)* Fatty acid composition of pistachio nuts in Turkey, F. Satil, N. Azcan, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 39(4) 322-324 (2003).
335)* Analysis of the Volatile Components of Five Turkish Rhododendron Species by Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction and GC-MS (HS-SPME-GC-MS), D. Tasdemir, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, A.A. Donmez, K. H. C. Baser, P.Ruedi, Z. Naturforsch. 58c, 797-803 (2003).
336)* Determination of the Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Lycium Extracts, M. Kosar, A. Altintas, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (6) 439-442 (2003). Chem.Nat.Comp., 39(6) 531-535 (2003).
337)* Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Phlomis linearis Boiss. & Bal., and Biological Effects on the CAM-Assay: A Safety Evaluation, B. Demirci, M. Y. Dadandi, D.H. Paper, G. Franz, K. H. C. Baser, Z. Naturforsch. 58c, 826-829 (2003).
338)* Determination of Aroma Compounds in Blackberry by GC/MS Analysis, N.Turemis, E.Kafkas, M.Kurkcuoglu, S.Kafkas, K.H.C.Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 39, 174-176 (2003)
339)* Anticandidal activity of three Heracleum essential oils, G. Iscan, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 40(6) 544-547 (2004).
340)* In vitro biological activity and essential oil composition of four indigenous South African Helichrysum species, A.C.U. Lourens, D.Reddy, K.H.C. Baser, A.M. Viljoen, S.F. Van Vuuren, J. Ethnopharmacol., 95, 253-258 (2004).
341)* Chemical Composition of Essential Oils from Leaves and Twigs of Pistacia lentiscus, Pistacia lentiscus var. chia, and Pistacia terebinthus from Turkey, B. Kivcak, S. Akay, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Pharmaceutical Biology, 42 (4–5) 360–366 (2004)
342)* A Comparative Study of the Essential oils of Wild and Cultivated Satureja hortensis, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Kirimer. G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16(5) 422-424 (2004).
343)* Composition of the Microdistilled Essential Oils of Cachrys alpina Bieb., K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, E.Akalin, N.Ozhatay, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16, 167-168 (2004).
344)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Satureja spinosa L., N.Tabanca, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16, 127-128 (2004).
345)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Achillea sieheana Stapf and the Enantiomeric Distribution of Camphor, N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, M.Vural, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16, 180-181 (2004).
346)* Comparison of the Essential Oils of Origanum majorana L. and Origanum x majoricum Cambess., N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16, 248-252 (2004).
347)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Marrubium bourgaei subsp. caricum P.H.Davis, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16, 133-134 (2004).
348)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Galium aparine L. and G. odoratum (L.) Scop. From Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Kirimer, D.Deliorman, F.Ergun, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16(4) 305-307 (2004).
349)* A Potential New Source of Cedarwood Oil: Juniperus foetidissima Willd., Z.Tunalier, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16, 233-235 (2004).
350)* The Volatiles of Fresh Cut Osyris alba L. Flowers, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 19(1) 72-73 (2004).
351)* Book Review: Spice Crops, K.H.C. Baser, J. Sci. Food Agric., 83, 390 (2004)
352)* Estrogenic activity of isolated compounds and essential oils of Pimpinella species from Turkey, evaluated using a recombinant yeast screen, N.Tabanca, S.I.Khan, E.Bedir, S.Annavarapu, K.Willet, I.A.Khan, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Planta Medica, 70, 728-735 (2004)
353)* Investigation of the Origanum onites L. Essential Oil Using the Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) Assay, F. Demirci, D. H. Paper, G. Franz, K.H.C. Baser, J. Agric.Food Chem. 52(2) 251 – 254 (2004).
354)* Fatty acids in the seeds of Origanum onites L. and Origanum vulgare L., N. Azcan, M. Kara, B. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, Lipids, 39(5) 487-489 (2004)
355)* Essential Oils of Sideritis Species of Turkey Belonging to Section Empedoclia, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, H.Duman, Chem. Nat. Comp., 40(1) 19-23 (2004).
356)* New sesquiterpenoid-type bicyclic compounds from the buds of Betula pubescens. Ring-contracted products of beta-caryophyllene?, K. D. Klika, B. Demirci, J.-P. Salminen, V.V. Ovcharenko, S. Vuorela, K. H. C. Baser, K. Pihlaja, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2627-2635 (2004)
357)* Phenolic composition of some strawberry genotypes at different maturation stages, M.Kosar, E. Kafkas, S. Paydas, K.H.C. Baser, J. Agric. Food Chem., 52 (6) 1586-1589 (2004)
358)* Volatile flavour components of mandarin wine obtained from clementines (Citrus reticula Blanco) extracted by solid-phase microextraction, S. Selli, M. Kurkcuoglu, E. Kafkas, T. Cabaroglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, A. Canbas, Flavour Fragr. J., 19(4) 413-416 (2004).
359)* Composition and the in vitro Antimicrobial Activities of the Essential Oils of some Thymus Species, A. D. Azaz, H. A. Irtem, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C.Baser, Z. Naturforsch. 59c, 75-80 (2004).
360)* Fatty acid composition of seed oils of twelve Salvia species growing in Turkey, N. Azcan, A. Ertan, B. Demirci, K. H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 40(3) 218-221 (2004).
361)* Screening of free radical scavenging compounds in water extracts of Mentha samples using a postcolumn derivatization method, M. Kosar, H.J. Damien Dorman, K. H. C. Baser, R. Hiltunen, J. Agric. Food Chem., 52, 5004-5010 (2004).
362)* Antioxidant properties and phenolic composition of Sideritis species, Z. Tunalier, M. Kosar, N. Ozturk, K.H.C. Baser, H. Duman, N. Kirimer, Chem. Nat. Comp., 40(3) 206-210 (2004).
363)* Microbial transformation of (-)-carvone, F. Demirci, Y. Noma, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Z. Naturforsch. 59c, 389-393 (2004).
364)* Composition of the essential oil of Centaurea dichroa, A. Altintas, Y.B.Kose, E. Yucel, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 40(6) 604-605 (2004).
365)* An Improved HPLC Post-Column Methodology for the Identification of Free Radical Scavenging Phytochemicals in Complex Mixtures, M. Kosar, D. Dorman, K. H.C. Baser, R. Hiltunen, Chromatographia, 60, 635-638 (2004).
366) Essential Oil of Betula pendula Roth. Buds, B. Demirci, D. H. Paper, F. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, G.Franz, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM), 1(3) 301-303 (2004)
367)* Essential oil composition and in vitro antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity of South African Vitex species, E Nyiligira, A.M. Viljoen, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, S.F. van Vuuren, S. Afr. J. Bot., 70(4) 611-617 (2004).
368)* Book Review: Thyme – The Genus Thymus, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil. Res., 16, 159 (2004)
369)* Headspace-SPME and Hydrodistillation of Two Fragrant Artemisia sp., B. Demirci, F. Demirci and K.H.C. Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 19, 395-398 (2004)
370)* The essential oil of Senecio farfarifolius Boiss. et Kotschy growing in Turkey, K.H.C. Baser and B. Demirci, J. Essent. Oil Res., 16, 558-559 (2004)
371)* The composition, geographical variation and antimicrobial activity of Lippia javanica (Verbenaceae) leaf essential oils, A.M. Viljoen, S. Subramoney, S.F. Van Vuuren, K.H.C. Baser, B Demirci, J. Ethnopharmacol., 96, 271–277 (2005)
372)* The Essential Oils of Two Varieties of Salvia euphratica Montbret et Aucher ex Bentham: var. euphratica and var. leiocalycina (rech. Fil) Hedge from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, B.Yildiz, J.Essent. Oil Res. , 17(1) 47-48 (2005)
373)* Composition of the essential oil of Helichrysum forskahlii (Gmel.) Hilliard et Burt, M.M. El-Olemy, A.J. Al-Rehaily, O.A. Albishi, J.S. Mossa, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 17(1) 112-116 (2005).
374)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Myrrhoides nodosa (L.) Cannon from Turkey, G.Tumen, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 17(2) 126-127 (2005).
375)* Enantiomeric distribution of linalool, linalyl acetate and camphor in Bulgarian lavender oil, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, A. Konakchiev, J. Essent. Oil Res., 17(2) 135-136 (2005).
376)* Ninde Oil (Aeollanthus myrianthus Taylor) Revisited: Analysis of a Historical Oil, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, J.Essent. Oil Res., 17(2) 137-138 (2005).
377)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Cymbopogon afronardus Stapf from Uganda, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, J.Essent. Oil Res. 17(2) 139-140 (2005).
378)* The Essential Oil of Salvia limbata C.A.Meyer Growing in Turkey, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, T.Dirmenci, G.Tumen, U.Ozgen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 17(2) 192-193 (2005).
379)* The Essential Oil of Pentapleura subulifera Hand.-Mazz. K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, N.Tabanca, Z.Aytac, M.Ekici, J.Essent. Oil Res., 17(2) 204-205 (2005).
380)* The Essential Oil of Stachys laetivirens Kotschy & Boiss. ex Rech. fil., Endemic in Turkey, H. Duman, M.Kartal, L. Altun, B. Demirci and K.H.C. Baser, Flavour Fragr. J. , 20(1) 48-50 (2005).
381) Patterns of essential oil relationships in Pimpinella (Umbelliferae) based on phylogenetic relationships using nuclear and chloroplast sequences, N.Tabanca, A.W.Douglas, E.Bedir, F.E.Dayan, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Z.Aytac, I.A.Khan, B.E.Scheffler, Plant Genetic Resources, 3(2) 149-169 (2005).
382)* Bioactive Constituents from Turkish Pimpinella Species, N.Tabanca, E.Bedir, D.Slade, D.Ferreira, D.E.Wedge, M.R.Jacob, S.I. Khan, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, I.A.Khan, Chemistry and Biodiversity, 2(2) 221-232 (2005).
383)* Study of the essential oils of Thymus haussknechtii Velen and Thymus kotschyanus Boiss. et Hohen var. kotschyanus (Lamiaceae) taxa from the eastern Anatolian region in Turkey, E. Bagci, K.H.C. Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 20(2) 199-202 (2005).
384)* Insecticidal activity of 23 essential oils and their major compounds against adult Lipaphis pseudobrassicae (Davis) (Aphididae: Homoptera), B. J. Sampson, N.Tabanca, N. Kirimer, B. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, I. A. Khan, J. M. Spiers, D. E. Wedge, Pest Management Science, 61(11) 1122-1128 (2005)
385)* Genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of origanum oil and carvacrol evaluated by Ames Salmonella/microsomal test, E. Ipek, H. Zeytinoglu, S. Okay, B. A. Tuylu, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, Food Chem., 93 (3) 551-556 (2005)
386)* A Simple method to Obtain Essential Oils from Salvia triloba L. and Laurus nobilis L. by Using Microwave-Assisted Hydrodistillation, M. Kosar, Z. Tunalier, T. Ozek, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, Z. Naturforsch. C, 60, 501-504 (2005)
387)* Kaurane diterpenoids from three Sideritis species, M.Bruno, F. Piozzi, N.A. Arnold, K.H.C. Baser, N. Tabanca, N. Kirimer, Turk J Chem, 29, 61-64 (2005).
388) New trends in the utilization of medicinal and aromatic plants, K.H.C. Baser, Acta Horticulturae, 676, 11-23 (2005).
389)* Traditional phytotherapy and trans-cultural pharmacy among Turkish migrants living in Cologne, Germany, A.Pieroni, H. Muenz, M. Akbulut, K. H. C. Baser, C. Durmuskahya, J. Ethnopharmacol., 102, 69-88 (2005)
390)* Pollen morphology of Thalictrum L. (Ranunculaceae) species in Turkey, S.Tatlidil, A. Bicakci, H.Malyer, K.H.C. Baser, Pak. J. Bot., 37(2) 203-212 (2005)
391)* Composition of the essential oils of Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa from Turkey, E. Sezik, E. Kocakulak, K. H. C. Baser, T. Ozek, Chem. Nat. Comp., 41(3) 352-354 (2005).
392)* Comparison of Microwave-Assisted Hydrodistillation and Hydrodistillation Methods for the Analysis of Volatile Secondary Metabolites, M. Kosar, T. Ozek, F. Goger, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Pharmaceutical Biol., 43(6) 491-495 (2005).
393)* Determination of volatile compounds in Sultaniye wine by solid-phase microextraction (SPME) techniques, T. Cabaroglu, S. Selli, E. Kafkas, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Canbas, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 41(4) 382-384 (2005)
394)* The in vitro pharmacological activities and a chemical investigation of three South African Salvia species. G.P. Kamatou, A.M. Viljoen, A.B. Gono-Bwalya, R.L. Zyl, S.F. Vuuren, A.C. Lourens, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, K.L. Lindsey, J.V. Staden, P. Steenkamp, J Ethnopharmacol. 102, 382–390(2005)
395)* Essential oil analysis of Asian Hypericum L. (Clusiaceae) species. B. Demirci, S.L. Crockett, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan. J. Essent. Oil Res. 17, 659-663 (2005).
396)* Composition of the essential oils of three endemic Turkish Heracleum species obtained by different isolation techniques, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, A. Duran, J. Essent. Oil Res., 17, 605-610 (2005)
397)* GC/MS analysis of essential oils from Pimpinella aurea, P. corymbosa, P. peregrina and P. puberula gathered from Eastern and Southern Turkey, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, E. Bedir, I.A. Khan, D.E. Wedge, J. Chromatogr. A, 1092, 192-198 (2005)
398)* Effects of Salvia Essential Oils on the Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) Assay, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, A.A. Donmez, G. Franz, D.H. Paper, K.H.C. Baser, Pharmaceutical Biol., 43(8) 666-671 (2005).
399)* In vitro antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of some Satureja essential oils, A.D. Azaz, M. Kurkcuoglu, F. Satil, K.H.C. Baser, G. Tumen, Flavour Fragr. J., 20(6) 587-591 (2005)
400)* Composition and Anticandidal Activity of The Essential Oil of Chaerophyllum byzantinum Boiss., M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, G. Iscan, H. Malyer, G. Kaynak, Flavour Fragr. J., 21, 115-117 (2006)
401)* Composition of the essential oil of fruits and roots of Ferulago isaurica Pesmen and F. syriaca Boiss. (Umbelliferae) from Turkey, C. S. Erdurak, M. Coskun, B. Demirci and K. H. C. Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 21, 118-121 (2006)
402)* Identification of volatile aroma compounds of strawberry wine using Solid Phase Microextraction Techniques coupled with Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, E. Kafkas, T. Cabaroglu, S. Selli, A. Bozdogan, M. Kurkcuoglu, S. Paydas, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J. , 21, 68-71 (2006)
403)* Essential oil composition of Seseli resinosum Freyn et Sint. and Seseli tortuosum L. growing in Turkey, E. Dogan, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Tosun, H. Duman, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18(1) 57-59 (2006)
404)* Comparison of the essential oils of Xanthogalum purpurascens Lallem. obtained by different extraction techniques, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, A.Duran, M. Sagiroglu, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18(2) 181-184 (2006)
405)* Composition of the essential oils of Phlomis rigida Labill. and P. samia L., B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, M.Y. Dadandi, J. Essent. Oil Res. 18, 328-331 (2006)
406)* The Essential Oil Composition of Acroptilon repens of Turkish Origin, Z. Tunalier, N. T. Candan, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 21, 462-464 (2006).
407)* Effects of gentiopicroside, sweroside and swertiamarine, secoiridoids from Gentian (Gentiana lutea ssp. symphyandra) on cultured chicken embrionic fibroblasts, N. Ozturk, S. Korkmaz, Y. Ozturk, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica, 72(4) 289-294 (2006)
408)* The essential oil constituents and antimicrobial activity of Anthemis aciphylla Boiss. var. discoidea Boiss., K. H. C. Baser, B. Demirci, G. Iscan, Y. Asakawa, T. Hashimoto, Y. Noma, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 54(2) 222-225 (2006)
409)* Analysis of sugars, organic acids and vitamin C contents of blackberry genotypes from Turkey, E. Kafkas, M. Kosar, N. Turemis, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem. , 97, 732–736 (2006)
410)* Biological Activity and Composition of the Essential Oils of Achillea schischkinii Sosn. and Achillea aleppica DC. subsp. aleppica, G. Iscan, N. Kirimer, M. Kurkcuoglu, T.Arabaci, E. Kupeli, K.H.C. Baser, J. Agric. Food Chem., 54, 170-173 (2006)
411)* Microdistillation and essential oil chemistry—a useful tool for detecting hybridisation in Plectranthus (Lamiaceae), A.M. Viljoen, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, C.J. Potgieter, T.J. Edwards, South African Journal of Botany, 72(1) 99-104 (2006)
412)* The antimicrobial, antimalarial and toxicity profiles of helihumulone, leaf essential oil and extracts of Helichrysum cymosum (L.) D. Don subsp. cymosum, S.F. van Vuuren, A.M. Viljoen, F.R. van Zyl, F.R. van Heerden, K.H.C. Baser, South African Journal of Botany, 72, 287-290 (2006)
413)* Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of essential oils from Pimpinella species gathered from Central and Northern Turkey, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, E. Bedir, I. A. Khan, D. E. Wedge, J. Chromatogr. A, 1117(2) 194-205 (2006).
414)* Composition of the essential oils of Lycium barbarum and L. ruthenicum fruits, A. Altintas, M. Kosar, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, Chem. Nat. Comp., 42(1) 24-25 (2006).
415)* Study of the essential oil composition of Pinus sylvestris from Turkey, O. Ustun, E. Sezik, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 42(1) 26-31 (2006)
416)* Furocoumarins from Prangos ferulacea, K. A. Eshbakova, A. I. Saidkhodzhaev, K.H.C. Baser, H. Duman, A. D. Vdovin, N. D. Abdullaev, Chem. Nat. Comp., 42(1) 102-103 (2006)
417)* Composition of the essential oil of Pastinaca sativa L. subsp. urens (Req. ex Gordon) Celak, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, M. Vural, Chem. Nat. Comp., 42(1) 114-115 (2006)
418)* The Biological Activity and Essential Oil Composition of 17 Agathosma (Rutaceae) Species, A. M. Viljoen, A. Moolla, S.F. van Vuuren, R. L. van Zyl, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, T. H. Trinder-Smith, J. Essent. Oil Res. , 18 , 2-16 (Special Edition 2006)
419)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Diosma prama I. Williams, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, A.M. Viljoen, J.E. Victor, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18, 17-18 (Special Edition 2006)
420)* The Geographical Variation and Antimicrobial Activity of African Wormwood ( Artemisia afra Jacq.) Essential Oil, A. M. Viljoen, S. F. van Vuuren, T. Gwebu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18 , 19-25 (Special Edition 2006)
421)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Five Coleonema Species from South Africa, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, A.M. Viljoen, J.E. Victor, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18, 26-29 (Special Edition 2006)
422)* A Seasonal Variation Study of the Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Agathosma ovata (Thunb.) Pillans (Rutaceae), A. M. Viljoen, A. Molla, S. F. van Vuuren, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18 , 30-36 (Special Edition 2006)
423)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Two Adenandra, Species from South Africa, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, A.M. Viljoen, J.E. Victor, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18, 46-47 (Special Edition 2006)
424)* The Essential Oil Composition and Chemotaxonomy of Salvia stenophylla and its Allies S. repens and S. runcinata , A. M. Viljoen, A. Gono-Bwalya, G. P.P. Kamatou, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci , J. Essent. Oil Res., 18 , 37-45 (Special Edition 2006)
425)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Three, Acmadenia Species from South Africa, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, A.M. Viljoen, J.E. Victor, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18 , 54-56 (Special Edition 2006)
426)* The Essential Oil Composition and Chemotaxonomical Appraisal of South African Pelargoniums (Geraniaceae), J.Y.Y. Lalli, A.M. Viljoen, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T.Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18 , 89-105 (Special Edition 2006)
427)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Euchaetis albertiniana I.J.M. Williams , K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, A.M. Viljoen , J. Essent. Oil Res., 18 , 122-123 (Special Edition 2006)
428)* Composition and antioxidant activities of Salvia halophila and S. virgata from Turkey, M. Kosar, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 72(11) 977 (2006)
429)* Turkish Oregano: Chemistry and Biological Activities, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Planta Med., 72(11) 979 (2006)
430)* Hydroxylation of selected sesquiterpenes by the fungus Neurospora crassa, F. Demirci, T. Akar, T.A. Demir, I. Kiran, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 72(11) 981 (2006)
431)* Essential oil of Turkish Origanum onites L. and its main components, carvacrol and thymol show potent antiprotozoal activity without cytotoxicity, D. Tasdemir, M. Kaiser, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 72(11)1006 (2006)
432)* Effects of carvacrol upon the liver of rats undergoing partial hepatectomy, M. Canbek, M. Uyanoglu, E. Aral, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 72 (11)1040 (2006)
433)* The Chemical Composition and Antifungal Activity of Salvia macrochlamys and Salvia recognita Essential Oils, N. Tabanca, B.Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Z. Aytac, M. Ekici, S. I. Khan, M. R. Jacob, D. E. Wedge, J. Agric. Food Chem., 54 (18) 6593-6597 (2006)
434)* Essential oil composition of Seseli petraeum M. Bieb. and Seseli andronakii Woron. and growing in Turkey, A. Tosun, M. Kurkcuoglu, E. Dogan, H. Duman, K.H.C. Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 21(2) 257-259 (2006)
435)* Composition of the essential oil of Centaurea huber-morathii Wagenitz isolated from seeds by microdistillation, K.H.C. Baser, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, A. Duran, Flavour Fragr. J., 21 (3) 568-570 (2006)
436)* Composition of the essential oils of Rhabdosciadium oligocarpum (Post ex Boiss.) Hedge et Lamond and Rhabdosciadium microcalycinum Hand.-Mazz., K.H.C. Baser, G. Ozek, T.Ozek, A.Duran, H.Duman, Flavour Fragr. J. , 21 (4) 650-655 (2006)
437)* Characterization of volatile constituents of Haplopappus greenei and studies on the antifungal activity against phytopathogens, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, N. Tabanca, S.L. Crockett, D.E. Wedge, J. Agric. Food Chem., 54, 3146-3150 (2006).
438)* Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of two endemic species from Turkey: Sideritis cilicica Boiss. et Bal. and Sideritis bilgerana P.H. Davis, G. Iscan, N. Kirimer, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 41 (6) 679-682 (2006)
439)* Composition of the essential oil of Chaerophyllum macropodum Boiss. fruits obtained by microdistillation, K.H.C. Baser, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, A. Duran, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18(5) 515-517 (2006)
440)* Comparison of the essential oils of Prangos turcica A. Duran, M. Sagiroglu et H. Duman fruits obtained by different isolation techniques, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, A. Duran, M. Sagiroglu, H. Duman, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18(5) 511-514 (2006)
441)* Composition of the essential oil of Phlomis nissolii L., N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, J. Essent. Oil Res. 18(6) 600-601 (2006)
442)* Composition of the essential oil from seeds of Matthiola anchoniifolia Hub.-Mor. obtained by microdistillation, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res.,18(6) 602-603 (2006)
443)* Essential Oils of Tordylium pestalozzae Boiss., Tordylium pustulosum Boiss.and Tordylium lanatum (Boiss.) Boiss. (Umbelliferae), Growing Wild in Turkey, A. Tosun, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18(6) 640-642 (2006)
444)* Volatiles of Hypericum bupleuroides Griseb., F. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 18(6) 650-651 (2006)
445) Aromatic plants as a source of botanicals, K.H.C. Baser, Acta Hort. 723, 27-33 (2006)
446) Essential oils of Lamiaceae plants of Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, N. Kirimer, Acta Hort. 723, 163-171 (2006).
447)* Effect of a dietary essential oil mixture on performance of laying hens in the summer season, M. Cabuk, M. Bozkurt, A. Alcicek, A.U. Catli, K.H.C. Baser, S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci., 36(4) 215-221 (2006)
448)* Antimicrobial activities of methanol extracts and essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis, depending on location and seasonal variations O. Yesil Celiktas, E.E. Hames Kocabas, E. Bedir, F. Vardar Sukan, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem., 100, 553-559 (2007)
449)* Quality characteristics for strawberry genotypes at different maturation stages, E. Kafkas, M. Kosar, S. Paydas, S. Kafkas, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem., 100, 1229-1236 (2007)
450)* Micromorphology of glandular trichomes of Nepeta congesta Fisch. & Mey. var. congesta (Lamiaceae) and chemical analysis of the essential oils, A. Kaya, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, South African J. Bot., 73 (1) 29-34 (2007)
451)* Studies on Betula Essential Oils, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, Arkivoc, (vii) 335-348 (2007)
452)* Essential Oil Composition of an Endemic Species of Turkey: Marrubium bourgaei Boiss. subsp. bourgaei (Labiatae), M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, A. Tosun, E. Dogan, H. Duman, J. Essent. Oil Res., 19 (1) 34-36 (2007)
453)* Antioxidant activity and phenolic composition of sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) extracts, M. Kosar, B. Bozan, F. Temelli, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem., 103, 952-959 (2007)
454)* Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-nociceptive Activities and Composition of Lythrum salicaria L. Extracts, Z. Tunalier, M. Kosar, E. Kupeli, I. Calis, K.H.C. Baser, J. Ethnopharmacol., 110, 539-547 (2007)
455) Composition of the essential oil of Cuminum cyminum L. according to harvesting times, Y. Kan, M. Kartal, T. Ozek, S. Aslan, K.H.C. Baser, Turkish J. Pharm. Sci., 4(1) 25-29 (2007).
456)* Recent advances in the chemistry and biological activities of the Pimpinella species of Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, N. Tabanca, N. Kirimer, E. Bedir, I.A. Khan, D.E. Wedge, Pure Appl. Chem., 79(4) 539-556 (2007)
457)* Characterization of Volatile Constituents of Scaligeria tripartita and Studies on the Antifungal Activity against Phytopathogenic Fungi, N.Tabanca, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, E. Mincsovics, S.I. Khan, M.R. Jacob, D. E. Wedge, J. Chromatogr. B, 850(1-2) 221-229 (2007).
458)* Essential Oil of Tordylium ketenoglui H. Duman & A. Duran (Umbelliferae) Growing in Turkey, A. Tosun, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, H. Duman, J. Essent. Oil Res., 19, 153-154 (2007)
459)* Flower and Fruit Essential oils of Scandix iberica Bieb. (Umbelliferae) Growing in Turkey, A. Kaya, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 19, 155-156 (2007)
460)* Antioxidant, antiinflammatory and antinociceptive activities of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Sultani Cekirdeksiz leaves and its ethnic products, M. Kosar, Z. Tunalier, H. Malyer, E. Kupeli, V. Uylaser, C. Turkben, K.H.C. Baser, J. Agric. Food Chem., 55(11) 4596-4603 (2007)
461)* The essential oil composition of Tanacetum macrophyllum (Waldst. et Kit) Schultz Bip., B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 19, 255-257 (2007)
462)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oils of Calamintha betulifolia Boiss. et Bal., M. Kurkcuoglu, G. Iscan, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, S. Alan, J. Essent. Oil Res., 19, 285-287 (2007)
463)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Centaurea aladagensis Wagenitz, Y.B. Kose, G. Iscan, A.Altintas, S. Celik, B.Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Fitoterapia, 78 (3) 253-254 (2007)
464)* Effect of Essential Oils and Isolated Compounds from Pimpinella Species on NF-kB: A Target for Anti-inflammatory Therapy, N. Tabanca, G. Ma, D. S. Pasco, E. Bedir, N. Kirimer, K. H.C. Baser, I. A. Khan, S. I. Khan, Phytother. Res., 21, 741-745 (2007)
465)* Essential oil analysis of five African and Mediterranean Hypericum L. (Clusiaceae) species. B. Demirci, S.L. Crockett, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan. J. Essent. Oil Res., 19, 302-306 (2007)
466)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Tanacetum cadmeum (Boiss.) Heywood subsp. orientale Grierson, G.Ozek, T. Ozek, G. Iscan, K.H.C.Baser, E. Hamzaoglu, A. Duran J. Essent. Oil Res.,19, 392-395 (2007)
467)* Composition of the essential oils of Tordylium trachycarpum (Boiss.) Al-Eisawi et Jury and Tordylium hasselquistiae DC. growing in Turkey, T. Ozek, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, A. Tosun J. Essent. Oil Res., 19, 401-403 (2007)
468)* Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Chaerophyllum libanoticum Boiss. et Kotschy, B. Demirci, M. Kosar, F. Demirci, M. Dinc, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem., 105, 1512-1515 (2007)
469)* Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Anthemis wiedemanniana from Turkey, B. Kivcak, T. Mert, H. Saglam, T. Ozturk, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 43(1) 47-51 (2007)
470)* Volatile compositions and some fruit characteristics of table varieties from Turkey, E. Kafkas, L. Son, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 43(3) 344-346 (2007)
471)* Analysis of the fatty oil of Pistacia eurycarpa nuts by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, E. Kafkas, M. Kurkcuoglu, S. Kafkas, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 43(3) 313-314 (2007)
472)* Comparison of Microwave-Assisted Hydrodistillation and Hydrodistillation Methods for the Fruit Essential Oils of Foeniculum vulgare, M. Kosar, T. Ozek, M. Kurkcuoglu and K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 19, 426?429 (2007)
473)* Chemical composition and free radical scavenging activity of saffron, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kosar, S. Demirci, I. Kara, Planta Medica, 73, 805-806 (2007)
474)* Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of Salvia halophila and Salvia virgata from Turkey, E. Kupeli, F. Goger, M. Kosar, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica, 73, 836 (2007)
475)* Anticandidal activity of essential oils from commercial herbal spices from Turkey, F. Demirci, G. Iscan, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica, 73, 860 (2007)
476)* Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons of the essential oil of Actinolema macrolema Boiss., B. Demirci, G. Koltuksuz, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica, 73, 870 (2007)
477)* Composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Ferulago longistylis Boiss. Fruits, A.M.G. Ozkan, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica, 73, 880 (2007)
478)* Composition of essential oil of the fruits and roots of Prangos denticulata Fisch. et Mey. (Umbelliferae) growing in Turkey, C.S. Kilic, M. Coskun, H. Duman, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica, 73, 948 (2007)
479)* Free radical scavenging compounds in Salvia halophila Hedge and S. virgata Jacq. Extracts using a postcolumn derivatization method, M. Kosar, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica, 73, 877 (2007)
480)* Seasonal and geographical variation of Heteropyxis natalensis essential oil and the effect thereof on the antimicrobial activity, S. F. van Vuuren, A. M. Viljoen, T. Ozek , B. Demirci , K.H.C. Baser, South African J. Bot., 73(3) 441-448 (2007)
481)* The essential oil and its antimicrobial activity of wild and cultivated Origanum vulgare L. subsp. hirtum (Link) Ietswaart from Marmara region in Turkey, G. Esen, A. D. Azaz, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, A.Tinmaz, Flavour Fragr. J., 22, 371-376 (2007)
482)* Chemical Composition and Antifungal Activity of Arnica longifolia, Aster hesperius and Chrysothamnus nauseosus Essential Oils, N. Tabanca, B.Demirci, S.L. Crockett, K.H.C. Baser, D.E. Wedge, J. Agric. Food Chem., 55(21) 8430?8435 (2007)
483)* Comparison of hydrodistillation and microdistilation methods for the analysis of fruit volatiles of Prangos pabularia Lindl., and evaluation of its antimicrobial activity, G.Ozek , T.Ozek, G. Iscan, K.H.C.Baser, E. Hamzaoglu, A. Duran , South African J. Bot., 73, 563-569 (2007)
484)* Composition, Enantiomeric Distribution, and Antimicrobial Activity of Tanacetum argenteum subsp. flabellifolium Essential Oil, N.Tabanca, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, D. E. Wedge, K.H.C.Baser, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 45, 714-719 (2007)
485)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Hippomarathrum cristatum (DC.) Boiss., G. Ozek,T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, E. Hamzaoglu, A. Duran, J. Essent. Oil Res., 19(6) 540-542 (2007)
486)* Composition of the essential oils of Salvia anatolica Hamzaoglu et A.Duran, a new endemic in Turkey, G.Ozek, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, E.Hamzaoglu, A.Duran, Chem. Nat. Comp., 43(6) 667-671 (2007)
487)* Anticonvulsant activity of furanocoumarins and the essential oil obtained from the fruits of Heracleum crenatifolium, F. Tosun, C. Akyuz Kizilay, K. Erol, F. Sultan Kilic, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, Food Chem. 107, 990-993 (2008)
488)* Comparative essential oil composition of the natural hybrid Phlomis x vuralii Dadandi (Lamiaceae) and its parents, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, M.Y. Dadandi, J. Essent. Oil Res., 20, 57-62 (2008)
489)* Effects of carvacrol upon the liver of rats undergoing partial hepatectomy, M. Uyanoglu, M. Canbek, E. Aral, K.H.C. Baser, Phytomedicine, 15, 226-229 (2008)
490)* Inhibitory effect of Turkish Rosmarinus officinalis L. on acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase enzymes, I. Orhan, S. Aslan, M. Kartal, B. Sener, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem., 108(2) 663-668 (2008)
491)* The effect of maturation on the composition and biological activity of the essential oil of a commercially important Satureja species from Turkey: Satureja cuneifolia Ten., M. Kosar, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Agric. Food Chem., 56, 2260-2265 (2008)
492)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Oils of Ferula szowitsiana DC. from Turkey, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, G. Iscan, K.H.C. Baser, A. Duran, E. Hamzaoglu, J. Essent. Oil Res., 20, 186-190 (2008)
493)* In Vitro Antioxidant Properties and Phenolic Composition of Salvia virgata Jacq. from Turkey, M. Kosar, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, J. Agric. Food Chem., 56, 2369-2374 (2008)
494)* Head-space volatiles of marula (Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra), A.M. Viljoen, G.P.P. Kamatou, K.H.C. Baser, South African J. Bot., 74, 325-326 (2008)
495)* Composition of the essential oils of two Sideritis species from Turkey and antimicrobial activity, N. Kirimer, B. Demirci, G. Iscan, K. H. C. Baser, H. Duman, Chem. Nat. Comp., 44(1) 121-123 (2008)
496)* Volatile constituents of Hypericum L. Section Myriandra (Clusiaceae): Species of the H. fasciculatum Lam. alliance, S.L. Crockett, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, J. Essent. Oil Res., 20(3) 244-249 (2008)
497)* Acaricidal efficacy of Origanum onites L. essential oil against Rhipicephalus turanicus (Ixodidae), S. Coskun, O. Giriskin, M. Kurkcuoglu, A.O. Giriskin, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Parasitol. Res., 103 , 259-261 (2008)
498)* The effects of intra-rectal and intra-peritoneal application of Origanum onites L. Essential oil on 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid-induced colitis in the rat, E. Dundar, E.G. Olgun, S. Isiksoy, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, C. Bal, Exper.Toxicol. Pathology , 59 (6) 399-408 (2008)
499)* Antibacterial activity of two Phlomis essential oils against food pathogens, F. Demirci, K. Guven, B. Demirci, M.Y. Dadandi, K.H.C. Baser, Food Control, 19, 1159-1164 (2008)
500) Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of the Essential Oil of Commiphora opobalsamum L., S.M. El-Massarany, F.A. Abbas, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, S.I. Khan, A.J. Al-Rehaily, J.S. Mossa, E.A. Abourashed, Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants, 13(4) 111-122 (2007)
501)* Phenolic composition and biological activities of Salvia halophila and Salvia virgata from Turkey, E. Kupeli, F. Goger, M. Kosar, K. H. C. Baser, Food Chem., 108, 942-949 (2008)
502)* The composition and antimicrobial activity of Artemisia kasakorum essential oil, E.M. Suleymenov, T. Ozek, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, S.M. Adekenov, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 207-208 (2008); Chem. Nat. Comp., 44(2) 263-265 (2008)
503)* Chemical Composition and Antifungal Activity of Angelica sinensis Essential Oil against three Colletotrichum species, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, X. Wang, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, L. Zhou, S.J. Cutler, Nat. Prod. Commun., 3 (7) 1073-1078 (2008)
504)* Composition of the essential oil of three Centaurea species from Turkey, Y.B. Kose, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, E. Yucel, J. Essent. Oil Res., 20, 335-338 (2008)
505)* Composition of essential oils of ten Centaurea taxa from Turkey, C. Karamenderes, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 20, 342-349 (2008)
506)* Chemotypic variations of the essential oils of Mentha species collected in the Marmara region of Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, G. Tarimcilar, Planta Med., 74(9) 27 (2008)
507)* Morphological, anatomical and palynological characteristics of Salvia halophila endemic to Turkey, A. Kaya, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Nordic J. Bot., 25, 351-358 (2007)
508)* Effects of carvacrol on defects of ischemia-reperfusion in the liver, M. Canbek, M. Uyanoglu, G. Bayramoglu, H. Senturk, N. Erkasap, T. Koken, S. Uslu, C. Demirustu, E. Aral, K.H.C. Baser, Phytomedicine, 15, 447-452 (2008)
509)* Composition of the essential oils of Angelica sylvestris L. var. sylvestris isolated from the fruits by different isolation techniques, T.Ozek, G. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, A.Duran, M. Sagiroglu, J. Essent. Oil Res., 20, 408-411 (2008)
510) Chemical compositions of the needle essential oils obtained from Pinus brutia Ten. growing in Turkey, E. Sezik, O. Ustun, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Acta Pharmaceutica Sciencia, 50, 85-96 (2008).
511)* Head-space volatiles of Gethyllis afra and G. ciliaris fruits (“kukumakranka”), G.P.P. Kamatou, A.M. Viljoen, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, South African J. Bot., 74(4) 768-770 (2008)
512)* Biological and Pharmacological Activities of Carvacrol and Carvacrol Bearing Essential Oils, K.H.C. Baser, Curr. Pharm. Design, 14, 3106-3120 (2008).
513) Turkish Rose Oil: The queen of essential oils, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu,Link Natural Products Digest, 4(1) 21-24 (2008).
514)* Effects of Origanum onites on endothelial function and serum biochemical markers in hyperlipidaemic patients, B. Ozdemir, A. Ekbul, N.B. Topal, E. Sarandol, A. Sag, K.H.C. Baser, J. Cordan, S. Gullulu, E. Tuncel, I. Baran, A. Aydinlar, J. Int. Med. Res., 36, 1326-1334 (2008).
515)* Antifungal Compounds from Pimpinella Species against Plant Pathogens, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, N. Kirimer, KHC Baser, E. Bedir, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 236 Published 17 Aug 2008.
516)* Essential Oil of the Leaves of Ribes nigrum L. from Turkey, , C.S. Kilic, M. Koyuncu, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent Oil Res., 20, 1-3 (2008)
517)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oil of Ferulago longistylis Boiss. Fruits, A.M.Gencler Ozkan, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 20, 569-573 (2008)
518)* Antifungal and insecticidal activity of two Juniperus essential oils, D.E. Wedge, N. Tabanca, B. J. Sampson, C. Werle, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, P. Nan, J. Duan, Z. Liu, Nat. Prod. Com., 4(1) 123-127 (2009).
519)* Inhibition of NF-kB-mediated Transcription and Induction of Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer Cells By Epoxypseudoisoeugenol-2-methyl butyrate, G. Ma, H. Tabanca, K.H.C. Baser, N. Kirimer, D. Pasco, I. Khan, S. Khan, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 63(4) 673-680 (2009).
520)* Compositions of essential oils and trichomes of Teucrium chamaedrys L. subsp. trapezunticum Rech. fil and subsp. syspirense (C. Koch) Rech. fil., A. Kaya, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Chemistry and Biodiversity, 6, 96-104 (2009)
521)* Bioactivity-guided Fractionation and GC-MS Fingerprinting of Angelica sinensis and A. archangelica Root Components for Antifungal and Mosquito Deterrent Activity, D.E. Wedge, J.A. Klun, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, Z. Liu, S. Zhang, C.L. Cantrell, J. Zhang, J. Agric. Food Chem., 57, 464-470 (2009).
522)* Essential oil composition of Hypericum thymopsis Boiss., A.M. Gencler Ozkan, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil.Res., 21, 149-153 (2009).
523)* Composition of the essential oils of Calamintha tauricola P.H. Davis, S. Alan, M. Kurkcuoglu, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 21, 143-145 (2009).
524)* The Variation in the Essential Oil Composition of Tanacetum cadmeum (Boiss.) Heywood ssp. orientale Grierson from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, J. Essent. Oil Res., 21, 97-100 (2009).
525)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Endemic Centaurea paphlagonica (Bornm.) Wagenitz From Turkey, Y.B. Kose, A. Altintas, B. Demirci, S. Celik, K.H.C. Baser, Asian J. Chem., 21(3) 1719-1724 (2009)
526)* Phenolic profile and antioxidant evaluation of Mentha x piperita (Peppermint) extracts, H.J. D. Dorman, M. Kosar, K.H.C. Baser, R. Hiltunen, Nat. Prod. Com., 4, 1-8 (2009).
527)* A rapid microdistillation method for Texas and Turkish Salvia species and their genetic profiles, N. Techen, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, J.L. Turner, C. Pounders, G. Akaydin, F. Demirci, Z. Pan, I.A. Khan, D.E. Wedge, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 75, 415 (2009).
528)* Chemical characterization and genomic profling of Achillea biebersteinii from various localities in Central Turkey, N. Techen, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, I. Gurbuz, Z. Pan, I.A. Khan, F. Demirci, D.E. Wedge, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 75, 416 (2009).
529)* Chemical composition and biological activities of four Achillea essential oils from Turkey, B. Demirci, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, S.I. Khan, I.A. Khan, Z. Aytac, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 75, 420 (2009).
530)* Essential oil of Inula sarana Boiss. (Compositae), an endemic species of Turkey, N. Kirimer, B. Demirci, H. Duman, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 75, 421 (2009).
531)* Evaluation of angiogenic activity of Salvia triloba L. essential oil, A.T. Koparal, B. Demirci, M. Kaya, G. Duali, S. Butun, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Planta Med., 75, 421 (2009).
532)* Insecticidal activities and composition of essential oils from the Medicinal Plant Garden at the National Center for Natural Products Research, N. Tabanca, A.D. Weerasooriya, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, J. Pridgeon, J.J. Becnel, B.J. Sampson, C.T. Werle, D.E. Wedge, Planta Med., 75, 421 (2009).
533)* Chemical composition and biological activities of two Angelica essential oils from China, D.E. Wedge, Z. Gao, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Pridgeon, .J. Becnel, B.J. Sampson, C.T. Werle, Planta Med., 75, 422 (2009)
534)* The chemical composition and biological activities of Notopterygium incisum and Notopterygium forbesii essential oils from China, D.E. Wedge, Z. Gao, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Pridgeon, J.J. Becnel, B.J. Sampson, C.T. Werle, Planta Med., 75, 422 (2009).
535)* Component composition of essential oils of Artemisia lercheana and A. sieversiana of the flora of Kazakhstan. Antimicrobial activity of A. sieversiana essential oil, E.M. Suleimenov, T. Ozek, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, S.M. Adekenov, Chem. Nat. Comp., 45(1) 120-123 (2009).
536)* Anticandidal pimaradiene diterpene from Phlomis essential oils, B. Demirci, M. Toyota, F.Demirci, M. Y. Dadandi, K.H.C. Baser, Comptes Rendus Chimie, 12, 612-621 (2009)
537)* Essential oil composition of Gmelina arborea Roxb., Verbenaceae, from Nigeria, D.O. Moronkola, I.A. Ogunwande, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 21(3) 264-266 (2009)
538)* The essential oil composition of Tanacetum densum (Labill.) Heywood ssp. sivasicum Hub.-Mor. & Grierson from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, J. Essent. Oil Res., 21(3) 200-202 (2009)
539)* Characterization and Biological Activity of Achillea teretifolia Willd. and A. nobilis L. subsp. neilreichii (Kerner) Formanek Essential Oils, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, I. Gurbuz, E. Yesilada, K.H.C. Baser, Turkish J. Biol., 33, 129-136 (2009)
540)* The needle oil of Pinus caribaea Morelet from Nigeria, D. O. Moronkola, I. A. Ogunwande, I. O. Oyewole, K. H. C. Baser, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 21, 342-344 (2009).
541)* Effect of absorbent pads containing oregano essential oil on the shelf life extension of overwrap packed chicken drumsticks stored at four degrees celcius, N. Oral, L. Vatansever, C. Sezer, B. Aydin, A. Guven, M. Gulmez, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, Poultry Sci., 88(7) 1459-1465 (2009).
542)* Research into chemistry and biological activities of Prangos Lindl. (Apiaceae) species of Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, G. Ozek, A. Duran, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, Planta Medica, 75(9) 888 (2009).
543)* Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oils of Lavandula stoechas L. ssp. stoechas Growing Wild in Turkey, H. Kirmizibekmez , B. Demirci , E. Yesilada, K. H. C. Baser, F. Demirci, Nat. Prod. Commun., 4(7) 1001-1006 (2009).
544)* Studies on the Volatile Oils of Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae) and Phyllanthus amarus Sch. & Thonn. (Euphorbiaceae), D.O. Moronkola, I.A. Ogunwande, I.O. Oyewole, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 21, 393-399 (2009)
545)* Comparative morphological and phytochemical characterization of Salvia cadmica Boiss. and S. smyrnaea Boiss., K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, M. Kurkcuoglu, F. Satil, G. Tumen, Pakistan J. Bot., 41(4) 1545-1555 (2009).
546)* Composition of the fruit essential oils of four Heptaptera species growing in Turkey, G. Yilmaz , B. Demirci , M. Koyuncu, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 45(3) 431-433 (2009).
547)* The essential oil composition of Gnaphalium luteo-album, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, H. Duman, Chem. Nat. Comp., 45(3) 446-447 (2009)
548)* Composition of essential oil of endemic Salvia wiedemannii from Turkey, A. Kaya, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, Chem. Nat. Comp., 45(4) 552-553 (2009)
549) Essential oil composition of Juniperus drupacea Lab. leaf from Turkey, E. Sezik, E. Kocakulak, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, Acta Pharmaceutica Scientia, 51, 109-120 (2009).
550)* Anti-tuberculosis Activity of Daucus littoralis Sibth. et Sm. (Apiaceae) From Turkey , K.H.C. Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T. Askun, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 21, 572-575 (2009).
551)* Composition of the essential oil of Centaurea saligna, A. Altintas, Y. B. Kose, A. Kandemir, B. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 45(2) 276-277 (2009)
552)* Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of three Anthemis species from Turkey, A. Kurtulmus, T. Fafal, T. Mert, H. Saglam, B. Kivcak, T. Ozturk, B. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 45 (6) 900-904 (2009)
553)* Determination of Quality Specifications of Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum Populations Growing in Marmara Region of Turkey, A.B. Tinmaz, K.H.C. Baser, U. Karik, M. Kurkcuoglu, M. Ozturk, Acta Horticulturae, 826, 153-158 (2009).
554)* Rare sesquiterpenes from South African Pteronia species, A.M. Viljoen, G.P.P. Kamatou, Z.H. Coovadia, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, South African J. Bot., 76, 146-152 (2010)
555)* Gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric analysis of volatiles obtained by four different techniques from Salvia rosifolia Sm., and evaluation for biological activity, G. Ozek, F. Demirci, T. Ozek, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, S.I. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, A. Duran, E. Hamzaoglu, J. Chromatogr. A 1217, 741-748 (2010)
556)* Effects of Different Organic Manure Applications on the Essential Oil Components of Turkish Sage (Salvia fruticosa Mill.), I. Kocabas, M. Kaplan, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Asian J. Chem. 22(2) 1599-1605 (2010)
557)* Biological activities of Bellis perennis volatiles and extracts, N. Kavalcioglu, L. Acik, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, H. Demir, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5(1) 147-150 (2010)
558)* Essential oil compositions and antioxidant properties of the roots of twelve Anatolian Paeonia taxa with special reference to chromosome counts, I. Orhan, B. Demirci, I. Omar, H. Siddiqui, E. Kaya, M. I. Choudhary, G. Ecevit-Genc, N. Ozhatay, B. Sener, K.H.C. Baser, Pharm. Biol. 48(1) 10-16 (2010).
559)* Characterization of Szovitsia callicarpa volatile constituents obtained by Micro- and Hydrodistillation, B. Demirci, N. Kucukboyaci, N. Adiguzel, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5 (2) 297-300 (2010)
560)* Characterization of Essential Oils of Some Salvia Species and Their Antimycobacterial Activities,T. Askun, K. H. C. Baser, G.Tumen, M. Kurkcuoglu, Turkish J. Biol., 34, 89-95 (2010)
561)* Composition and anticandidal activity of the essential oil of Hypericum perforatum L., S. Alan, B. Demirci, G. Iscan, Y.B. Kose, K.H.C. Baser, Asian J. Chem., 22 (2) 1315-1320 (2010)
562)* Composition of essential oil of the fruits and roots of Prangos denticulata Fisch. et Mey. (Umbelliferae) growing in Turkey, C.S. Kilic, M. Coskun, H. Duman, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 22, 170-173 (2010)
563)* Antibacterial activity and the variation of Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz Bip. essential oils from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, J. Oleo Sci., 59 (4) 177-184 (2010)
564)* Essential oils from wild and micropropagated plants of Origanum minutiflorum O. Schwarz et Davis, D. Ozkum, M. Kurkcuoglu, R. Tipirdamaz, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil. Res., 22, 135-137 (2010)
565)* Biotransformation of alpha-Cedrol and Caryophyllene Oxide by the Fungus Neurospora crassa, I. Kiran, Z. Durceylan, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Y. Noma, F. Demirci, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5 (4) 515-518 (2010).
566)* Characterization and comparison of five Eucalyptus essential oils and their repellent activity against Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, E.K. Blythe, U.R. Bernier, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, A. Weerasooriya, I.A. Khan, D.E. Wedge, Planta Med. 76, 529 (2010)
567)* Evaluation of some enantiomers from essential oils: Isolation and biological activities, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, G. Iscan, N. Tabanca, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, D.E. Wedge, Planta Med. 76, 537 (2010)
568)* Composition of the essential oil of Aulacospermum anomalum Ledeb. from Kazakhstan, G. Ozek, M. Ishmuratova, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 76, 537 (2010)
569)* Antibacterial activity and composition of the essential oils of two endemic Salvia sp. from Turkey, M. Akin, B. Demirci, Y. Bagci, K.H.C. Baser, African J. Biotechnol., 9(15) 2322-2327 (2010)
570)* Antimicrobial activity and essential oil composition of a new Tanacetum argyrophyllum (C. Koch) Tvzel var. argyrophyllum chemotype, K. Polatoglu, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, J. Oleo Sci., 59 (6) 307-313 (2010)
571)* Essential oil composition and antibacterial activity of Tanacetum argenteum (Lam.) Willd. ssp. argenteum and T. densum (Lab.) Schultz Bip. ssp. amani Heywood from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, J. Oleo Sci. 59 (7) 361-367 (2010)
572)* The in vivo angiogenic evaluation of Thymbra spicata L. essential oil, B. Demirci, H.T. Kiyan, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Pharmacognosy Magazine, 6(22) S127 (2010)
573)* Volatile compounds of overground part of Halimodendron halodendron (Pall) Voss , G.Zh. Baisalova, G. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, S.B. Rakhmadieva, Pharmacognosy Magazine, 6(22) S128 (2010)
574)* Composition of the essential oil of Pinus nigra Arnold from Turkey, E. Sezik, O. Ustun, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Turkish J. Chem., 34(2) 313-325 (2010)
575)* Essential oil composition of endemic Centaurea tchihatcheffii Fisch. et Mey. from Turkey, A. Altintas, U. Koca, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Asian J. Chem., 22(6) 4711-4716 (2010).
576)* Volatile compounds of seeds of Hesperis bicuspidata, H. bottae and H. podocarpa, N. Kirimer, S. Gokmen, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, A. Duran, J. Essent. Oil Res., 22(3) 230-231 (2010)
577)* Composition of Tordylium aegyptiacum (L.) Lam. Essential Oil , A. Tosun, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 22(3) 245-246 (2010)
578)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Calamintha sylvatica Bromf. subsp. sylvatica and Calamintha sylvatica Bromf. subsp. ascendens (Jordan) P.W. Ball, S.Alan, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 22, 325-327 (2010)
579)* Headspace Volatiles of Three Turkish Plants , M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 22, 389-392 (2010)
580)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Centaurea sericea Wagenitz and Centaurea ensiformis P.H. Davis from Turkey, Y.B. Kose, A. Altintas, O. Tugay, T. Uysal, B. Demirci, K. Ertugrul, K.H.C. Baser, Asian J. Chem. 22(9) 7159-7163 (2010)
581) Composition of the essential oil of Seseli campestre Besser growing in Northwest Anatolia, A. Kaya, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Turk. J. Pharm. Sci., 7(2) 161-166 (2010)
582)* Compositions of volatiles and fixed oils of the seeds of Nigella species, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, A. Donmez, Z. Ugurlu, Planta Med. 76(12) 1231 (2010).
583)* Quantitative HPTLC determination of rosmarinic acid and antioxidant activity of Origanum onites L. Water and 70% methanol extracts,F. Goger, A. Altintas, M. Kosar, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 76(12) 1331 (2010).
584)* The in vivo and in vitro angiogenic evaluation of the essential oil of Echinophora tournefortii, B. Demirci, T. Kiyan, A. Koparal, M. Kaya, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med.76(12) 1346 (2010).
585)* The in vivo angiogenic evaluation of betulin, F. Demirci, H. Duymus, T. Kiyan, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 76(12) 1349 (2010).
586)* Microdistillation and analysis of volatiles from eight ornamental Salvia taxa, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, J.L. Turner, C. Pounders, F. Demirci,K.H.C. Baser, D.E. Wedge, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5(9) 1421-1426 (2010)
587)* Salvia officinalis L.: Composition and antioxidant -related activities of a crude extract and selected sub-fractions, M. Kosar, H.J. Damien-Dorman, K.H.C. Baser, R. Hiltunen, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5(9) 1453-1456 (2010)
588)* Essential Oil Composition, Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activities of Two Endemic Stachys cretica Subspecies (Lamiaceae) from Turkey, T. Serbetci, B. Demirci, C. Bozkurt Guzel, S. Kultur, M. Ergüven, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5(9) 1369-1374 (2010)
589)* Eupatorium capillifolium Essential Oil: Chemical Composition, Antifungal Activity, and Insecticidal Activity, N. Tabanca, U.R. Bernier, M. Tsikola, J.J.Becnel, B. Sampson, C. Werle, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, E.K. Blythe, C. Pounders, D.E. Wedge, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5(9) 1409-1416 (2010)
590)* Aromatic plants, essential oils and volatiles in animal feeding – A European Perspective, Ch. Franz, KHC Baser, W. Windisch, Flavour Fragr. J. 25, 327-340 (2010)
591)* Effect of Oregano Essential Oil on Biofilms Formed by Staphylococci and Escherichia coli, N. Bilge Oral, L. Vatansever, B. Duman Aydin, C. Sezer, A. Guven, M. Gulmez, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 16 (Suppl. A), 23-29 (2010).
592)* Dietary plant bioactives for poultry health and productivity, R.J. Wallace, W.Oleszek, C.Franz, I. Hahn, K.H.C. Baser, A. Mathe, K. Teichmann, British Poultry Sci., 51(4) 461-487 (2010)
593)* Enantiomeric distribution of some linalool containing essential oils and their biological activities, T. Ozek, N. Tabanca, F. Demirci, D. E. Wedge, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod., 4(4) 180-192 (2010)
594)* Chemical composition of the wood and leaf oils from the Clanwilliam Cedar (Widdringtonia cedarbergensis J.A. Marsh): a critically endangered species, G.P.P. Kamatou , A.M. Viljoen, T. Ozek , K.H.C. Baser, South African J. Bot., 76, 652-654 (2010)
595)* Composition and Antibacterial Activity of The Essential Oil of Ferulago confusa Velen, M. Kurkcuoglu, G. Iscan, F. Demirci, H. Malyer, E. Erdogan, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 22(6) 490-492 (2010)
596)* Essential Oil Composition of Four Endemic Ferulago Species Growing in Turkey, C.S. Kilic, A.M. Gencler Ozkan, B. Demirci, M. Coskun, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5(12) 1951-1954 (2010).
597)* Morphological, Chemical and Indumentum Characteristics of Rhododendron luteum Sweet (Ericaceae), S. Alan, M. Kurkcuoglu, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Pak. J. Bot., 42(6) 3729-3737 (2010).
598)* Composition of the essential oils of subspecies of Scutellaria albida L. from Turkey, M. Cicek, B. Demirci, G. Yilmaz, O. Ketenoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 22(1) 55-58 (2010)
599)* The composition of essential oils of Calamintha pamphylica subspecies, S. Alan, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Turkish J. Biol., 35, 259-265 (2011)
600)* Alkaloids of Aconitum nasutum Fisch. ex Reichb., A. Altintas, N. Kirimer, B. Salimov, K.H.C.Baser, Asian J. Chemistry, 23(4) 1873-1874 (2011)
601)* Essential oil composition of endemic Tanacetum zahlbruckneri (Náb.) and T. tabrisianum (Boiss.) Sosn. & Takht. from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, B. Demirci, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Res., 25(6) 576-584 (2011)
602)* A novel wound healing ointment: A formulation of Hypericum perforatum oil and sage and oregano essential oils based on traditional Turkish knowledge, I. Suntar, E. Kupeli Akyol, H. Keles, A. Oktem, K.H.C. Baser, S. Yesilada, J. Ethnopharmacol., 134, 89-96 (2011).
603)* Biochemical characterization of antimicrobial activity of glycolipids produced by Rhodococcus erythropolis, A. Abdel-Megeed, A.N. Al-Rahma, A.A. Mostafa, K.H.C. Baser, Pakistan J. Bot., 43(2) 1323-1334 (2011).
604)* Essential Oil Composition of Five collections of Achillea biebersteinii from Central Turkey and Their Antifungal and Insecticidal Activity, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, I. Gurbuz, F. Demirci, J.J. Becnel, D.E. Wedge, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 6(5) 701-706 (2011)
605)* Activity of Cupressus funebris, Juniperus communis and J. chinensis (Cupressaceae) essential oils ans repellents against ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) and as repellents and toxicants against mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, J.F. Carroll, M. Kramer, N.M. Elejalde, U.R. Bernier, M. Coy, J.J. Becnel, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Zhang, S. Zhang, Planta Med. 77(5) Poster 42 (2011).
606)* In vitro antioxidant properties and phenolic composition of Salvia halophila Hedge from Turkey, M. Kosar, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem. 129, 374-379 (2011)
607)* Essential oil composition of Tanacetum kotschyi from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, B. Demirci, N. Goren and K. H. C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 47(2) 297-299 (2011).
608)* Composition of Volatiles from Three Iris Species of Turkey K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, I. Erdogan Orhan, M. Kartal, N. Sekeroglu, B. Sener, J. Essent. Oil Res. 23, 66-71 (2011)
609)* Iron(III) Reducing and Antiradical Activities of Three Sideritis from Turkey, M. Kosar, D. Dorman, K.H.C. Baser, R. Hiltunen, Pharm. Biol. 49(8) 800-804 (2011)
610) Composition of the essential oil of Calamintha grandiflora (L.) Moench, S. Alan, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Turk J. Pharm. Sci. 8(2) 127-132 (2011)
611)* HPLC-MS/MS quantitative determination of gallic acid and cyanidin-3-glucoside of bilberry fruit extract from Turkey, N. Kirimer, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1268-1268 (2011).
612)* Quantitative analysis of cyanidin-3-glucoside in different elderberry extracts by HPLC, H.G. Duymus, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1270-1271 (2011).
613)* Microbial transformation of beta-phellandrene, G. Iscan, N. Kirimer, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1278-1278 (2011).
614)* Major volatile compounds of 50 Thymus taxa naturally grown in Antalya region of Turkey, M. Karaca, S. Elmasulu, M. Kurkcuoglu, A.G. Ince, A. Cinar, A. Onus, K.H.C. Baser, K. Turgut, Planta Med. 77(12) 1296-1296 (2011).
615)* Classification of 63 Origanum taxa based on microsatellite markers and essential oil composition, S. Elmasulu, M. Kurkcuoglu, A.G. Ince, M. Karaca, A. Cinar, A. Onus, K.H.C. Baser, K. Turgut, Planta Med. 77(12) 1296-1296 (2011).
616)* Chemical composition of the oil of Cicuta virosa L. from Kazakhstan, M. Ishmuratova, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1300-1300 (2011).
617)* Sulphur containing volatiles of Barbarea vulgaris WT Aiton from Kazakhstan, S.B. Rakhmadieva, G. Ozek, M. Marenich, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1300-1301 (2011).
618)* Phoenix dactylifera L. essential oil: Chemical composition, antimicrobial and insecticidal activities, B. Demirci, S.I. Alqasoumi, A.J. Al Rehaily, M.A. Al Yahya, H.S. Yusufoglu, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, F. Demirci, J.J. Becnel, U.R. Bernier, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med.77(12) 1302-1302 (2011).
619)* Composition of the essential oils of Centaurea aphrodisea, C. polyclada, C. athoa, C. hyalopsis and C. iberica, S. Erel Baykan, B. Demirci, S. Demir, C. Karaalp, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1302-1302 (2011).
620)* Variation in the essential oil composition of the fruits of Vitex agnus-castus, G. Gulsoy, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, G. Sariyar, Planta Med. 77(12) 1302-1302 (2011).
621)* Compositions of the essential oils of Salvia fruticosa Mill. populations in the flora of Marmara region, U. Karik, A.C. Saglam, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1302-1302 (2011).
622)* Composition of Artemisia abrotanum and A. pontica essential oils and their repellent activity against Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, E.K. Blythe, U.R. Bernier, A. Ali, D.E. Wedge, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1305-1305 (2011).
623)* The composition of Taif rose oil, M. Kurkcuoglu, A.A. Megeed Abdel, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1306-1306 (2011).
624)* In vitro effect of myrrh extracts on the viability of Schistosoma mansoni larvae, S.D. Karamustafa, N. Mansour, B. Demirci, A. Ankli, K.H.C. Baser, Q. Bickle, D. Tasdemir, Planta Med. 77(12) 1317-1317 (2011).
625)* The determination of total phenolics and flavonoid contents, and antimicrobial activity of some sage populations of Salvia fruticosa Mill., Salvia pomifera Mill. and Salvia tomentosa Mill. in the Marmara region of Turkey, S.S. Erdogan, U. Karik, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med.77(12) 1319-1319 (2011).
626)* An investigation of the contents of phenolics, flavonoid compounds and antioxidant activity of some wild mushrooms, S.S. Erdogan, M.K. Soylu, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med.77(12) 1320-1320 (2011).
627)* Quantitative determination of gallic acid and cyanidin-3-O-glucoside within sumac extracts by HPLC-MS/MS, M. Kosar, F. Goger, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1385-1385 (2011).
628)* The in vivo angiogenic evaluation of Achillea biebersteinii Afan. and Achillea teretifolia Willd. essential oils, F. Demirci, H.T. Kiyan, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1391-1391 (2011).
629)* Quantitative analysis of rosmarinic acid in Rosmarinus officinalis growing in Turkey by LC-MS/MS, A. Altintas, F. Goger, H.G. Duymus, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1394-1394 (2011).
630)* Comprehensive analysis of Artemisiae scopariae herba from different growing areas, R. Scheruebl, A. Orland, B. Demirci, W. Knoess, K.H.C. Baser, G. Franz, J. Heilmann, Planta Med. 77(12) 1398-1398 (2011).
631)* Assessment of anti-angiogenic and anti-tumoral potentials of Origanum onites L. essential oil, R. Bostancioglu, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, A.T. Koparal, Planta Med. 77(12) 1400-1401 (2011).
632)* An in vitro approach to neuroprotective activity of Rosa damascena Mill, a medieval age traditional medicine used for memory enhancement, F.S. Senol, I. Orhan, M. Kurkcuoglu, M.H. Khan, A. Altintas, B. Sener, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1440-1440 (2011).
633)* Appraisal of in vitro neuroprotective effects of Turkish Pinus L. species and pycnogenol and essential oil analyses, O. Ustun, F. Senol, M. Kurkcuoglu, I. Orhan, M. Kartal, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1441-1442 (2011).
634)* The Anticandidal Essential Oil of Nepeta transcaucasica Grossh.,G. Iscan, Y. B. Kose, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Chemistry and Biodiversity, 8, 2144-2148 (2011)
635)* Inhibitory effect of Calamintha nepeta subsp. glandulosa essential oil on lipoxygenase, B.Demirci, H.E. Temel, T. Portakal, H. Kırmızıbekmez, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Turk. J. Biochem., 36(4) ; 188–192 (2011)
636)* Antimicrobial and anticholinesterase activities of the essential oils isolated from Salvia dicroantha Stapf., Salvia verticillata L. subsp. amasiaca (Freyn and Bornm.) Bornm. and Salvia wiedemannii Boiss., B. Kunduhoglu, M. Kurkcuoglu, M. E. Duru,K.H.C. Baser, J. Med. Plants Res. 5(29) 6484-6490 (2011)
637)* Activity of Cupressus funebris, Juniperus communis, and J. chinensis (Cupressaceae) Essential Oils as Repellents against Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) and as Repellents and Toxicants against Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), J. Carroll, N. Tabanca, M. Kramer, N. Elejalde, D. Wedge, U. Bernier, M. Coy, J. Becnel, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Zhang, S. Zhang, Sui, J. Vector Ecology, 36(2) 258-268 (2011)
638)* Essential oil composition of three species of Scutellaria from Turkey, M. Cicek, B. Demirci, G. Yilmaz, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Rep. 25(8) 1720-1726 (2011)
639)* Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of the Subterranean Parts of Valeriana alliariifolia, H. Bardakci, B. Demirci, E. Yesilada, H. Kirmizibekmez, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 6(1) 89-92 (2012)
640)* Composition of the essential oil of Haplophyllum megalanthum Bornm. from Turkey, N. Unver-Sumer, G.I. Kaya, B. Sarikaya, M.A. Onur, C. Ozdemir, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 6(1) 80-83 (2012)
641)* Chemical composition of the essential oil and antioxidant activity of methanolic extracts from fruits and flowers of Hypericum lydium Boiss., T. Serbetci, N. Ozsoy, B. Demirci, A. Can, S. Kultur, K.H.C. Baser, Industrial Crops and Products, 36, 599-606 (2012)
642)* Investigation on chemical composition, anticholinesterase and antioxidant activities of extracts and essential oil of Turkish Pinus species and pycnogenol, O.Ustun, F.S.Senol, M. Kurkcuoglu, I. Erdogan Orhan, M. Kartal, K.H.C. Baser, Industrial Crops and Products, 38, 115 – 123 (2012)
643)* Biological activity and the essential composition of Tanacetum chiliophyllum var. chiliophyllum chemotypes from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, N. Goren, Ind. Crops Prods., 39, 97-105 (2012)
644) Book Review: Issue: Lipids and Essential Oils as Antimicrobial Agents, K.H.C. Baser, Herbalgram, (93), 71-72 (2012)
645)* Chemical Diversity in Volatiles of Teucrium orientale L. var. orientale, var. puberulens and var. glabrescens Determined by Simultaneous GC-FID and GC/MS Techniques, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, M. Dinc, S. Dogu, K.H.C. Baser, Chemistry and Biodiversity, 9, 1144-1154 (2012)
646)* Essential oil composition of Tordylium syriacum L. (Umbelliferae) collected from different localities in Turkey, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, A. Tosun, H. Duman and A. Duran, J. Essent. Oil Res. 24(4) 347–350 (2012)
647)* Essential Oil Composition and Antimicrobial Activities of Tanacetum chiliophyllum (Fisch. & Mey.) Schultz Bip. var. monocephalum Grierson from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 6(2) 184-188 (2012)
648)* The Essential Oil Composition of Tanacetum densum (Labill.) Heywood ssp. eginense Heywood from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 6(4) 402-406 (2012)
649)* Biotransformation of ( R )-(-)-alpha-phellandrene: Antimicrobial activity of its major metabolite,G. Iscan, N. Kirimer, F. Demirci , B.Demirci , Y. Noma and K.H.C. Baser, Chemistry and Biodiversity, 9, 1525-1532 (2012)
650)* Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Stachys lavandulifolia subsp. lavandulifolia Essential Oil and its Infusion, G. Iscan, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, F. Goger, N. Kirimer, Y.B. Kose, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 7(9) 1241-1244 (2012)
651)* Evaluation of some essential oils as alternative antibiotics against American foulbrood agent Paenibacillus larvae on honey bees Apis mellifera L., A. Ozkirim, N. Keskin, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent Oil Res. 24(5) 465-470 (2012)
652)* Chemical composition and in vitro cytogenic, genotoxic efects of essential oil from Urtica dioica L., S. Gul, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, H.A. Akpulat, P. Aksu, Bull. Environ. Contam.Toxicol. 88(5) 666-671 (2012).
653)* Natural product studies of U.S. endangered plants: Volatile components of Lindera melissifolia (Lauraceae) repel mosquitoes and ticks, J. Oh , J.J. Bowling, J.F. Carroll, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, T.D. Leininger, U.R. Bernier, M. Hamann, Phytochemistry 80, 28-36 (2012)
654)* Assessment of anti-angiogenic and anti-tumoral potentials of Origanum onites L. essential oil, R. B. Bostancioglu, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, A. T. Koparal, Food Chem.Toxicol. 50(6) 2002-2008 (2012)
655)* Chemical composition of the essential oils of Anthemis coelopoda var. bourgaei and Anthemis aciphylla var. aciphylla, T. Mert Gonenc, T. Fafal Erdogan, B. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, B. Kivcak, Chem. Nat. Comp. 48(2) 332-334 (2012)
656)* One-step multiple component isolation from the oil of Crinitaria tatarica (Less.) Sojak. by preparative capillary gas chromatography with characterization by spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques and evaluation of biological activity, G. Ozek, M. Ishmuratova, N. Tabanca, M.M. Radwan, F. Goger, T. Ozek, D. E. Wedge, J.J. Becnel, S.J. Cutler, K.H.C. Baser, J. Sep. Sci. 35(5-6) 650-660 (2012)
657)* Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils from different parts of Bupleurum rotundifolium L., M. Akin, H.T. Saracoglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kucukhoduk, Rec. Nat. Prod. 6(3) 316-320 (2012)
658)* Chemical Composition of Endemic Thymus spathulifolius Hausskn. and Velen. Essential Oil and its Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activity from Turkey, S. Celen, A.D. Azaz, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Bear. Plants (JEOBP) 15(4) 628-636 (2012)
659) Turkish Rose: A review of the history, ethnobotany and modern uses of rose petals, rose oil, rose water and other rose products, K.H.C. Baser, A. Altintas, M. Kurkcuoglu, Herbalgram (96) 40-53 (2012)
660)* Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils from different parts of some Bupleurum L. species, H.T. Saracoglu, M. Akin, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, African J. Microbiol. Res., 6(12) 2899-2908 (2012).
661)* Chemical composition of rose-scented Pelargonium essential oils and their biting deterrence and insecticidal activity, C.C. Murphy, B. Demirci, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, J.J. Becnel, B.J. Sampson, D.E. Wedge, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, Planta Medica 78(5) 88 (2012)
662)* Chemical composition of Heracleum pastinacifolium subsp. transcaucasicum and subsp. incanum essential oils and their biting deterrent and larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, G. Ozek, A. Ali, A. Duran, E. Hamzaoglu, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, Planta Medica 78(5) 89 (2012)
663)* Repellent and larvicidal activity of Ruta graveolens essential oil and its major individual constituents against Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, H. Kiyan, A. Ali, U.R. Bernier, D.E. Wedge, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica 78(5) 90 (2012)
664) Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller) Leaves. T. Erdogan, T. Gonenc, Z.S. Hortoglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, B. Kivcak, Med Aromat Plants 1(8) 1:e134. doi:10.4172/2167-0412.1000e134 (2012)
665) The chemical composition of the leaf and seed oils of Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn. (Dipterocarpaceae), A.S. Kamariah, T. Ozek, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, ASEAN J. Sci. Technol. Dev., 29(2) 105-114 (2012)
666)* Essential oils of Mentha species from Marmara region of Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, G. Tarimcilar, J. Essent. Oil Res. 24(3) 265-272 (2012)
667)* Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils from different parts of endemic Bupleurum L. species, H. Taner Saracoglu, M. Akin, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Ankara Univ. Vet. Fak. Derg. 59, 265-270 (2012)
668)* Comparison of the volatiles of Daphne pontica L. and D. oleoides Schreber subsp. oleoides isolated by hydro- and microdistillation methods, I. Gurbuz, B.Demirci, G. Franz, K.H.C. Baser, E. Yesilada, F. Demirci, Turkish J. Biol., 37, 1-8 (2013)
669)* Phytochemical characterization of Phagnalon graecum Boiss. by HPLC and GC-MS with its enzyme inhibitory and antioxidant activity profiling by spectrophotometric methods, I. Erdogan Orhan, F.S.Senol, B. Demirci, N. Ozturk, K.H.C. Baser, B. Sener, Food Analytical Methods, 6, 1-9 (2013)
670) Essential oil composition of five endemic Hypericum species from Turkey, E. Eroglu Ozkan, B. Demirol, C. Unsal Gurer, S. Kultur, A. Mat, K.H.C. Baser, Med. Aromat. Plants, 2(2) 121-124 (2013)
671)* Complex evolutionary relationships in the Origanum L. section Majorana Benth. (Lamiaceae), B. Lukas, R. Samuel, E. Mader, K.H.C. Baser, H. Duman, J. Novak, Botanical J. Linnean Soc. 171, 667-686 (2013)
672)* Composition of Cyclotrichium niveum essential oil: Enantiomeric separation of pulegone and repellent activity against the lone star tick, and yellow fever mosquito, N. Tabanca, J.F. Carroll, M. Kramer, U.R. Bernier, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, Z. Aytac, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, Planta Med. 79, P17 (2013)
673)* Chemical composition and biological activity of Haplophyllum tuberculatum Juss. essential oil, A.J. Al-Rehaily, S.I. Alqasoumi, H.S. Yusufoglu, M.A. Al-Yahya, B. Demirci, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, F. Demirci, U.R. Bernier, J.J. Becnel, H.E. Temel, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 79, P48 (2013)
674)* Biting deterrent and larvicidal activity of essential oils of Magnolia grandiflora against Aedes aegypti, J.U. Rehman, A. Ali, N. Tabanca, V. Raman, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Başer, I.A. Khan, Planta Med. 79, P20 (2013)
675)* Composition of Prangos pabularia essential oil: Identification of an unknown compound from the oil and its insecticidal activity agains yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, M. Tsikolia, U.R. Bernier, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, Planta Med. 79, P18 (2013)
676)* Chemical Composition, Antifungal and Insecticidal Activities of Hedychium Essential Oils, H.F. Sakhanokho, B.J. Sampson, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, U.R. Bernier, M. Tsikolia, N.M.Agramonte, J.J. Becnel, J.Chen, K. Rajasekaran, J.M. Spiers, Molecules, 18, 4308-4327 (2013)
677)* Chemical composition of volatiles and anti-ulcerogenic effects of Styrax liquidus, I. Gurbuz, E. Yesilada, B. Demirci, E. Sezik, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Ethnopharmacol. 148, 332–336 (2013)
678)* A mechanistic investigation on anticholinesterase and antioxidant effects of rose (Rosa damascena Mill.), F.S. Senol, I. Erdogan Orhan, M. Kurkcuoglu, M.T.H. Khan, A. Altintas, B. Sener, K.H.C. Baser, Food Res. Int. 53, 502-509 (2013)
679)* Bioassay-Guided Investigation of Two Monarda Essential oils for repellent activity against Yellow Fever mosquito Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, U.R. Bernier, A. Ali, M. Wang, B. Demirci, E.K. Blythe, S.I. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, J. Agric. Food Chem. 61 (36) 8573-8580 (2013)
680) Comparison of the essential oils of different colored Centaurea tchihatcheffii Fisch. & Mey. flowers, KHC Baser, B. Demirci, S. Erik, Turkish J. Pharmaceutical Sci., 10(2) 313-318 (2013).
681)* Composition of the essential oils of Centaurea aphrodisea, C. polyclada, C. athoa, C. hyalolepis and C. iberica, S.B. Erel, B. Demirci, S. Demir, C. Kayaalp, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 25(2) 79-84 (2013).
682)* Composition, mosquito larvicidal, biting deterrent and antifungal activity of essential oils of different plant parts of Cupressus arizonica var. glabra (‘Caroline Sapphire’), A. Ali, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Ellis, S. Gray, B.R. Lackey, C. Murphy, I.A. Khan, D.E. Wedge, Nat. Prod. Commun. 8(2) 257-260 (2013)
683) Geographic variation in the volatile leaf oils of Juniperus excelsa M.-Bieb., R.P.Adams, A.N. Tashev, K.H.C. Baser, B.Douahy, M.B. Dagher-Kharrat, Phytologia 95(4) 279-282 (2013)
684)* The composition of Taif rose oil, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Abdel-Megeed, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 25(5) 364-367 (2013)
685)* Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons of the essential oil of Actinolema macrolema Boiss., B. Demirci, G. Koltuksuz Yasdikcioglu, K.H.C. Baser, Turk. J. Chem. 37, 917-926 (2013)
686)* Insecticidal and biting deterrent activity of rose-scented Geranium (Pelargonium spp.) essential oils and individual compounds against Stephanitis pyrioides and Aedes aegypti, A. Ali, C.C. Murphy, B. Demirci, D.E. Wedge, B.J. Sampson, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, N. Tabanca, Pest Management Sci. 69, 1385-1392 (2013)
687)* Phoenix dactylifera L. spathe essential oil: Chemical composition and repellent activity against the yellow fever mosquito, B. Demirci, M. Tsikolia, U.R. Bernier, N.M. Agremonte, S.I. Alqasoumi, M.A. Al-Yahya, A.J. Al-Rehaily, H.S. Yusufoglu, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, N. Tabanca, Acta Tropica 128, 557-560 (2013)
688)* Biting Deterrence and Larvicidal Activity of Ruta chalepensis L. Essential Oil and its Major Individual Constituents against Mosquitoes, A. Ali, B. Demirci, H.T. Kiyan, U.R. Bernier, M. Tsikolia, D.E. Wedge, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, N. Tabanca, J. Medical Entomology 50(6) 1267-1274 (2013)
689)* Composition of the essential oil of Mentha lavandulacea Willd. (Lamiaceae) from Saudi Arabia, A. Abdel-Megeed, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 49(5) 951-952 (2013)
690)* Compositions of the essential oils of Teucrium cavernarum and Teucrium paederotoides, two endemic species from Turkey, A. Kaya, B. Demirci, M. Dinc , S. Dogu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essential Oil Bearing Plants (JEOP), 16(5) 588-594 (2013).
691)* The in vivo evaluation of anti-angiogenic effects of Hypericum essential oils using the chorioallantoic membrane assay, H.Kiyan, B. Demirci, KHC. Baser, F.Demirci, Pharmaceutical Biology, 52(1) 44-50 (2014)
692)* The essential oil composition of aerial parts of Anthemis tricolor Boiss. from Cyprus, C. Karaalp, S. Baykan Erel, A. Nalbantsoy, S. Gucel, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Res. 28(7) 488-91 (2014)
693) Geographic variation in the volatile leaf oils of Juniperus excelsa and J. polycarpos, R. P. Adams, B. Douaihy, M. D. Dagher-Kharrat, V. Farzaliyev, Alexander N. Tashev, K. H. C. Baser and A. K. Christou, Phytologia 96(2) 96-106 (2014)
694)* In vitro Antioxidant Properties and Anthocyanin Compositions of Elderberry Extracts, H.G. Duymus, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem. 155, 112–119 (2014)
695)* Determination of Fatty Acid and Essential Oil Constituents and Biological Activities on Ranunculus pedatus subsp. pedatus, T. Erdogan, T. Gonenc, B. Demirci, B. Kivcak, K.H.C. Baser, Asian J. Chem. 26(7) 2156-2160 (2014)
696)* Chemical Diversity and Biological Activity of the Volatiles of Five Artemisia Species from Far East Russia, G. Ozek, Y. Suleimen, N. Tabanca, R. Doudkin, P.G. Gorovoy, F. Goger, D.E. Wedge, A. Ali, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 8(3) 242-261 (2014)
697)* Volatiles of two endemic Anthemis species from Turkey, N. Kirimer, B. Demirci, H. Duman, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 50(2) 379-381 (2014)
698)* Chemical Diversity in Volatiles of Helichrysum plicatum DC. Subspecies in Turkey, B. Ozturk, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 8(4) 373-384 (2014)
699)* Biting Deterrence and Larvicidal Activity of Essential Oils of Two Subspecies of Tanacetum argenteum (Lam.) Willd. and Individual Constituents against Aedes aegypti (L) (Diptera: Culicidae), A. Ali, N. Tabanca, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Duran, E.K. Blythe, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, J. Medical Entomol. 51(4) 824-830 (2014)
700)* Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Haplophyllum tuberculatum Juss. Essential Oil, A. J. Al-Rehaily, S. I. Alqasoumi, H. S. Yusufoglu,* M. A. Al-Yahya, B.Demirci, N. Tabanca, D. E. Wedge, Fatih Demirci, U. R. Bernier, J.-J. Becnel, H. E.Temel , K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Bearing Plants (JEOP) 17(3) 452-459 (2014)
701)* Chemical composition and insecticidal activity of essential oils of Echinophora lamondiana and pure compounds against mosquitoes, A. Ali, N. Tabanca, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, Z. Aytac, U. Bernier, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, Planta Med. 80(10) 801-801 (2014)
702)* Molecular and Phytochemical Investigation of Angelica dahurica and A. pubescentis Essential Oils and Their Biological Activity against Aedes aegypti, Stephanitis pyrioides and Colletotrichum Species, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, Z. Gao, N. Techen, D. Wedge, A. Ali, I. Khan, U. Bernier, B. Sampson, C. Werle, K.H.C. Baser, J. Agric. Food Chem. 62, 8848-8857 (2014).
703)* Composition of essential oil from Bunium incrassatum from Algeria, A. Bousetla, M. Kurkcuoglu, B. Konuklugil, K.H.C. Baser, S. Rhouati, Chem. Nat. Comp. 50 (4) 753-755 (2014).
704)* The Essential Oil Constituents of Ranunculus marginatus d’Urv. var. trachycarpus (Fisch. & Mey.) from Turkey, T. Erdogan, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, B. Kivcak, J. Essent. Oil Bearing Plants (JEOP), 17 (4) 702 – 707 (2014)
705) Essential oils of Anatolian Apiaceae – A Profile, K.H.C. Baser, N. Kirimer, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 1(1) 1-50 (2014)
706) The volatile compounds of Elderberries (Sambucus nigra L.), H.Gamze Agalar, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 1(1) 51-54 (2014)
707)* Oil Rose (Rosa damascena), K.H.C. Baser, N. Arslan, MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS OF THE MIDDLE-EAST Book Series: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World Volume: 2 Pages: 281-304 (2014
708)* Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum), K.H.C. Baser, N. Arslan, MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS OF THE MIDDLE-EAST Book Series: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World Volume: 2 Pages: 305-332 (2014)
709)* Essential oil composition of three Centaurea species from Turkey; Centaurea aggregata Fisch. & Mey. ex. DC. subsp. aggregata, C. balsamita Lam. and C. behen L., T. Erdogan, P. Degirmenci, U. Cakilcioglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, B. Kivcak, Rec. Nat. Prod. 9(1) (2015)
710)* Essential oils of Echinophora lamondiana: A relationship between chemical profile and biting deterrence and larvicidal activity against mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), A. Ali, N. Tabanca, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, Z. Aytac, U.R. Bernier, N.M. Agramonte, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, J. Medical Entomol. 52(1) 93-100 (2015)
711) ISEO 2014. 45th International Symposium on Essential Oils, K.H.C. Baser, Euro Cosmetics, (1/2) 42-43 (2015)
712)* Volatile compounds from the aerial part and fruits of Grammosciadium pterocarpum Boiss. growing in Turkey, N. Kucukboyaci, B. Demirci, N. Adiguzel, B. Bani, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 27(3) 177-181 (2015) 7
713)* Composition of the essential oils from samples of Vitex agnus-castus L. growing in Turkey, G. Gulsoy Toplan, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, G. Sariyar, J. Essent.Oil Res. 27(4) 337-342 (2015)
714) Composition of the essential oil of Pink Chablis™ bluebeard (Caryopteris ×clandonensis ‘Durio’) and its biological activity against the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti, E.K. Blythe, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, U.R. Bernier, N.M. Agramonte, A. Ali, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 2(1) 11-21 (2015)
715) Geographical Variation of Ajuga laxmannii (L.) Bentham Essential Oil, Y.B. Kose, S. Alan, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 2(1) 32-36 (2015)
716)* Composition, insecticidal activity and other biological activities of Tanacetum abrotanifolium Druce. essential oil, K. Polatoglu, O.C. Karakoc, Y. Y. Yucel, B. Demirci, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, Ind. Crops Prods 7, 7-14 (2015)
717)* Inhibition of Human Neutrophil Responses by the Essential Oil of Artemisia kotuchoviiand its Constituents, I. A. Schepetkin, S. V. Kushnarenko, G. Ozek, L. N. Kirpotina, G. A. Utegenova, Y. A. Kotukhov, A. N. Danilova, T. Ozek, K. H. C. Baser, M.T. Quinn, J. Agric. Food Chem. 63, 4999-5007 (2015)
718)* Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils from the Aerial Parts of Salvia pinnata L., N.U. Somer, B. Bozkurt Sarikaya, B. Erac, E. Kaynar, G. I. Kaya, M.A.Onur, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 9(4) 614-618 (2015)
719)* Chemical composition of Paeonia anomala essential oil and its insecticidal activity against Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, U.R. Bernier, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, S. Shatar, A. Altansetseg, D. Batar, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, Planta Med 81 – PB21 (2015) DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1545176
720) Characterization and Antimicrobial Evaluation of the Essential Oil of Pinus pinea L. from Turkey, F. Demirci, P. Bayramic, G. Goger, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 2(2) 39-44 (2015)
721) Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction (HS-SPME) and Analysis of Geotrichum fragrans Volatiles, G. Iscan, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 2(2) 45-51 (2015)
722) Chemical Characterisation of the Essential Oil of Hypericum aviculariifolium Jaub. & Spach subsp. depilatum (Freyn & Bornm.) Robson var. bourgaei (Boiss.) Robson from Turkey, S. Kucuk, M. Kurkcuoglu, Y.B. Kose, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 2(2) 52-56 (2015)
723)* Antiprotozoal effect of Artemisia indica extracts and essential oil, D. Tasdemir, M. Tierney, R. Sen, M.C. Bergonzi, B. Demirci, A.R. Bilia, K.H.C. Baser, R. Brun, M. Chatterjee, Planta Med. 81, 1029-1037 (2015).
724) The comparison of volatile components of Salvia ceratophylla L. collected from different regions of Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, H.G. Agalar, F. Celep, A.Karaman, M. Dogan, B. Demirci, Turk. J. Pharm. Sci. 12(1) 53-58 (2015)
725)* Essential Oil composition of Tordylium elegans, M. Kurkcuoglu, A.Tosun, A. Duran, H. Duman, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 51(5) 980-981 (2015).
726) Effect of coffee consumption on anaerobik performance, E. Onarici Gungor, A. O.Cerrah, l. Yilmaz, H. Turnagol, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research 2(12) 14-17 (2015).
727)* DPPH Scavenging, PRAP activities and Essential oil composition of edible Lathyrus ochrus L. (Cyprus Vetch, Luvana) from Cyprus, K. Polatoglu, S. Arsal, B. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, J. Oleo Sci. 64(3) 309-314 (2015)
728)* Composition of the essential oil of Marrubium anisodon C. Koch, N. Kirimer, M. Kurkcuoglu, G. Akgul, K.H.C. Baser, A.A. Mahmoud, Rec. Nat. Prod.9(2) 234-236 (2015)
729)* Rapid chemical analysis and antiprotozoal effect of the solvent extracts and the essential oil of Artemisia indica, D. Tasdemir, R. Sen, M.C. Bergonzi, B. Demirci, A.R. Bilia, K.H.C. Baser, R. Brun, M. Chatterjee, Planta Medica 81(16) 1547-1548 PW-202 (2015)
730)* Chemical composition and Biological Activity of Four Salvia Essential Oils and Individual Compounds against Two Species of Mosquitoes, A. Ali, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, E.K. Blythe, Z. Ali, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, J. Agric. Food Chem. 63(2) 447-456 (2015)
731)* Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Essential Oils from Four Nepeta Species and Hybrids against Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae), A. Ali, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, E. K. Blythe, K.H.C. Baser, I. A. Khan, Rec. Nat. Prod. 10(2) 137-147 (2016)
732)* The Identification of suberosin from Prangos pabularia Essential Oil and Its Mosquito Activity against Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, U.R. Bernier, M. Tsikolia, A. Duran, I.A. Khan, G. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek , Rec. Nat. Prod. 10(3) 311-315 (2016)
733)* Unexpected Irregular Monoterpene “Yomogi Alcohol” in the Volatiles of the Lathyrus L. species (Leguminosae) of Cyprus, K. Polatoglu, S. Arsal, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Oleo Sci. 65(3) 241-249 (2016) doi : 10.5650/jos.ess15165
734)* GC-MS analysis: In vivo hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of the essential oil of Achillea biebersteinii Afan. growing in Saudi Arabia, M.S. Al-Said, R.A. Mothana, M.M. Al-Yahya, S. Rafatullah, M.O. Al-Sohaibani, J.M. Khaled, A. Alatar, N.S. Alharbi, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2016, Article ID 1867048.
735)* Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of essential oils from leaves, aerial stems, basal stems, and rhizomes of Etlingera fimbriobracteata (K.Schum.) RMSm., A.F.M.S. Ud-Daula, F. Demirci, K. Abu Salim, B. Demirci, L.B.L. Lim, K.H.C. Baser, N. Ahmad, Industrial Crops and Products 84, 189-198 (2016)
736) Essential oils of Achillea species of Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 3(1) 1-14 (2016)
737) Essential oil composition of Stachys iberica Bieb. subsp. iberica from Turkey, F. Goger, B. Demirci, G. Ozek, H. Duman, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 3(1) 31-34 (2016)
738)* Insecticidal activity of edible Crithmum maritimum L. essential oil against Coleopteran and Lepidopteran insects, K. Polatoglu, O.C. Karakoc, Y. Yucel Yucel, S. Gucel, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Industrial Crops and Products 89, 383-389 (2016)
739)* Investigation of essential oils from three natural populations of Lonicera iliensis, S. V. Kushnarenko, L. N. Karasholakova, G. Ozek, K. T. Abidkulova, N. M. Mukhitdinov, K. H. C. Baser, T. Ozek, Chemistry of Natural Compounds 52 (4) 751-753 (2016)
740)* Chemical characterization and anticholinesterase effects of essential oils derived from Salvia species, H. E. Temel, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, F. Celep, A. Kahraman, M. Doğan, K. H. C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil. Res. 28(4) 322-331 (2016)
741)* Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Centaurea baseri: New species from Turkey, Y.B. Kose, G. Iscan, F. Goger, G. Akalin, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Biodiversity 13, 1369-1379 (2016) doi: 10.1002/cbdv.201600070
742)* Modulation of Human Neutrophil Responses by the Essential Oils from Ferula akitschkensis and their Constituents, I.A. Schepetkin, S.V. Kushnarenko, G. Ozek, L.N. Kirpotina, P. Sinharoy, G.A. Utegenova, K.T. Abidkulova, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, A.R. Kovrizhina, A.I. Khlebnikov, D.S. Damron, M.T. Quinn, J. Agric. Food Chem 64(38) 7156-7170 (2016) doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.6b03205
743)* High amounts of n-alkanes in the composition of Asphodelus aestivus Brot. flower essential oil from Cyprus, K. Polatoglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Oleo Sci. 65(10) 867-870 (2016) doi: 10.5650/jos.ess.15197
744) Comparative systematical, morphological, trichomes and phytochemical characterization of Teucrium montbretii subsp. pamphylicum and Teucrium odontites, S. Kucuk, Y.B. Kose, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Biological Diversity and Conservation, 9(2)15-23 (2016)
745) Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Tanacetum tomentellum (Boiss.) Grierson essential oil from Turkey, N. Tabanca, K.H.C. Baser, Z. Aytac, M. R. Jacob, S. I. Khan, B. Demirci, Nat. Volatiles and Essent. Oils, 3(2) 1-8 (2016)
746) Composition of the essential oil of the Hyssopus officinalis L. subsp. angustifolius (Bieb.) Arcangeli, M. Kurkcuoglu, S. Arikan Eser, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Volatiles and Essent. Oils, 3(2) 15-19 (2016)
747) Composition and biological activity of Cyperus rotundus L. tuber volatiles from Saudi Arabia, S. Al-Massarani, F. Al-Enzi, M. Al-Tamimi, N. Al-Jomaiah, R. Al-amri , K.H.C. Baser, N. Tabanca, A. S. Estep, J. J. Becnel, J. R. Bloomquist, Betül Demirci, Nat. Volatiles and Essent. Oils, 3(2) 26-34 (2016)
748)* 11-Hydroxy-2,4-cycloeudesmane from leaf oil of Juglans regia and evaluation of its larvicidal activity, A. Koroglu, A. Baldemir, G. Ozek, E. Bedir, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, Nat. Prod. Commun. 11(10) 1421-1424 (2016)
749)* Essential oil of Helichrysum conglobatum from Cyprus, K. Polatoglu, B. Demirci, I. Calis, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 11(10) 1521-1522 (2016)
750)* Preparative Capillary GC for Characterization of Five Dracocephalum Essential Oils from Mongolia, and their Mosquito Larvicidal Activity, G. Ozek, N. Tabanca, M.M. Radwan, S. Shatar, A. Altantsetseg, D. Baatar, K.H.C. Baser, J.J. Becnel, T. Ozek, Nat. Prod. Commun.11(10) 1541-1544 (2016)
751) Preparative gas chromatography for isolation of eudesmane type sesquiterpene ketone from Prangos heyniae essential oil, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, E. Bedir, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, A. Duran, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils (NVEO) 3(3) 28 (2016)
752) Essential oils as potential insecticidal agents for protection of stored products, K. Polatoglu, H. Servi, O.C. Karakoc, Y.Yucel Yucel, S. Yucel, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils (NVEO) 3(3) 45 (2016)
753) Chemical diversity of Aster tataricus volatiles from Mongolia, G. Ozek, S. Yur, A. Altantsetseg, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils (NVEO) 3(3) 117 (2016)
754) Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Sium sisarum L. essential oil, G. Ozturk, B. Demirci, A. Duran, M. Celik, F. Altinordu, K.H.C. Baser, Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils (NVEO) 3(3) 118 (2016)
755) Anticandidal, Antibacterial Properties and Composition of the Essential Oils of Juniperus excelsa Bieb. subsp. excelsa Growing in Eskişehir, Turkey, S. Kucuk, M. Kurkcuoglu, G. Iscan, C. Elmaci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 3(4) 8-12 (2016)
756) Chemical Composition of Heracleum platytaenium Boiss. (Apiaceae) essential oil from Turkey, C.S. Kilic, B. Demirci, M. Coskun, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 3(4) 13-23 (2016)
757) Chemical composition of Achillea schischkinii Sosn., an endemic species from Turkey, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, Z. Aytac, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 3(4) 24-28 (2016)
759)* Handbook of Essential Oils: Science, Technology, and Applications SECOND EDITION Introduction, K.H.C. Baser, G. Buchbauer, HANDBOOK OF ESSENTIAL OILS: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND APPLICATIONS, 2ND EDITION Pages: 1-3 ((2016.
760)* Essential Oils Used in Veterinary Medicine, K.H.C. Baser, Ch. Franz, HANDBOOK OF ESSENTIAL OILS: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND APPLICATIONS, 2ND EDITION Pages: 655-668 (2016)
761) The chemical composition of Salvia verticillata L. subsp. verticillata from Turkey, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(1) 18-28 (2017)
762) Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Sium sisarum essential oils, G. Ozturk, B. Demirci, A. Duran, F. Altinordu, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(1) 29-32 (2017)
763) Essential Oils of Anatolian Lamiaceae – An Update (PL-08), K.H.C. Baser, N. Kirimer, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 9 (2017)
764) Essential oil composition and morphological characteristics of Cyclotrichium glabrescens (Boiss. et Kotschy ex Rech. fil.) Leblebici endemic in Turkey (OP-21), M. Kurkcuoglu, S. Kucuk, M. Kursat, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 35 (2017)
765) Essential oil composition of Origanum majorana from three different locations in Northern Cyprus (PP-43), A. Hanoglu, D. Yigit, B. Demirci, D. Ozkum Yavuz, I. Calis, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 80 (2017)
766) The leaf and the gall volatiles of Salvia fruticosa Miller from Turkey: Chemical and biological diversity (PP-49), S. Suzgec-Selcuk, G. Ozek, S. Yur, F. Goger, E. Tuzlaci, M.B. Gurdal, G. Gursoy Toplan, A.H. Mericli, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 86 (2017)
767) Antimicrobial evaluation and chemical characterisation of the essential oil of the endemic Salvia cryptantha Montbert & Aucher ex Bentham from Eskisehir (PP-50), G. Ozturk, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 87 (2017)
768) Study of the yield and the chemical composition of Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum (PP-63), S. Oflaz, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 100 (2017)
769) Essential oil composition of Stachys obliqua Waldst et Kit (PP-66), B. Demirci, G. Yildiz, N. Kirimer, A. Ocak, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 103 (2017)
770) Composition of the essential oil and antioxidant capacity of Moluccella species from Turkey (PP-68), A. Koroglu Guvenc, G. Ozek, M.M. Hurkul, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 105 (2017)
771) Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Phlomoides laciniata essential oil, methanolic extract and infusion (PP-69), D. Kirci, B. Demirci, F. Goger, M. Armagan, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 106 (2017)
772) Essential oil and fatty acid compositions of Stachys hissarica Regel from Uzbekistan (PP-74), D.T. Asilbekova, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, S. Sh. Sagdullaev, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 111 (2017)
773) Chemical characterization of Phlomis kurdica Rech. fil. essential oil from Turkey (PP-78), A.E. Karadag, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 115 (2017)
774)* Essential Oil Composition of Three Centaurea Species from Turkey: Centaurea aggregata Fisch. & Mey. ex. DC. subsp. aggregata, C. balsamita Lam. and C. behen L., T.Erdogan, B. Sumer, O. Ozcinar, U. Cakilcioglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, B. Kivcak, Rec. Nat. Prod. 11(1) 69-73 (2017)
775)* Difference in Volatile Composition of Chenopodium murale from Two Different Locations of Cyprus, K. Polatoglu, B. Demirci, I. Calis, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 11(1) 88-91 (2017)
776)* Insecticidal activity of Salvia veneris Hedge essential oil against coleopteran stored product insects and Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera). K. Polatoglu, O.C. Karakoc, Y. Yucel Yucel, S. Gucel, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Industrial Crops and Prods. 97, 93-100 (2017)
777)* Repellency of the Origanum onites L. essential oil and constituents to the lone star tick and yellow fever mosquito, J.F. Carroll, B. Demirci, M. Kramer, U.R. Bernier, N.M. Agramonte, K.H.C. Baser, N. Tabanca, Nat. Prod. Res. 31(18) 2192-2197 (2017) DOI:
778)* Chemical composition and phagocyte immunomodulatory activity of Ferula iliensis essential oil, G. Ozek, I.A. Schepetkin, G.A. Utegenova, L.N. Kirpotina, S. R. Andrei, T.Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, K.T. Abidkulova, S.V. Kushnarenko, A.I. Khebnikov, D.S. Damron, M.T. Quinn,Journal of Leucocyte Biology, 101(6) 1361-1371 (2017)
779)* Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Sideritis cypria Post endemic in Northern Cyprus, D.Yigit Hanoglu, A. Hanoglu, M. Guvenir, K. Suer, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, D. Ozkum Yavuz, J. Essent. Oil Res. 29(3) 228-232 (2017)
780)* Phytochemical characterization of endemic Achillea sivasica Çelik & Akpulat and screening for inhibitory potential against oxidative damage, tyrosinase and a-amylase, Y. Haliloglu, T. Ozek, M. Tekin, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, G. Ozek, Int. J.Food Properties 20(S1) S693-S706 (2017)
781)* Volatile composition, Antioxidant Activity and Antioxidant Components in Saffron Cultivated in Turkey, M. Kosar, B. Demirci, F. Goger, I. Kara, K.H.C. Baser Int. J. Food Properties 20(S1) S746-S754 (2017)
782)* Composition and biological activities of Salvia veneris Hedge growing in Cyprus, G. Gulsoy Toptan, M. Kurkcuoglu, F. Goger, G. Iscan, H.G. Agalar, A. Mat, K.H.C. Baser, M. Koyuncu, G. Sariyar, Industrial Crops and Products 97, 41-48 (2017)
783) Book Review: Essential Oils: Contact Allergy and Chemical Composition by Anton C. de Groot and Erich Schmidt, K.H.C. Baser, HerbalGram 114, 68 (2017)
784)* Essential oil composition and leaf trichomes of Pegolettia baccharidifolia and Pegolettia retrofracta (Asteraceae) K.H.C. Baser, G. Ozek, I.M. Hulley, T. Ozek, P.M. Tilney, B.-E. Van Wyk, South African Journal of Botany 111, 275-282 (2017)
785)* Chemical and Biological Diversity of the Leaf and Rhizome Volatiles of Acorus calamusL. from Turkey S. Suzgec-Selcuk, G. Ozek, A.H. Mericli, K.H.C. Baser, Y. Haliloglu, T. Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Bear. Plants 20(3) 646-661 (2017)
786)* Investigation of Galatella villosa Rchb.f. and Galatella tatarica (Less.) Novopokr. for antioxidant, a-amylase, tyrosinase, lipoxygenase and xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities, G. Ozek, M. Ishmuratova, S. Yur, F. Goger, Y. Haliloglu, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, Nat. Prod. Commun. 12(8) 1255-1258 (2017)
787)* Rose mentioned in the works of scientists of the Medieval East and implications in modern science, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 12(8) 1327-1330 (2017)
788)* Rhanterium epapposum Oliv. essential oil: Chemical composition and antimicrobial, insect-repellent and anticholinesterase activities. B. Demirci, H.S. Yusufoglu, N. Tabanca, H.E. Temel, U. R. Bernier, N.M. Agramonte, S.I. Algasoumi, A. J. Al-Rehaily, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 25(5) 703-708 (2017)
789)* Identification of potential therapeutic role of Thymus capitatus essential oil using cellular imaging, D. Ozkum Yavuz*, M. Mavis, G. Ates, Azmi Hanoglu, Duygu Yigit Hanoglu, K. H.C. Başer, N. Serakinci, Procedia Computer Science 120, 961-966 (2017)
790)* Fungal biotransformation of cyclademol and antimicrobial activities of its metabolites, I. Kiran, O. Ozsen, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Nat. Prod. Commun.12(10) 1529-1530 (2017)
791)* Composition and potential of Tanacetum haussknechtii Bornm. Grierson as antioxidant and inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase, tyrosinase and a-amylase enzymes, S. Yur, M. Tekin, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, Int. J. Food Properties 20(S3) S2359-2378 (2017)
792)* Antimicrobial Strategies in Novel Drug Delivery Systems: Applications in the Treatment of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections, J. Bueno, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, MICROBIOLOGY OF SKIN, SOFT TISSUE, BONE AND JOINT INFECTIONS Book Series: Clinical Microbiology Diagnosis Treatment and Prophylaxis of Infections Volume: 2 Pages: 271-286 (2017)
793)* Chemical composition of the essential oil and antimicrobial activity of Scaligeria DC. taxa and implications for taxonomy, A. Baldemir, B. Demirci, M.Y. Paksoy, S. Ilgun, M. Kosar, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Rec. Nat. Prod. 12(1) 14-28 (2018)
794)* Comparative study of three Achillea essential oils from Eastern part of Turkey and their biological activities, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Z. Aytac, S.I. Khan, M.R. Jacob, N. Tabanca, Rec. Nat. Prod. 12(2) 195-200 (2018)
795)* Biological Evaluation, Overpressured Layer Chromatography Separation, and Isolation of a New Acetylenic Derivative Compound from Prangos platychlaena spp. platychlaena Fruit Essential Oils, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, X.-C. Li, Z. Gao, T. Ozek, U. R. Bernier, N. D. Epsky, K.H.C. Baser, G. Ozek, J. Planar Chromatography 31(1) 61-71 (2018)
796)* Chemical Composition and Insecticidal Activity of Edible Garland (Chrysanthemum coronarium L.) Essential Oil Against the Granary Pest Sitophilus granarius L. (Coleoptera), K. Polatoglu, O.C. Karakoc, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 30(2) 120-130 (2018)
797)* Chemical Compositions of Achillea sivasica: Different Plant Part Volatiles, Enantiomers and Fatty Acids, G. Ozek, M. Tekin, Y. Haliloglu, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, Rec. Nat. Prod. 12(2) 142-159 (2018)
798)* Chemical composition of a new taxon, Seseli gummiferum subsp. ilgazense and its larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti, M. Kurkcuoglu, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, I.A. Khan, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 12(2) 184-189 (2018)
799)* Microbial biotransformation of alpha-ionol, I. Kiran, T.T. Sefunc, O. Ozsen, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, J. Chem. Res. 42, 13-14 (2018)
800)* Morphological, Indumentum and Chemical Characteristics and Analysis of the Volatile Components of the Flowers of Rhododendron ponticum L. subsp. ponticum (Ericaceae) of Turkish Origin, S. Kucuk, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod.12(5) 498-507 (2018)
801)* Chemical composition, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Chaerophyllum aromaticum L. from Turkey, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Sen, L. Bitis, S. Birteksoz Tan, A. Dogan, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Bearing Plants 21(2) 563-569 (2018)
802)* Volatile Components of Some Selected Turkish Liverworts, Y. Asakawa, K.H.C. Baser, B. Erol, S. Von Reuss, W. A. Konig, H. Ozenoglu, I. Gokler, Nat. Prod. Commun. 13(7) 899-902 (2018)
803)* Characterization of the volatile compounds of five endemic Aristolochia species from Turkey, N. Kirimer, B. Demirci, G. Iscan, H. Malyer, A. Tosunoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Chem Nat. Comp. 54(4) 777-780 (2018)
804)* Isolation of eudesmane type sesquiterpene ketone from Prangos heyniae H. Duman et M.F. Watson essential oil and mosquitocidal activity of the essential oils, G. Ozek, E. Bedir, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, I.A. Khan, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, Open Chemistry 16(1) 453-467 (2018)
805)* Comparative study of three Achillea essential oils from Eastern part of Turkey and their biological activities, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Z. Aytac, S.I. Khan, M.R. Jacob, N. Tabanca, Rec. Nat. Prod. 12(2) 195-200 (2018)
806)* Morphological, Indumentum and Chemical Characteristics and Analysis of the Volatile Components of the Flowers of Rhododendron ponticum L. subsp. ponticum (Ericaceae) of Turkish Origin, S. Kucuk, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 12(5) 498-507 (2018)
807)* Essential oil composition of Pentzia incana (Asteraceae), an important natural pasture plant in the Karoo region of South Africa, I.M. Hulley, N. J. Sadgrove, P. M. Tilney, G. Ozek , S. Yur, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, B.-E. van Wyk, African Journal of Range and Forage Science137-145 (2018)
808) Essential oil characterization of Cousinia sivasica Hub.-Mor. (Asteraceae), M. Tekin, G. Ozek, E. Martin, T. Ozek, G. Yilmaz, K.H.C. Baser, BioDiCon 11(2) 16-21 (2018)
809) Isolation and Characterization of Essential Oils from Plant Materials: A Review, E. Kafkas, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Research Trends: Current Topics in Phytochemistry, 14, 21-31 (2018)
810)** Chemical characterization of Schinus molle L. essential oils from North Cyprus, H. Alnawari, B. Demirci, A. Hanoglu, D. Hanoglu,I. Calis, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils (NVEO) 5(3) 7-12 (2018)
811)** Essential oil composition of Zosima absinthifolia (Vent) Link from Northern Cyprus, O. Aburwais, A. Hanoglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils (NVEO) 5(2) 19-23 (2018)
812)** Essential oils of Anatolian Lamiaceae – An update, K.H.C. Baser, N. Kirimer, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils (NVEO) 5(4) 1-28 (2018)
813)* Essential Oils against Microbial Resistance Mechanisms, Challenges and Applications in Drug Discovery, J. Bueno, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, ESSENTIAL OILS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR TREATMENT OF MICROBIAL DISEASES Pages: 143-158 (2018)
814)* Composition of the essential oils of two endemic Helichrysum species of Turkey, M. Kurkcuoglu, H.G. Agalar, A. Aksoy, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 13(3) 236-242 (2019)
815)* Glandular trichome structures and chemical composition of the volatiles of five Ribes species from Turkey, G. Kendir, A. Koroglu, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent Oil Res. 31(2) 111-119 (2019)
816)* Antibacterial activities of herbal toothpastes combined with essential oils against Streptococcus mutans, O.I. Karadaglioglu, N. Ulusoy, K.H.C. Baser, A. Hanoglu, I. Sik, Pathogens 2019, 8(1), 20; doi:10.3390/pathogens8010020
817)* The essential oils of four endemic Salvia species in Turkey, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Prod. 55(2) 354-358 (2019).
818)* Essential oil compositions of subspecies of Scutellaria brevibracteata Stapf from Turkey, G. Yilmaz, M. Cicek, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 31(4) 255-262 (2019)
819)* Chemical composition of endemic Stachys subnuda Montbret & Aucher ex Benth. essential oil and its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, A. Sen, M. Kurkcuoglu, L. Bitis, A. Dogan, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 31(4) 326-334 (2019). DOI: 10.1080/10412905.2019.1567399
820)* Volatile compounds of Tripleurospermum decipiens from two natural populations in Turkey, M. Kurkcuoglu, F. Tosun, H. Inceer, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Prod. 55(3) 565-567 (2019).
821)* Volatile oil constituents of Crataegus azarolus L. and Crataegus pallasii Grisb., N. Agiel, D.Y. Hanoglu, A. Hanoglu, K.H.C. Baser, F. Mericli, Rec. Nat. Prod. 13(5) 405-412 (2019).
822)* Assessment of selected Saudi and Yemeni plants for mosquitocidal activities against the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti, S.Al-Massarani, A. El-Shaibany, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, A.S. Estep, J.J.Becnel, F. Goger, B. Demirci, A. El-Gamal, K.H.C. Baser, Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal 27(7) 930-938 (2019).
823)** Morphological, Anatomical and Phytochemical Characterizations of Lavandula stoechas L. subsp. stoechas Growing in Turkey, S. Kucuk, A. Altintas, B. Demirci, F. Koca, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Volatiles Essent. Oils (NVEO) 6(2) 9-19 (2019).
824)* Essential oil composition of a medicinally important Cape species: Pentzia punctata Harv. (Asteraceae), I.M. Hulley, G. Ozek, N.J. Sadgrove, P.M. Tilney, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, B-E Van Wyk, S. African J. Botany, 127, 208-212 (2019)
825)* In vitro Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Evaluation of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Flower Extract Fractions, A.E. Karadag, B. Demirci, A. Caskurlu, F. Demirci, M.E. Okur, D. Orak, H. Sipahi, K.H.C. Baser, S. African J. Bot., 125, 214-220 (2019)
826)* Chemical Composition, Antidiabetic, Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Activity of Inula ensifolia L. Essential Oil, A. Sen, M. Kurkcuoglu, I. Senkardes, L. Bitis, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Bearing Plants (TEOP), 22(4) 1048-1057 (2019).
827)** OBITUARY Prof. Dr. Jan Karlsen, Nat. Volatiles Essent. Oils (NVEO), 6(2) 1-2 (2019).
829)* Essential oil composition of leaves and flowers of two endemic Phlomis L. species (Phlomis cypria Post and Phlomis brevibracteata Turrill) from Northern Cyprus, A. Hanoglu, D. Yigit Hanoglu, B. Demirci, D. Ozkum Yavuz, K.H.C. Baser, I. Calis, J. Essent. Oil Res. 31(3) 196-202 (2019).
830)* Antiprotozoal Activity of Turkish Origanum onites Essential Oil and Its Components, D. Tasdemir, M. Kaiser, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Molecules 24 (2019) doi:10.3390/molecules24234421
831)** Composition of the Essential Oils of Scutellaria galericulata and S. tortumensis from Turkey, G. Yilmaz, M. Cicek, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 6(3): 1-7 (2019)
832)* Essential oils and lipids from leaves of Ferula kuhistanica, D.T. Asilbekova, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, K.M. Bobakulov, K.H.C. Baser, S.S. Sagdullaev, Chem. Nat. Prod. 55(6) 993-998 (2019)
833)* Phytochemical Investigation of Endemic Sideritis cypria Post, D. Yigit Hanoglu, A. Hanoglu, H. Yusufoglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, I. Calis, D. Ozkum Yavuz, Rec. Nat. Prod. 14(2) 105-115 (2020)
834)* Evaluation of Antioxidant Activities, Phenolic Constituents and Essential Oil Composition of Marrubium heterodon (Benth.) Boiss. & Balansa from Turkey, T. Arabaci, M.S. Icen, T. Dirmenci, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, 39(1) 109-115 (2020).
835)* Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Thymus capitatus against Helicobacter pylori, M. Guvenir, A. Hanoglu, D. Yigit Hanoglu, K. Suer, K.H.C. Baser, D. Ozkum Yavuz, T. Sanlidag, Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica, 77(1) 155-160 (2020)
836)* Chemical and biological profiles of essential oil from different parts of Myrtus communis L. subsp. communis from Turkey, A. Sen, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Yildirim, A. Dogan, L. Bitis, K.H.C. Baser, Agric. Conspec. Sci. 85(1) 73-80 (2020)
837)* Insecticidal and biting deterrent activities of Magnolia grandiflora essential oils and select pure compounds against Aedes aegypti, A. Ali, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, V. Raman, J.M. Budel, K.H.C. Baser, I. Khan, Molecules, 25, 1359 (2020)
838)* Antimicrobial, anticholinesterase evaluation and chemical characterization of essential oil Phlomis kurdica Rech. fil. Growing in Turkey, A.E. Karadag, B. Demirci, S. Kultur, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 32(3) 242-246 (2020)
839)** Chemical composition of Bunium elegans (Fenzl.) Freyn var. elegans essential oil, G. Ozturk, B. Demirci, M. Celik, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Volatiles and Essent. Oils, 7(1) 26-29 (2020)
840)* Screening of non-alkaloid acetylcholinesterase and carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes inhibitors of Leiotulus dasyanthus (K. Koch) Pimenov & Ostr. (Apiaceae), S. Karakaya, Z. Bingol, M. Koca, B. Demirci, I. Gulcin, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 32(3) 227-241 (2020) DOI: 10.1080/10412905.2020.1746415
841)* Essential oils and lipids from the flowers of two varieties of Ocimum basilicum L. cultivated in Uzbekistan, K. Bobakulov, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, D.T. Asilbekova, N. D. Abdullaev, Sh. Sh. Sagdullaev, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 32(4) 323-330 (2020), DOI:10.1080/10412905.2020.1749946
842)* Chemical Composition of Volatile oils of Fresh and Air-dried Buds of Cannabis chemovars, their Insecticidal and Repellent Activity, A.S. Wanas, M.M. Radwan, Chandra, H. Lata, Z. Mehmedic, A. Ali, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, M.A. Elsohly, Natural Product Communication, 15(5) (2020) DOI: 10.1177/1934578X20926729
843)* Herbs and aromatic plants as feed additives: Aspects of composition, safety, and registration rules, C.M. Franz, K.H.C. Baser, I. Hahn-Ramssl, Feed Additives: Aromatic Plants and Herbs in Animal Nutrition and Health (Eds. P. Florou Paneri, E. Christaki, I. Giannenas), pp. 35-56 (2020) DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-814700-9.00003-0
844)* Cytotoxic effect and molecular docking studies of essential oils of Cymbocarpum erythraeum (DC.) Boiss. (Apiaceae) as potential inhibitors of cholinesterase, S. Karakaya, O. Ozdemir, M. Koca, B. Demirci, O. Aksakal, H. Turkez, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 32(5) 436-448 (2020) DOI: 10.1080/10412905.2020.1787884
845)* Composition of the essential oils of five subspecies of Scutellaria orientalis from Turkey, G. Yilmaz, M. Cicek, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 32(5) 429-435 (2020)
846)* A caryophyllene oxide and other potential anticholinesterase and anticancer agent in Salvia verticillata subsp. amasiaca (Freyn & Bornm.) Bornm. (Lamiaceae), S. Karakaya, S.V. Yilmaz, O. Ozdemir, M. Koca, N.M. Pinar, B. Demirci, K. Yildirim, O. Sytar, H. Turkez, K.H.C. Baser, Journal of Essential Oil Research 32(6) 512-525 (2020)
847)* Protective Effects of Origanum onites Essential Oil in the Methotrexate-Induced Rat Model: Role on Apoptosis and Hepatoxicity, A. Aykac, E. Becer, D. Ozbeyli, G. Sener, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 14(6) 395-404 (2020))
848)** Essential oil composition of different parts of Tanacetum cilicicum (Boiss.) Grierson, A. Sen, M. Kurkcuoglu, L. Bitis, A. Dogan, K.H.C. Baser, Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils, 7(3) 18-28 (2020)
849)** Microdistilled essential oil of Thymus integer Griseb. endemic in Cyprus, D. Yigit Hanoglu, A. Hanoglu, B. Demirci, S. Tamson, B. Kesanli, K.H.C. Baser, Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils, 7(3) 51-54 (2020)
850)* Chemical composition, sensory evaluation and antimicrobial activity of Taif rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) essential oils, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, S. G. Akterian, H. N. Fidan, A. S. Stoyanova, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 52(4) 460-466 (2020) DOI: 10.34049/bcc.52.4.5261
851)* Chemical characterization of Bunium allioides and B. brachyactis, G. Ozturk, B. Demirci, M. Celik, K. H. C. Baser, Chemistry of Natural Compounds 56 (6) 1146-1147 (2020). DOI 10.1007/s10600-020-03250-5
852)* Drying Effects on the Volatile Compounds of Kumquat, Limequat, and Mexican Lime Fruits, H.G. Agalar, B. Temiz, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Bearing Plants, 23(6) 1395-1408 (2020)
853)* Beneficial Effects of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) in Ocular Diseases, M. Kosar and K.H.C. Baser, In: Saffron: The Age-Old Panacea in a New Light, M. Sarwat and S. Sumaiya, pp. 155-161 (2020)
854)* The Leaf and the Gall Volatiles of Salvia fruticosa Miller from Turkey: Chemical Composition and Biological Activities, S. Suzgec-Selcuk, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, S. Yur, F. Goger, M.B. Gurdal, G.G. Toplan, A.H. Mericli, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 15(1) 10-24 (2021).
855)* Chemical composition, antiradical and enzyme inhibitory potential of essential oil obtained from aerial part of Centaurea pterocaula Trautv., A. Sen, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Yildirim, I. Senkardes, L. Bitis, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil. Res. 33(1) 44-52 (2021)
856)* Boswellia sacra essential oil manages colon cancer stem cells proliferation and apoptosis: a new perspective for cure, E. Becer, H. Kabadayi, K.H.C. Baser, H.S. Vatansever, J. Essent. Oil Res. 33(1) 53-62 (2021)
857)** In vitro Anti-Leishmanial Activity of Essential Oils Extracted from Plants Growing in Northern Cyprus Against Leishmania tropica. E. Guler, A. Ozbilgin, I. Cavus, B. Baddal, I. Etikan, KHC Baser, T. Sanlidag. Turkiye Parazitol Derg 45(2) 101-107 (2021).
858)* Chemical composition and biological activities of Valeriana dioscoridis S.M. roots, B. Sen-Utsukarci, S.M. Kessler, O. Akbal-Dagistan, A.S. Estep, N. Tabanca, M. Kurkcuoglu, S. Demirci-Kayiran, E. Eroglu-Ozkan, Z. Gul, H.Bardakci, J. Becnel, A.K. Kiemer, A. Mat, K.H.C. Baser, S. African J. Bot. 141, 306-312 (2021).
859)* Microbial transformation of (-)-alpha-bisabolol towards bioactive metabolites, Z. Firat, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, H. Kirmizibekmez, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 15(6) 593-601 (2021) Special Issue
860)* Fungal biotransformation of cedramber, O.O. Batur, I. Kiran, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Biocatalysis and Biotransformation (2021). DOI: 10.1080/102424
861)* Review of studies on Phlomis and Eremostachys species (Lamiaceae) with emphasis on iridoids, phenylethanoid glycosides, and essential oils, I. Calis and K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 87(14) 1128-1151 (2021). DOI: 10.1055/a-1527-4238
862)* Comparative Antibacterial Capabilities of Origanum onites oil and Diode Laser against Enterecoccus faecalis contaminated primary root canals, A. Islam, S. Susever, D. Yigit Hanoglu, K.H.C. Baser, S. Cetiner, Cyprus J. Medical Sciences 6(3)237-243 (2021)
863)* Volatile constituents of three Thymus sipyleus Boiss. subspecies from different sites in Turkey, H.G. Agalar, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, K. Turgut, Turkish Journal of Chemistry 45, 1959-1967 (2021). DOI: 10.3906/kim-2103-6
864)* Essential Oil Composition and Anatomical Characteristics of Stachys megalodonta Hausskn. & Bornm. ex P. H. Davis subsp. mardinensis R. Bhattacharjee Endemic in Turkey, Kurkcuoglu, M., Kucuk, S., Kursat, M., Baser, K.H.C., Annals of Phytomedicine, 10(2) 1-6 (2021)
865)* Phytochemical Composition and Pharmacological Activities of Teucrium polium L. Collected from Eastern Turkey, G. Gulsoy Toplan, F. Goger, T. T askin, G. Ecevit Genc, A. Civas, G. Iscan, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Mat, K.H.C. Baser, Turkish Journal of Chemistry 46(1) 269-282 (2022) doi:10.3906/kim-2107-13
866)* A Multi-Parameter Evaluation of the Neuroprotective and Cognitive-Enhancing Effects of Origanum onites L. (Turkish Oregano) Essential Oil on Scopolamine-Induced Amnestic Rats, A. Aykac, K. Terali, D. Ozbeyli, S. Ede, O. Albayrak, K.H.C. Baser, G. Sener, Metabolic Brain Disease 37, 1041-1055 (2022)
867)* Phytochemical screening and biological evaluation of Salvia hydrangea Dc. ex Benth. growing in eastern Anatolia, G. Gulsoy Toplan, M. Kurkcuoglu, F. Goger, T. Taskin, A. Civas, G. Iscan, G. Ecevit-Genc, A. Mat, K.H.C. Baser, South African Journal of Botany, 147, 779-807 (2022).
868)* Comparative Studies on Essential Oil and Phenolic Content with in vitro Antioxidant, Anticholinesterase, Antimicrobial Activities of Achillea biebersteinii Afan. and A. millefolium subsp. millefolium Afan. L. Growing in Eastern Turkey, G. Gulsoy Toplan, T. Taskin, G. Iscan, F. Goger, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Civas, G. Ecevit-Genc, A. Mat, K.H.C. Baser, Molecules 27(6) 1956 (2022);
869)* Evaluation of antibacterial and antifungal effects of Calcium hydroxide mixed with two different essential oils, G. Cosan, C.S. Ozverel, D. Yigit Hanoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Y.M. Tunca, Molecules 27, 2635 (2022)
870)* In vitro and in silico evaluation of ACE2-LOX inhibitory activity of Origanum essential oils and carvacrol, F. Demirci, K. Terali, A.E. Karadag, S.N. Biltekin, E. Ak Sakal, M. Kosar, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. (2022) DOI: 10.1055/a-1828-2479
871)* The Effect of Cynara cornigera L. in HepG2 Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells, E. Sanlidag, E. Becer, I. Calis, K.H.C. Baser, A. Hanoglu, F. Goger, H.S. Vatansever, Rec. Nat. Prod.
872) Chaerophyllum libanoticum Boiss. et Kotschy.: The fruit essential oil, composition, skin-whitening and antioxidant activities. M. Kurkcuoglu, H.G. Agalar, B. Temiz, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, European J. Life Sci. 1, 28-34 (2022).
873) Antioxidant, Antityrosinase Activities and Composition of Essential Oils Obtained from Roots and Fruits of Ferulago longistylis Boiss. M. Kurkcuoglu, H.G. Agalar, B. Temiz, A. Duran, M. Y. Paksoy, K.H.C. Baser, J. Res. Pharm. 26(4) 790-798 (2022).
874)* The Influence of the Flowering and Fruiting Periods on the Insecticidal Activities of the Extracts of Erica manipuliflora and Their Chemical Compositions, B. Sen, B. Gurdal, N. Tabanca, A.S. Estep, M.Kurkcuoglu, F. Goker, Z. Gul, H. Bardakci, J. Becnel, A. Mat, K.H.C. Baser, Industrial Crops and Products, 187 115380
875)* In vitro and In silico Evaluation of ACE2 and LOX Inhibitory Activity of Eucalyptus Essential Oils, 1,8-Cineole, and Citronellal, E. Ak Sakalli, K. Terali, A.E. Karadag, S.N. Biltekin, M. Kosar, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Nat. Prod. Commun. 17(6) (2022) DOI 10.1177/1934578X221109409
876) Book review: Oregano. The Genus Origanum (Lamiaceae) Taxonomy, Cultivation, Chemistry and Uses, Tuncay Dirmenci (Editor), K.H.C. Baser, HerbalGram 134, 65-66 (2022)
877)* Cytotoxic Activity and Antioxidant Effects of Origanum onites essential oil and its two major contents, carvacrol and p-cymene on human colorectal (HCT116) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cell lines, E. Becer, E. Mutlu Altundag, K.H.C. Baser, H.S.Vatansever, J. Essent. Oil Res. early view (2022)
878) Microbial Transformation of 3,3-Dimethylcyclohexyl methyl ketone and Antimicrobial Evaluation, O. O. Batur, I. Kiran, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 50(3) 263-267 (2022)
879) Kekik, K.H.C. Baser, Tabiat ve Insan 1(191) 15-31 (2022)
880) Ian Hedge, KHC Baser, T. Ekim, A. Guner, Bagbahce Bilim Dergisi 9 (2), 45-45
881)* Structural similarities of phytochemicals significantly contribute to species delimitation of Nigella and Garidella (Ranunculaceae), Y. Kaya, B. Demirci, Z. Ugurlu Aydin, E. Oymak Donmez, K.H.C. Baser, A.A. Donmez, J. Essent. Oil Res. 35(1) 11-23 (2023) DOI 10.1080/10412905.2022.2147591
882)* In vitro Antiviral Evaluations of the Essential Oil Blend against SARS-CoV-2: Coldmix®, K.H.C. Baser, A.E. Karadag, S.N. Biltekin, M. Erturk, F. Demirci, MDPI Current Issues in Molecular Biology 45(1) 677-684 (2023)
883)* Evaluation of therapeutic role of Thymus capitatus (L.) Hoffm. & Link, Origanum dubium Boiss. Essential oils and their major constituents as enhancers in cancer therapy, M. Mavis, M.S.B. Ali, A. Hanoglu, Y. Ozalp, D. Ozkum Yavuz, K.H.C. Baser, N. Serakinci, Rec. Nat. Prod. January 2023. DOI:
884)* Dill seed oil as possible contraceptive agent: Antiangiogenic effects on endothelial cells, G. Ulus, M. Zeytinoglu, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, A.T. Koparal, Brazilian J. Pharmaceutical Sci. (BJPS), 2023:59:e20060. DOI HTTP://
885) Fungal Biotransformation of Cedryl Formate, I. Kıran, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, O. Ozsen Batur, Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 2023
886)* The Essential Oil Compositions of Teucrium spp. Belonging to the Section Polium Schreb. (Lamiaceae) Growing in Cyprus, Yigit Hanoglu D, Hanoglu A, Demirci B, Baser KHC,Records of Natural Products, 17(1) 113-124 (2023) DOI 10.25135/rnp.327.2203.2379
887)* The Essential Oil Compositions of two Eucalyptus sp. ( camaldulensis Dehnh. and E. torquata Luehm.) naturalized to Cyprus, Yigit Hanoglu D, Hanoglu A, Adediran SB, Baser KHC, Ozkum Yavuz D, J. Essent. Oil Res. 35(2) 136-142 (2023) DOI 10.1080/10412905.2022.2147592
888)* In Vitro and In Silico Evaluation of ACE2 and LOX Inhibitory Activity of Origanum Essential Oils and Carvacrol, F. Demirci, K. Terali, A.E. Karadag, S.N.Biltekin, A. Ak Sakalli, B. Demirci, M. Kosar, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica 89(8) 790-799 (2023). DOI: 10.1055/a-1828-2479
889)* Composition and Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Anticancer Activities of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Essential Oil, E. Becer, E.M. Altundag, M. Guran, H.S.Vatansever, S. Usturk, D. Yigit Hanoglu, K.H.C. Baser, South African Journal of Botany 160, 437-445 (2023)
890)* Antiproliferative, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Boswellia sacra on Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells, E. Becer, E.Mutlu Altundag, C. Ozbilenler, H.S. Vatansever, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Bearing Plants (2023) DOI 10.1080/0972060x.2023.2257214
891)* Chemical compositions of the essential oils of endemic wild Origanum majorana var. tenuifolium collected from three different locations during flowering and post-flowering phases in North Cyprus, Multivariate Statistical Analyses, A. Hanoglu, D. Yigit-Hanoglu, B. Demirci, D. Kırcı, F.B. Alkas, D. Ozkum Yavuz, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent Oil Bearing Plants 24(2) 525-536 DOI: 10.1080/0972060X.2024.2330551 (2024).
892)* Chemical Characterisation of the Essential Oil Compositions of Mentha spicata and M. longifolia ssp. cyprica from the Mediterranean Basin and Multivariate Statistical Analyses, H. Isfendiyaroglu, A.Hanoglu, D. Yigit Hanoglu, F.B. Alkas, K.H.C.Baser, D. Ozkum Yavuz, Molecules, 29(9) (2024) DOI10.3390/molecules29091970
893)* A Comprehensive Assessment of the Cholinergic-Supporting and Cognitive-Enhancing Effects of Rosa damascena Mill. (Damask Rose) Essential Oil on Scopolamine-Induced Amnestic Rats, K. Teralı, D. Ozbeyli, D. Yigit-Hanoglu, K.H.C. Baser, G. Senel, A. Aykac, Brain and Behaviour (2024) May;14(5):e3507. doi: 10.1002/brb3.3507
894)* Investigation of the Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Endemic Seseli salsugineum A. Duran and Lyskov Essential Oil, G. Ozturk, B. Demirci, G. Goger, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, Bezmialem Science 12(4) 401-5 (2024).
895)* Some Thoughts on the Future of Essential Oils, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 36(6) 525-531 (2024)
896) Investigation of the Essential Oil Composition and Biological Activities of the Essential Oil and Extracts of the Aerial Parts of Seseli libanotis (L.) W. Koch, B. Temiz, M. Kurkcuoglu, H.G. Agalar, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, European Journal of Life Sciences 3(3) 107-113 (2024)
897)* The multivariate statistical analyses of the temporal variation in the chemical composition of the essential oil of Eucalyptus torquata in Cyprus, M. Bulama Modu, D.Yigit Hanoglu, A. Hanoglu, F.B. Alkas, K.H.C. Baser, D. Ozkum Yavuz, Molecules 30 (2) 10.3390/molecules30020332
In Press
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Publications In International Refereed Journals
1)* Sources and Constituents of Two Western Malaysian Dart Poisons, N.G.Bisset, K.H.C.Baser, J.D.Phillipson, J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 29 (1977) (Suppl.Br. Pharm. Conf. 1977, 17P).
2)* Muscle-Relaxant Activity in Asian Strychnos Species. A Re-examination of Two Western Malaysian Dart Poisons, N.G.Bisset, K.H.C.Baser, J.D.Phillipson, L.Bohlin, F.Sandberg, J. Nat Prod., 40 (6) 546-560 (1977).
3)* Protostrychnine, A New Alkaloid from Strychnos nux-vomica, K.H.C.Baser, N.G.Bisset, P.J.Hylands, Phytochemistry, 18, 512-514 (1979)
4)* Alkaloids of Sri Lankan Strychnos nux-vomica, K.H.C.Baser, N.G.Bisset, Phytochemistry, 21(6) 1423-29 (1982).
5)* Structural Variations Among the Aporphine-Benzylisoquinoline Dimers, H.Guinaudeau, A.J.Freyer, R.D.Minard, M.Shamma, K.H.C.Baser, Tetrahedron Letters, 23(25) 2523-2526 (1982).
6)* N-2′-Noradiantifoline: A New Aporphine-Benzylisoquinoline Alkaloid, H.Guinaudeau, M.Shamma, K.H.C.Baser, J.Nat.Prod., 45(4) 505-506 (1982)
7)* Isolation and Identification of Anisaldehyde and Three Alkaloids from Leaves of Thalictrum minus var. microphyllum, K.H.C.Baser, J.Nat.Prod., 45(6) 704-706 (1982).
8)* Uskudaramine: A Novel Type Aporphine-Benzylisoquinoline Alkaloid, H.Guinaudeau, A.J.Freyer, R.D.Minard, M.Shamma, K.H.C.Baser, J.Org.Chem., 47, 5406-5407 (1982).
9)* Occurrence of Longicaudatine, A New Type of Bis-indole Base and Bisnor- C- alkaloid H in Strychnos Species, G.Massiot, M.Zeches, C.Mirand, L.Le Men-Olivier, C.Delaude, K.H.C.Baser, R.Bavovada, N.G.Bisset, P.J.Hylands, J.Strömbom, R.Verpoorte, J.Org.Chem., 48, 1869-1872 (1983)
10)* Enzymic Control of Stereochemistry Among the Thalictrum Bisbenzylisoquinoline Alkaloids, H.Guinaudeau, A.J.Freyer, M.Shamma, K.H.C.Baser, Tetrahedron, 40 (11) 1975-1982 (1984).
11)* Thalivarmine and Thalsivasine: Two New Bisbenzylisoquinoline Alkaloids from Thalictrum minus var. minus, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, Planta Med., (5) 448-450 (1985).
12)* Alkaloids of Anatolian Thalictrum sultanabadense, K.H.C.Baser, M.Ogutveren, N.G.Bisset, J.Nat.Prod., 48(4) 672 (1985).
13) Alkaloids of Anatolian Thalictrum aquilegifolium, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, Fitoterapia, (2) 142-143 (1987) .
14)* Northalibroline: A new Bisbenzylisoquinoline Alkaloid from Thalictrum minus var. minus, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, Planta Med., 513-515 (1988).
15) The Pharmacological Effects of Takatonine, M.İ.Cingi, K.Erol, M.Fidan, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Fitoterapia, 49, 472-475 (1988).
16)* Immunologically Active Polysaccharides from the Aqueous Extract of Nerium oleander, I.Carbik, K.H.C.Baser, H.Z.Ozel, B.Ergun, H.Wagner, Planta Med., 56, 668 (1990)
17)* Alkaloids of Anatolian Thalictrum foetidum, K.H.C.Baser, A.Ertan, Planta Med., 56, 337 (1990)
18) Composition of the Essential Oil of Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam., K.H.C.Baser, E. Sezik, G. Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 3(4) 237-239 (1991).
19) Ziziphora tenuior L. A New Source of Pulegone, E.Sezik, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 6 (1) 101-103 (1991).
20) Composition of the Essential Oil of Micromeria congesta, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 3 (6) 387-393 (1991)
21)* Alkaloids of Anatolian Thalictrum minus var. majus, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Planta Medica, 57 (6) 587 (1991).
22) The Essential Oil of Origanum minutiflorum O. Schwarz et P.H.Davis, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, E. Sezik, J. Essent. Oil Res., 3 (6) 445-446 (1991)
23) The Essential Oil of Satureja parnassica Heldr. and Sart. ex Boiss subsp. sipylea P.H.Davis, G.Tumen, E.Sezik, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 7 (1), 43-46 (1992).
24) Hepatoprotective Activity of Hypericum perforatum L. Alcoholic Extract in Rodents, Y.Ozturk, S.Aydin, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, N.Kurtar-Ozturk, Phytother. Res., 6 (1) 44-46 (1992).
25) Composition of the Essential Oil of Micromeria myrtifolia Boiss. et Hohen, T.Ozek, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4(1) 79-80 (1992).
26) Composition of the Turkish Cumin Seed Oil, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4 (2) 133-138 (1992).
27) Composition of the Essential Oil of Origanum sipyleum of Turkish Origin, K.H.C. Baser, G.Tumen, T.Ozek, M. Kurkcuoglu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 4 (2) 139-142 (1992).
28) Composition of the Essential Oil of Calamintha nepeta subsp. glandulosa, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4 (2) 189-190 (1992).
29) Characterization of the Essential Oil of Thymus sibthorpii Bentham, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4 (3) 303-304 (1992).
30) Composition of the Essential Oil of Thymus longicaulis C.Presl. var. subisophyllus (Borbas) Jalas From Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4 (3) 311-312 (1992).
31) Composition of the Essential Oil of Dorystoechas hastata, A Monotypic Endemic From Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Ozturk, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4 (4) 369-374 (1992).
32) The Essential Oil of Thymus leucostomus var. argillaceus, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4 (4) 421-422 (1992).
33) Turkish Rose Oil, K.H.C.Baser, Perfum. Flavour, 17(3) 45-52 (1992).
34) Effects of Alcea pallida L. (A.) and Tilia argentea Desf. ex DC Infusions on Swimming Performance in Mice, S.Aydin, Y.Ozturk, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, N.Kurtar-Ozturk, Phytother. Res., 6, 219-220 (1992).
35) Composition of the Essential Oils of Sideritis germanicopolitana Bornm., N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, H.Tanriverdi, F.Koca, A.Kaya, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4(5) 533-534 (1992).
36) The Essential Oil of Thymus pectinatus Fisch. et Mey. var. pectinatus, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4(5) 523-524 (1992).
37) Essential Oils of Thymus cariensis and Thymus haussknechtii, Two Endemic Species in Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4(6) 659-661 (1992).
38) Characterization of the Essential Oil of Sideritis dichotoma, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, E.Sezik, J. Essent. Oil Res., 4(6) 641-642 (1992).
39) The New Role of Computer Networks in Scientific Development, K.H.C.Baser, S. Aydin, Aginfo Link, 6 (1) 4-6 (1992).
40) Composition of Essential Oils of Turkish Laurel Leaves and Berries, H.Tanriverdi, T.Ozek, S.H.Beis, K.H.C.Baser, Essays for Science: Felicitation Volume on the 50th Birthday of Prof.Atta-ur-Rahman, 67-74, Hamdard Foundation-Pakistan, MAS Printers, Karachi, Pakistan (1992).
41) Saponins from Bongardia chrysogonum (L.) Spach. Growing in Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, G.Toker, B.Sener, Acta Hort., 333, 175-179 (1993).
42) Essential Oils of Anatolian Labiatae: A Profile, K.H.C.Baser, Acta Hort., 333, 217-238 (1993).
43) Essential Oil of Micromeria fruticosa subsp. barbata of Turkish Origin, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, Acta Horticulturae, 333, 239-244 (1993)
44) The Composition of Manila Elemi Oil, M.A.Villanueva, R.C.Torres, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, Flavour Fragr. J., 8(1) 35-37 (1993).
45) The Essential Oil of Micromeria fruticosa (L.) Druce subsp.barbata (Boiss. et Kotschy.) P.H.Davis of Turkish Origin, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, T.Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5(1) 79-80 (1993).
46) The Essential Oil of Ageratum conyzoides L. from Ghana, M.Mensah, K.Sarpong, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5(1) 113-115 (1993).
47) The Essential Oil of Micromeria fruticosa (L.) Druce subsp. serpyllifolia (Bieb.) P.H.Davis, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, M.Harmandar, J. Essent. Oil Res., 5(2) 199-200 (1993).
48) Composition of the Essential Oil of Nepeta racemosa Lam., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, A.Akgul, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5(2) 215-217 (1993).
49) The Essential Oil of Salvia pomifera L., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5(3) 347-348 (1993)
50) The Occurrence of Three Chemotypes of Thymus longicaulis C.Presl. subsp. longicaulis in the Same Population, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5(3) 291-295 (1993)
51) The Essential Oil of Origanum syriacum L. var. bevani (Holmes) Ietswaart, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 5(3) 315-316 (1993)
52) The Essential Oil of Laser trilobum of Turkish Origin, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Kirimer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5(4) 365-369 (1993)
53) Essential Oil Composition of Four Origanum vulgare subspecies of Anatolian Origin, E.Sezik, G.Tumen, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5 (4) 425-431(1993)
54) The Essential Oil of Scaligeria lazica Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, A.Guner, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5 (4) 463-464 (1993)
55)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Calamintha grandiflora, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, Planta Medica, 59 (4) 390 (1993)
56) Composition of the Essential Oil of Origanum majorana L. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 5 (5) 577-579 (1993)
57) The Essential Oils of Rhus coriaria L. (Sumac), S.Kurucu, M.Koyuncu, A.Guvenç (Koroglu), K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 5(5) 481- 486 (1993).
58) The Essential Oil of Satureja cilicica P.H.Davis, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, J. Essent. Oil Res., 5(5) 547-548 (1993).
59) Chromosome Aberrations Induced by Aflatoxin B1 in Rat Bone Marrow Cells in vivo and Their Suppression by Ecballium elaterium, A.Basaran, E.A.Cakmak, İ.Degirmenci, N.Basaran, S.Artan, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, Fitoterapia, 64 (4), 310-313 (1993)
60) Petit-grain di Limone Turco: Composizione della Essenza, del Deterpenato e delle Frazioni di Testa, H.Tanriverdi, C.Kunkar, T.Ozek, S.H.Beis, K.H.C.Baser, Ess.-Deriv. Agrumari, 63(2) 181-190 (1993).
61) Composition of the Essential Oils of Turkish Origanum species with Commercial Importance, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, E.Sezik, J.Essent. Oil Res., 5 (6) 619-623 (1993).
62) The Essential Oil of Sideritis athoa Papanikolaou et Kokkini, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen , J. Essent. Oil Res., 5(6) 669-670 (1993).
63) The Essential Oil of Thymus bornmuelleri Velen, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N. Kirimer, H. Malyer, J. Essent. Oil Res., 5(6) 691-692 (1993) .
64) The Essential Oil of Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum of Turkish Origin, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6(1) 31-36 (1994).
65) The Essential Oil of Cyclotrichium niveum (Boiss.) Manden et Scheng., K.H.C.Baser, S.Sarikardasoglu, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6(1) 9-12 (1994).
66) Composition of the Essential Oil of Thymus cilicicus Boiss. et Bal., G.Tumen, M.Koyuncu, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6 (1) 97-98 (1994).
67) Composition of the Essential Oils of Two Varieties of Thymus longicaulis C.Presl. subsp. chaubardii (Boiss. et Heldr. ex Reichb.fil.) Jalas, K.H.C.Baser, M.Koyuncu, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6(2) 207-209 (1994).
68)* Thyroid Hormone Enhancing Activity of Juglans regia L. in Mice, S.Aydin, Y.Ozturk, R.Arslan, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kurtar-Ozturk, Phytother. Res., 8, 308-310 (1994).
69) The Essential Oil of Echinophora tenuifolia L. subsp. sibthorpiana (Guss.) Tutin, K.H.C.Baser, F.Z.Erdemgil, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 6 (4) 399-400 (1994).
70) The Essential Oil of Sideritis hispida P.H.Davis, An Endemic Species from Turkey, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res.. 6 (4) 435-436 (1994).
71) Composition of the Essential Oil of Lagoecia cuminoides L. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, G. Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6(5) 545-546 (1994).
72) The Essential Oil of Origanum solymicum P.H.Davis, G.Tumen, N.Ermin, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6(5) 503-504 (1994).
73) Composition of the Essential Oil of Orthurus heterocarpus (Boiss.) Juz., B.Sener, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6 (4) 349-351 (1994).
74) The Composition of Essential Oils from Two Varieties of Thymbra spicata L., G.Tumen, N.Ermin, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6 (5) 463-468 (1994).
75) Quantitative Determination of Aescin- A Comparative Study of HPLC and TLC- Densitometry, O.M.Kockar, M.Kara, S.Kara, B.Bozan, K.H.C.Baser, Fitoterapia, (5) 439-443 (1994).
76)* The Essential Oil Composition of Dictamnus albus from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kosar, H.Malyer, T.Ozek, Planta Med., 60 (5) 481-482 (1994).
77) Essential Oils of Labiatae from Turkey-Recent Results, K.H.C.Baser, Lamiales Newsletter, (3) 6-11 (1994).
78) Composition of the Essential Oil of Nepeta caesarea Boiss. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 6, 645-646 (1994).
79) The Essential Oil of Origanum hypericifolium O.Schwarz et P.H.Davis, K.H.C.Baser, N.Ermin, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 6, 631-633 (1994).
80) The Essential Oil of Thymus syriacus Boiss., G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 6, 663-664 (1994).
81)* Endothelium-Dependent and Independent Effects of Garlic on Rat Aorta, Y.Ozturk, S.Aydin, M.Kosar, K.H.C.Baser, J. Ethnopharmacol., 44, 109 (1994).
82)* Alkaloids of Aconitum orientale, E.G.Milgrom, V.G. Plugar, U.A.Abdulllaev, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, B.T. Salimov, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 878-879 (1994), Chem. Nat. Comp., 30 (6) 774-775 (1994).
83)* Oreaconin – A New Alkaloid from Aconitum orientale, B.T.Salimov, E.G.Milgrom, U.A.Abdullaev, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin. 879-881 (1994), Chem. Nat. Comp., 30 (6) 776-777 (1994).
84) Composition of the Essential Oil of Ocimum basilicum L. Cultivated in Turkey, T.Ozek, S.H.Beis, B.Demircakmak, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 203-205 (1995).
85) Composition of the Essential Oil of Heracleum platytenium Boiss. from Turkey, M. Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, H.Malyer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 69-70 (1995).
86) Composition of the Essential Oil of Salvia cryptantha Montbret et Aucher ex Bentham from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, S.H.Beis, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 113-114 (1995).
87) The Essential Oil of Origanum saccatum P.H.Davis,G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 175-176 (1995).
88) The Essential Oil of Salvia caespitosa Montbret et Aucher ex Bentham, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, S.Sarikardasoglu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 229-230 (1995).
89) The Essential Oil of Origanum rotundifolium Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 7, 95-96 (1995).
90) Composition of the Essential Oil of Coridothymus capitatus (L.) Reichb. fil. from Turkey, T.Ozek, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 7, 309-312 (1995).
91) Composition of the Essential Oil from Viburnum orientale Pallas Leaves, A.Yuruker, İ.Calis, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 321-323 (1995).
92) The Composition of Cold-Pressed Bergamot Oil from Turkey. K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Tutas, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 341-342 (1995).
93) The Essential Oil of Thymus sipyleus subsp. sipyleus var. sipyleus, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, A.Akgul, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 411-413 (1995).
94) Constituents of the Essential Oil from the Hulls of Pistacia vera L., S.Kusmenoğlu, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 441-442 (1995).
95) The Essential Oil of Micromeria carminea P.H.Davis, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 457-458 (1995).
96)* Effects of Essential Oils from Certain Ziziphora Species on Swimming Performance in Mice, Y.Ozturk, S.Aydin, B.Tecik, K.H.C.Baser, Phytother. Res., 9, 225- 227 (1995).
97) Constituents of the Essential Oil of Achillea biebersteinii Afan, S.Kusmenoğlu, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Harmandar, Z.Gokalp, J.Essent. Oil Res. 7, 527-528 (1995).
98) Composition of the Essential Oil from Fruits of Scaligeria lazica Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, A.Guner, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 557-558 (1995).
99) Composition of the Essential Oil of Nepeta viscida Boiss. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 569-570 (1995).
100) The Essential Oil of Thymus thracicus Velen var. longidens (Velen) Jalas., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 661-662 (1995).
101) The Essential Oil of Sideritis amasiaca Bornm., G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, N.Ermin, J.Essent. Oil Res., 7, 699-700 (1995).
102) Composition of the Essential Oil of Calamintha incana (Sm.) Boiss. from Turkey, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demircakmak, J.Essent. Oil Res. 7, 679-680 (1995).
103)* Carvacrol Rich Plants in Turkey, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, Khim. Prir. Soedin. 49-54 (1995). Chem. Nat. Comp., 31, 37-41 (1995).
104)* The Essential Oil of Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani A.Rich): Recent Results, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 23-29 (1995). Chem. Nat. Comp., 31, 16-20 (1995).
105)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Thymus Species Growing in Turkey, G.Tumen, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 55-60 (1995). Chem. Nat. Comp., 31, 42-46 (1995).
106) A New Naphthaquinone from Roots of Arnebia densiflora (Nordm.) Ledeb., N.Kirimer, B.Bozan, K.H.C.Baser, Fitoterapia, 66, 6, 499-500 (1995)
107)* Effects of Extracts from Certain Sideritis species on Swimming Performance in Mice, Y.Ozturk, S.Aydin, N.Ozturk, K.H.C.Baser, Phytother. Res., 10, 70-73 (1996).
108) Composition of the Essential Oil of Thymus eigii (M.Zohary et P.H.Davis) Jalas from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, E.Sezik, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8, 85-86 (1996).
109) The Essential Oil of Satureja spicigera (C.Koch) Boiss. from Turkey, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent.Oil Res., 8, 57-58 (1996).
110) The Essential Oil of Salvia syriaca L., K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, N.Ermin, J.Essent.Oil Res. , 8, 105-106 (1996).
111) The Essential Oil of Origanum laevigatum Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent.Oil Res., 8, 185-186 (1996).
112) The Essential Oil of Origanum micranthum Vogel, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent.Oil Res., 8, 203-204 (1996).
113) The Essential Oil of Origanum bilgeri P.H.Davis, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent.Oil Res., 8, 217-218 (1996).
114) Composition of the Essential Oil of Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindl., K.H.C.Baser, N.Ermin, N.Adiguzel, Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res. 8, 297-298 (1996)
115) The Essential Oil of Tagetes minuta L. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, H.Malyer, J.Essent. Oil Res. 8, 337-338 (1996)
116) The Composition of Essential Oils from Three Varieties of Thymus praecox Opiz Growing in Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, N.Ermin, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res. 8, 319-321 (1996)
117)* Alkaloids of Berberis crataegina, M.Kosar, M.V.Teleneskar, I.Hamidov, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (1) 106-107 (1996). Chem. Nat. Comp., 32(1) 88-89 (1996)
118) Constituents of the Essential Oil of Ruta chalepensis L. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, S.H.Beis, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8, 413-414 (1996).
119) The Essential Oil of Echinophora chrysantha Freyn et Sinth., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demircakmak, A.Bicakci, H.Malyer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8– 433-434 (1996)
120) Composition of the Essential Oil of Wiedemannia orientalis Fish. et Mey. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, B.Demircakmak, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8, 543-544 (1996)
121) The Essential Oil of Cyclotrichium origanifolium (Labill.) Manden. et Scheng. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, J.Essent.Oil Res., 8, 569-570 (1996)
122)* Investigation of Origanum onites, Sideritis congesta and Satureja cuneifolia Essential Oils for Analgesic Activity, S.Aydin, Y.Ozturk, R.Beis, K.H.C.Baser, Phytother. Res., 10, 342-344 (1996)
123) The Essential Oil of Pimpinella aromatica Bieb. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, H.Duman, A.Guner, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8, 463-464 (1996)
124) Composition of the Essential Oil of Aloysia triphylla (L’Herit) Britton Grown in Turkey, T.Ozek, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8, 581-583 (1996)
125) Composition of the Essential Oil of Sideritis condensata Boiss. et Heldr., N.Kirimer, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr.J., 11, 315-320 (1996)
126) Essential Oil Composition of three Labiatae endemic to Turkey (Micromeria fruticosa (L.) Druce subsp. giresunica P.H.Davis., Sideritis lycia Boiss. et Heldr. and S. arguta Boiss. et Heldr.) K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, F.Karaer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8, 699-701 (1996)
127) The Essential Oils of Thymbra sintenisii Bornm. et Aznav subsp. isaurica P.H.Davis and Origanum leptocladum Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, N.Ermin, T.Ozek, B.Demircakmak, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent.Oil Res., 8, 675-676 (1996).
128) Essential Oils from Four Chemotypes of Thymus zygioides Griseb. var. lycaonicus (Celak) Roniger., K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, N.Ermin, M.Kurkcuoglu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 8, 615-618 (1996).
129)* Effects of Hypericum calycinum L. Extract on the Central Nervous System in Mice, Y.Ozturk, S.Aydin, R.Beis, K.H.C.Baser, H.Berberoglu, Phytother. Res., 10, 700-702 (1996)
130)* An Ent-Kaurane Diterpene from Sideritis huber-morathii, K.H.C.Baser, M.L.Bondi, M.Bruno, N.Kirimer, F.Piozzi, G.Tumen, N.Vassallo, Phytochemistry, 43 (6), 1293-1295 (1996).
131)* Effects of Hypericum perforatum L. and Hypericum calycinum L. Extracts on the Central Nervous System in mice, Y.Ozturk, S.Aydin, R.Beis, K.H.C.Baser, H.Berberoglu, Phytomedicine, 3, 139-146 (1996).
132) The Essential Oil of Origanum acutidens (Hand.-Mazz.) Iestwaart, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 91-92 (1997).
133) Composition of the Essential Oil of Thymus subcollinus Klokov from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res. , 9, 105-106 (1997)
134) Composition of the Essential Oil of Allium macrochaetum Boiss. et Hausskn. subsp. macrochaetum from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kosar, M.Koyuncu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 126-126 (1997)
135) The Essential Oil of Thymus leucostomus Hausskn. et Velen. var. leucostomus, G.Tumen, N.Ermin, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 229-230 (1997)
136) The Essential Oil of Sideritis scardica Griseb. subsp. scardica, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 205-207 (1997)
137) Composition of the Essential Oil of Scandix australis L. subsp. grandiflora (L.) Thell., G.Tumen, K.H.C. Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 335-336, (1997)
138) The Essential Oil of Thymbra sintenisii Bornm. et Aznav. subsp. sintenisii, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Ermin, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 355-356, (1997)
139) The Essential Oils of Calamintha pamphylica Boiss. et Heldr. subsp. pamphylica and subsp. davisii (Quezel et Contandr.) Davis, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res. , 9, 371-373, (1997)
140)* Neo-clerodane Diterpenoids from Teucrium sandrasicum, la Torre, B.Rodriguez, M.Bruno, C.Fazio, K.H.C.Baser, H.Duman, Phytochemistry , 45 (8), 1653-1662, (1997)
141) The Essential Oils of Mediasia macrophylla (Regel et Schmalh.) Pimen. and Foeniculum vulgare Mill. from Uzbekistan, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, Kh.R. Nuriddinov, A.M. Nigmatullaev, K.Kh. Khadzimatov, Kh.N. Aripov, J. Essent. Oil Res., 9, 249-250 (1997)
142) Composition of The Essential Oils of Thymus atticus and Thymus roegneri from Turkey, G. Tumen, N. Kirimer, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 9, 473-474 (1997).
143) The Essential Oil of Mentha asiatica Boriss. from Uzbekistan, K.H.C. Baser, Kh.R. Nuriddinov, A.M. Nigmatullaev, Kh.N. Aripov, J. Essent. Oil Res., 9, 453-454 (1997).
144) Composition of The Essential Oil of Origanum tytthantum Gontsch. from Uzbekistan, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demircakmak, Kh.R. Nuriddinov, A.M. Nigmatullaev, Kh.N. Aripov, J. Essent. Oil Res., 9, 611-612 (1997).
145) Composition of The Essential Oil of Bunium persicum (Boiss.) B. Fedtsch. from Tajikistan, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, B.E. Abduganiev, U.A. Abdullaev, Kh.N. Aripov, J. Essent. Oil Res., 9, 597-598 (1997).
146) The Essential Oil of Salvia aytachii M.Vural et N.Adiguzel, K.H.C.Baser, H.Duman, M.Vural, N.Adiguzel, Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 489-490 (1997).
147) Composition of the Essential Oil of Micromeria dolichodontha P.H.Davis, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, H.Duman, Flavour Fragr.J., 12, 289-291 (1997).
148) Composition of the Essential Oil of three Teucrium species from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 545-549 (1997).
149)* Quantitative Determination of Napthaquinones of Arnebia densiflora (Nordm.) Ledeb. by an Improved High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method, B.Bozan, K.H.C.Baser, S.Kara, J.Chromatogr. A, 782, 133-136 (1997).
150) Composition of the Essential Oil of Laserpitium petrophilum Boiss. et Heldr., K.H.C.Baser, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 707-708 (1997).
151) Composition of the Essential Oil of Micromeria cremnophila Boiss. et Heldr. subsp. amana (Rech.fil.) P.H.Davis, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 725-726 (1997).
152) Composition of the Essential Oil of Schinus molle L. Grown in Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demircakmak, N.Ulker, S.H.Beis, J.Essent. Oil Res., 9, 693-696 (1997).
153)* Essential Oils of Some Artemisia species from Central Asia, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demircakmak, Kh.r.Nuriddinov, B.Yo.Abduganiev, Kh.N.Aripov, K.Kh.Khodzimatov, O.A.Nigmatullaev, E.D.Shamyanov, Khim. Prir. Soedin, 383-385 (1997). Chem. Nat. Comp., 33(3) 293-295 (1997).
154)* The Essential Oil of Perovskia angustifolia from Kyrgyzystan, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demircakmak, B.Yo.Abduganiev, Kh.R.Nuriddinov, Kh.N.Aripov, A.S.Doriev, Ch.Sh.Karataeva, Khim. Prir. Soedin, 386-387 (1997). Chem. Nat. Comp., 33(3) 296-298 (1997).
155)* The Essential Oil of Perovskia scrophulariifolia, Kh.R.Nuriddinov, K.Kh.Kodzimatov, Kh.N.Aripov, T.Ozek, B.Demircakmak, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin, 389-391 (1997). Chem. Nat. Comp., 33(3) 299-300 (1997).
156) Current Knowledge on the Wild Food and Non-Food Plants of Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, Cah.Options Mediterr., 23, 129-159 (1997).
157)* Antispasmodic and Spasmogenic Effects of Scolymus hispanicus and Taraxasteryl acetate on Isolated Ileum Preparations, N. Kirimer, Z. Tunalier, K.H.C. Baser, I. Cingi, Planta Med., 63, 556-558 (1997).
158) Composition of the Essential Oil of Morina persica L. Flowers, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 117-118 (1998).
159) Composition of the Essential Oils of Origanum boissieri Ietswaart and Origanum bargyli Mouterde, K.H.C.Baser, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 71-72 (1998) .
160) Pulegone-rich Oils of Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 1-8 (1998) .
161)* The Essential Oil of Satureja cuneifolia, G.Tumen, N.Kirimer, N.Ermin. K.H.C.Baser, Planta Med., 64, 81-83 (1998).
162) Composition of the Essential Oils of Nepeta sulfuriflora P.H.Davis, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 179-181(1998).
163) Composition of the Essential Oil of Origanum haussknechtii Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 227-228 (1998).
164) Composition of the Essential Oil of Thymus canoviridis Jalas, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 199-200 (1998).
165)* The Essential Oils of Satureja coerulea Janka and Thymus aznavourii Velen, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, N.Ermin, Flavour Fragr.J., 13, 65-67 (1998).
166)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Salvia euphratica Monbret et Aucher ex Bentham var. euphratica from Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, Z. Aytac, Flavour Fragr.J., 13, 63-64 (1998).
167) The Essential Oil of Nepeta flavida Hub.-Mor., K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, A.Altintas, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 299-300 (1998)
168) Composition of the Essential Oil of Nepeta cadmea Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, A.Altintas, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 327- 328 (1998).
169) The Essential oils of Six Echinophora species from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, H.Malyer, A.Bicakci, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 345-351 (1998).
170) Composition of the Essential Oil of Origanum husnucan-baseri H.Duman, Z.Aytac et A.Duran, A New Species from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, H.Duman, Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 419-421 (1998).
171) The Essential Oil of Bifora radians Bieb., K.H.C.Baser, B.Demircakmak, N.Ermin, F.Demirci, I.Boydag, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 451-452 (1998).
172) The Essential Oil of Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. (Chervil) Growing Wild in Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Ermin, B.Demircakmak, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 463-464 (1998).
173) The Essential Oils of Two New Satureja species for Turkey: S.pilosa and S.icarica, G.Tumen, N.Kirimer, N.Ermin, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 524-526 (1998).
174) Composition of the Essential Oil of Heracleum argaeum Boiss. et Bal., K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 561-562 (1998).
175) Composition of the Essential oil of Trinia glauca (L.) Dum., K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, M.Vural, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 593-594 (1998).
176)* Choleretic Activity of Gentiana lutea ssp. symphyandra in rats, N.Ozturk, T.Herekman-Demir, Y.Ozturk, B.Bozan, K.H.C.Baser, Phytomedicine, 5 (4), 283-288 (1998).
177)* Nepetalactone: A new opioid analgesic from Nepeta caesarea Boiss., S.Aydin, R.Beis, Y.Ozturk, K.H.C.Baser, J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 50, 813-817 (1998).
178) Composition of the Essential Oil of Ferulago trachycarpa (Fenzl) Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, M.Koyuncu, M.Vural, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 665-666 (1998).
179) Composition of the Essential Oil and the Headspace Sample of Mandragora autumnalis Bertol. Fruits, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, H.Erdogmus, J.Essent. Oil Res. , 10, 632-634 (1998).
180) Composition of the Essential Oil of Salvia cedronella Boiss. from Turkey, G. Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 10, 713-715 (1998).
181) Wild Food and Nonfood Plants: Information Networking, Country Profile: Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, Cah. Options Mediterr. 38, 303-322 (1998).
182)* New Alkaloids from Bongardia chrysogonum, A.U.Rahman, D.Shahwar, Z.Parween, M.I.Choudhary, B.Sener, G.Toker, K.H.C.Baser, Nat.Prod.Lett., 12 (3) 161-173 (1998).
183)* Supercritical CO2 Extraction of Volatile Components from Leaves of Laurus nobilis L., T.Ozek, B.Bozan, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (6) 746-750 (1998).
184)* Comparison of Ascorbic and Citric Acid Contents in Rosa canina L. Fruits Growing in Central Asian region, B.Bozan, B.T.Sagdullaev, M.Kosar, Kh.N.Aripov, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (6) 768-771 (1998).
185)* Effects of secoiridoid compounds, gentiopicroside, swertiamarine and sweroside, on cultured chicken embryonic fibroblasts N. Ozturk, S. Korkmaz, S. Aydin, Y. Ozturk, K.H.C. Baser Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology 358 (1) P5242 Suppl. 2 1998
186)* Analgesic effects of Nepeta italica L.: Evidence for a new opioid compound; 1,8-cineole, S. Aydin, T. Demir, Y. Ozturk, K.H.C. Baser, Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology, 358 (1): R77-R77 P35199 Suppl. 1, 1998
187)* Composition of Essential Oils from Two Endemic Sideritis species of Turkey, N.Kirimer, N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (1) 76-80 (1999). Chem. Nat. Comp., 35, 61-64 (1999)
188)* Alkaloids of Bongardia chrysogonum, Atta-ur-Rahman, D.Shahwar, M.I.Choudhary, B.Sener, G.Toker, K.H.C.Baser, Phytochemistry, 50, 333-6 (1999).
189) Composition of the Essential Oil of Nepeta trachonitica Post from Turkey, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, B.Yildiz, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 21-22 (1999).
190) Composition of the Essential Oil of Teucrium antitauricum, T.Ekim, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, H.Duman, Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 61-62 (1999).
191) Composition of the Essential Oil of Thymus pseudopulegioides Klokov et Des.-Shost from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, N.Ermin, G.Tumen, H.Malyer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 86-88 (1999).
192)* Study of the Essential Oil Composition of Two species of Abies cilicica (Ant. et Kotschy) Carr. from Turkey, E.Bagci, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Babac, S.Celik, Flavour Fragr. J., 14, 47-49 (1999).
193)* Essential Oils of Acinos troodi (Post) Leblebici subsp. vardaranus Leblebici and subsp. grandiflorus Hartvig et Strid, A.Kaya, K.H.C.Baser, F.Koca, Flavour Fragr. J., 14, 50-54 (1999).
194)* The Essential Oil of Acinos alpinus (L.) Moench growing in Turkey, A.Kaya, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, F.Koca, Flavour Fragr. J., 14, 55-59 (1999).
195)* Analgesic activity of Nepeta italica L., S.Aydin, T.Demir, Y.Ozturk, K.H.C.Baser, Phytother. Res. , 13 (1) 20-23 (1999).
196)* The Essential Oil of Acinos suaveolens (Sm.) G.Don fil, Acinos arvensis (Lam.) Dandy and Acinos rotundifolius Pers. Moench growing in Turkey, A.Kaya, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, F.Koca, Flavour Fragr.J., 14, 60-64 (1999).
197) Steam Volatiles of the Fruits of Prangos bornmuelleri Hub.-Mor. et Reese, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, H. Duman, J.Essent.Oil Res., 11, 151-152 (1999).
198) The Composition of Essential Oils from Two Varieties of Ajuga chamaepitys subsp. chia from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, Z.Erdemgil, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, J.Essent.Oil Res., 11, 203-205 (1999).
199) Essential oils of Thymus striatus Vahl. var. interruptus Jalas from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent.Oil Res., 11, 253-256 (1999).
200) Composition of the Essential Oil of Marrubium parviflorum Fisch. et Mey. subsp. oligodon (Boiss.) Seybold., Y.Bal, S.Kaban, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent.Oil Res., 11, 300-302 (1999).
201) Composition of the Essential oils of Thymus pectinatus Fisch. et Mey. var.pectinatus at Different stages of Vegetation, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 333-334 (1999).
202)Composition of Essential Oils from Tilia L. species growing in Turkey, G.Toker, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 369-374 (1999).
203) Industrial Utilization of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, K.H.C.Baser, Acta Hort., 503, 177-192 (1999).
204) The Essential Oils of Thymus zygioides Griseb. var. zygioides from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 409-410 (1999).
205) The Essential Oil of Pimpinella anisetum Boiss. et Bal., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Tabanca, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 445-446 (1999).
206) Composition of Essential Oil of Thymus fallax Fisch. et Mey. from Turkey, G.Tumen, B.Yildiz, N.Kirimer, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res. 11, 489-490 (1999).
207) Quantitative Determination of Naphthoquinones of Arnebia densiflora by TLC-Densitometry, B.Bozan, K.H.C.Baser, S.Kara, Fitoterapia, 79, 402-406 (1999).
208) Essential Oils of Mentha species from Northern Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tarımcılar, G.Kaynak, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 579-588 (1999).
209)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Plumeria obtusa L., A.S.Kamariah, L.B.L.Lim, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, Flavour Fragr.J., 14, 237-240 (1999).
210)The Essential Oil of Cymbocarpum wiedemannii Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Vural, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 679-680 (1999).
211)Composition of the Essential Oils of Thymus leucostomus Hausskn. et Velen var. gypsaceus Jalas and Thymus pubescens Boiss. et Kotschy ex Celak var. cratericola Jalas, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, B.Yildiz, J.Essent. Oil Res., 11, 776-778 (1999).
212)* The Quantitative Determination of Some Phenolic Acids in Delphinium formosum by HPLC, N.Durust, B.Bozan, S.Ozden, Y.Durust, K.H.C.Baser, Analytical Letters, 32 (14), 2841-2849(1999).
213)* The Analysis of Essential Oil and Headspace Volatiles of the Flowers of Pelargonium endlicherianum Fenzl. used as an Anthelmintic in Folk Medicine, B.Bozan, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Planta Med., 65, 781-782 (1999).
214)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Four Endemic Sideritis Species from Turkey, N.Kirimer, N.Tabanca, G.Tumen, H.Duman, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 14, 421-425 (1999).
215)* Essential Oil and Lipids from the Cone Berries of Juniperus seravschanica, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, S.D.Gusakova, Sh.Sh.Sagdullaev, I.I.Maltzev, Kh.N.Aripov, Khim.Prir.Soedin, 445-448 (1999). Chem.Nat.Comp. 35, 399-400 (1999).
216)* Isomers of Palmitoleic Acid in Lipids and Volatile Substances from the Fruits of Ziziphus jujuba, S.D.Gusakova, Sh.Sh.Sagdullaev, Kh.N.Aripov, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, Khim.Prir.Soedin, 449-451 (1999). Chem. Nat. Comp., 35, 401-403 (1999)
217)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Nepeta fissa C.A.Meyer, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Yildiz, Z.Bahcecioglu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 27-28 (2000).
218)* The Essential Oil of Seseli campestre Besser, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 105-107 (2000).
219)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Chaerophyllum aksekiense A.Duran et Duman, A Recently Described Endemic from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, A.Duran, H.Duman, Flavour Fragr. J., 15, 43-44 (2000).
220)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Glaucosciadium cordifolium (Boiss.) Burtt. et Davis from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, H.Duman, Flavour Fragr. J., 15, 45-46 (2000).
221)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Prangos heyniae H.Duman et M.F.Watson, A New Endemic from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, H.Duman, Flavour Fragr. J., 15, 47-49 (2000).
222)* Triterpenoid Saponins from Bongardia chrysogonum, Atta-ur-Rahman, D.Shahwar, M.I.Choudhary, B.Sener, F.Toker, K.H.C.Baser, J.Nat.Prod., 63, 251-253 (2000).
223)* Diversity and Antifeedant activity of Diterpenes from Turkish Species of Sideritis, M.L.Bondi, M.Bruno, F.Piozzi, K.H.C.Baser, M.S.J.Simmonds, Biochem. Sys. Ecol., 28, 299-303 (2000)
224)* Testing the Wound Healing Activity in T15 Fibroblast Culture: A Morphometric Analysis, S.Korkmaz, H.Zeytinoglu, M.Zeytinoglu, S.Aydin, Y.Ozturk, K.H.C.Baser, ATLA, 28, 41-51 (2000).
225)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Echinophora lamondiana B.Yildiz et Z.Bahcecioglu, K.H.C.Baser, A.Bicakci, H.Malyer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 147-148 (2000).
226)* The Essential Oil of Hippomarathrum boissieri Reuter et Hausskn., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 231-232 (2000).
227)* Essential Oils of Annual Sideritis Species growing in Turkey, N.Kirimer, N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, Pharmaceutical Biology, 38, 106-111 (2000).
228)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Achillea phrygia Ball, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, R.Kaiser, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 327-329 (2000)
229)* Essential Oil Composition of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. from Mozambique, F.P.Pagula, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 333-335 (2000).
230)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Heracleum paphlagonicum Czeczott, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, N.Adiguzel, Z.Aytac, D.Joulain, R.Laurent, J.Essent. Oil Res. 12, 385-386 (2000).
231)* Betulenols from Betula Species, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, F.Demirci, Planta Med., 66, 490-493 (2000).
232)* New Caryophyllene Derivatives from Betula litwinowii, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, F.Demirci, M.T. Hamann, J.Nat.Prod., 63, 902-904 (2000).
233)* Essential Oil of Crithmum maritimum L. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, Y.Saritas, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 424-426 (2000).
234)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Origanum x adanense Baser et Duman, K.H.C.Baser, H.Duman and Z.Aytac, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 475-477 (2000).
235)* The Chemical Composition of Turkish Myrtle Oil, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 541-544 (2000).
236)* The Chemical Composition of Santolina chamaecyparissus L. Essential Oil, B.Demirci, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 625-627 (2000).
237)* A New Bisabolene Derivative from the Essential Oil of Prangos uechtritzii Boiss. et Hausskn. Fruits, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, E.Bedir, P.Weyerstahl, H.Marschall, H.Duman, Z.Aytac, M.T.Hamann, Planta Med., 66, 674-677 (2000).
238)* Antifungal Activities and Essential Oil Constituents of Some Spices from Pakistan, Atta-ur-Rahman, M.I.Choudhary, A.Farooq, A.Ahmed, M.Z.Iqbal, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, J.Chem.Soc.Pak., 22, 60-65 (2000).
239)* Lipids and Essential oil of Origanum onites L., N.Azcan, M.Kara, D.T.Asilbekova, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (2)106-109 (2000). Chem. Nat. Comp., 36(2) 132-136 (2000)
240)* Lipids of Origanum tytthanthum Gontsch, D.T.Asilbekova, A.I.Glushenkova, N.Azcan, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (2) 100-102 (2000).
241)* Alkaloids of Thalictrum orientale Growing in Turkey, F.Z.Erdemgil, M.V.Telejenetsekaya, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (2) 177 (2000).
242)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Origanum floribundum Munby from Algeria, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, Z.Houmani, L.Abed, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 753-756 (2000).
243)* Steam Volatiles of Lallemantia peltata Fisch. et Mey. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, J.Essent. Oil Res., 12, 689-690 (2000).
244)* Essential Oils of Nepeta Species Growing in Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, Khim.Prir.Soedin, (4) 291-293 (2000). Chem.Nat.Comp., 36, 356-359 (2000).
245)* The Composition and Antifungal Bioassay of the Essential Oils of Different Betula Species Growing in Turkey, F.Demirci, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, K.Guven, Khim. Prir. Soedin, (2) 126-130 (2000). Chem.Nat.Comp. 36, 159 (2000)
246)* The Production of Essential Oil from Cumin Seeds, S.H.Beis, N.Azcan, T.Ozek, M.Kara, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin, (3) 214-216 (2000).
247)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Zosima absinthifolia (Vent.) Link and Ferula elaeochytris Krovin from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, M.Kurkcuoglu, Z.Aytac, H.Duman, Flavour Fragr. J., 15, 371-372 (2000).
248)* Essential Oil Constituents of the Spice Cinnamomum tamala (Ham.) Nees et Eberm., A.Ahmed. M.Z.Iqbal, Atta-ur-Rahman, M.I.Choudhary, A.M.Khan, A.Farooq, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 15, 388-390 (2000).
249)* Antimicrobial Activities of Ferulago Essential Oils, F.Demirci, G.Iscan, K.Guven, N.Kirimer, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Z. Naturforshung C, 55, 886-889 (2000).
250)* Effects of Berberine on C6 glioma and NIH3T3 fibroblast cell lines, S.Korkmaz, M.Kosar, K.H.C.Baser, Phytomedicine, 7 (Suppl.II), 123 (2000).
251)* The inhibition of DNA synthesis by carvacrol in mouse myoblast cells bearing a human N-Ras oncogene, H. Zeytinoglu, Z. Incesu, K.H.C. Baser, Phytomedicine, 7 (Suppl.II), 123 (2000).
252)* Composition of the Essential oil of Nepeta betonicifolia C.A.Meyer from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 13, 35-36 (2001).
253)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Tanacetum armenum (DC.) Schultz Bip, Tanacetum balsamita L., Tanacetum chiliophylum (Fisch. et Mey.) Schultz Bip. var. chiliophylum and Tanacetum haradjani (Rech. Fil.) Grierson and the Enantiometric Distribution of Camphor and Carvone, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, N.Goren, Flavour Fragr. J., 16, 195-200 (2001).
254)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Tanacetum species from Turkey, N.Goren, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 16, 191-194 (2001).
255)* Screening of Biotransformation Products of Carvone Enantiomers by Headspace-SPME/GC-MS, F.Demirci, N.Kirimer, B.Demirci, Y.Noma, K.H.C.Baser, Z. Naturforsch. C., 56, 58-64 (2001).
256)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Ferulago asparagifolia Boiss. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 13, 134-135 (2001).
257)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Sideritis congesta P.H.Davis et Hub.-Mor., N.Kirimer, N.Tabanca, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 13, 132-133 (2001).
258)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Xanthogalum purpurascens Lallem., K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, M.Kurkcuoglu, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 13, 206-207 (2001).
259)* The Essential Oils of Aframomum corrorima (Braun) Jansen and Aframomum angustifolium K.Schum. from Africa, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, J.Essent. Oil Res., 13, 208-209 (2001).
260)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Achillea goniocephala Boiss. et Bal. from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, H.Duman, Z.Aytac, N.Adiguzel, J.Essent. Oil Res., 13, 219-220 (2001).
261)* Essential Oil Composition of Sea Fennel (Crithmum maritimum) form Turkey, M.Ozcan, A.Akgul, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Tabanca, Nahrung/Food, 45, 353-356 (2001).
262)* Composition and Antibacterial Activity of the Essential Oils of Satureja wiedemanniana (Lallem.) Velen, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, N.Tabanca, F.Demirci, Z. Naturforsch. C., 56c, 731-738 (2001).
263)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oils of Micromeria cristata subsp. phrygia and the Enantiomeric Distribution of Borneol, N.Tabanca, N.Kirimer, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, J. Agr.Food Chem. 49(9) 4300-4303 (2001)
264)* Alkaloids of Thalictrum orientale, F.Z.Erdemgil, M.V.Telezhenetskaya, M.G.Levkovich, N.D.Abdullaev, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (3), 251-252 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(3) 253-255 (2001).
265)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Two Endemic Species from Turkey: Achillea lycaonica Boiss. et Heldr. and Achillea ketenoglui H. Duman, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, H. Duman, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 209-214 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37, 3, 245-252 (2001).
266)* Seed Oils of Fifteen Ebenus Taxa Growing in Turkey, N.Azcan, S.Saricoban, B.Demirci, Z.Aytac, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 215-217 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(3) 253-255 (2001).
267)* The Essential Oil of a New Sideritis Species: Sideritis ozturkii Aytac et Aksoy, N.Kirimer, N.Tabanca, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, H.Duman, Z.Aytac, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 201-203 (2001).Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(3) 234-237 (2001).
268)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Origanum x dolichosiphon P.H.Davis, N.Tabanca, F.Demirci, T.Ozek, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (3) 204-206 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(3) 238-241 (2001).
269)* Antibacterial Activity and Chemical Composition of Propolis, N.Keskin, S.Hazir, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, Z. Naturforsch. C., 56c, 112-1115 (2001).
270)* The Composition of the Essential Oil of Stachys iberica subsp. stenostachya Growing in Turkey, A.Kaya, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (4) 278-279 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(4) 326-328 (2001).
271)* Fatty Acid Composition of Sideritis Species, A.Ertan, N.Azcan, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (4) 259-261 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(4) 301-303 (2001).
272)* Essential Oil and Antimicrobial Evaluation of the Pistacia eurycarpa, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, I.Calis, E.Gokhan, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (4) 282-284 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(4) 332-335 (2001).
273)* Microdistilation as a Useful Tool for the Analysis of Minute Amounts of Aromatic Plant Materials, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, N.Kirimer, I.C.Hedge, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (4), 285-286 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp., 37 (4), 336-338 (2001).
274)* Essential Oil of Ajuga bombycina from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, F.Z.Erdemgil, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (3), 207-208 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37 (3) 242-244 (2001).
275) Turkisches Rosenöl, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, Forum für Aromaterapiae und Aromapflege, (20) 26 (2001).
276)* Chemical Investigations on Some Hypericum L. Species Growing in Turkey-I, S.Erken, H.Malyer, F.Demirci, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (5) 370-373 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(5) 434-438 (2001).
277)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Haplophyllum myrtifolium, H.Saglam, T.Gozler, B.Kivcak, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (5) 374-375 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp.37(5) 439-441 (2001).
278)* Volatile Compounds from Haplophyllum myrtifolium, H.Saglam, T.Gozler, B.Kivcak, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (5) 376-378 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37 (5) 442-444 (2001).
279)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Arbutus unedo L., B.Kivcak, T.Mert, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin.,(5) 379-380 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37 (5) 445-446 (2001).
280)* Essential Oil Composition of Three Species of Achillea Kazakhstan, Ye. M. Suleimenov, G.A.Atazhanova, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, A.T.Kulyyasov, S.M.Adekenov, K.H:C.Baser, Khim.Prir.Soedin., (5) 381-384 (2001). Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(5) 447-450 (2001).
281)* The Composition of Essential Oils from Two Varieties of Sideritis erythrantha: var. erythrantha and var. cedretorum, N.Tabanca, N.Kirimer and K.H.C.Baser, Turk J.Chem. 25, 201-208 (2001).
282)* Essential Oil Constituents of Satureja boissieri Hausskn. ex Boiss. From Turkey, M.Kurkcuoglu, G.Tumen, K.H.C.Baser, Chem.Nat.Comp. 37(4) 329-331 (2001).
283)* The Composition of Essential Oils from Various Parts of Juniperus foetidissima Willd., Z.Tunalier, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Chem.Nat.Comp. 38(1) 43-47 (2002).
284)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Salvia aramiensis Rech. Fil. Growing in Turkey, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, Flavour Fragr. J., 17, 23-25 (2002).
285)* The Essential Oils of Thymus migricus and T. fedschenkoi var. handelii from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, N.Kirimer, F.Satil, G.Tumen, Flavour Fragr. J., 17, 41-45 (2002).
286)* Enantiomeric Distribution of Some Monoterpenes in the Essential Oils of some Salvia species, B.Demirci, N.Tabanca, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 17, 54-58 (2002).
287)* Compositions of the Essential Oils of Four Helichrysum species from Madagascar, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, N.Kirimer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 14, 53-55 (2002).
288)* Biotransformation of (-)-alpha-pinene by Botrytis cinerea, A.Farooq, S.Tahara, M.I.Choudhary, Atta-ur-Rahman, Z.Ahmed, K.H.C.Baser, F.Demirci, Z. Naturforsch. C., 57c, 303-306 (2002).
289)* Aromatic Biodiversity Among the Flowering plant taxa of Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, Pure Appl.Chem., 74 (4) 527-545 (2002)
290)* Comparative Study of the Essential Oils of Heracleum sphondyllium ssp. ternatum obtained by Micro- and Hydrodistillation Methods, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Chem.Nat.Comp. 38(1) 48-50 (2002).
291)* Essential Oil of Arischrada korolkowii from the Chatkal Mountains of Uzbekistan, K.H.C.Baser, H.R.Nuriddinov, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, N.Azcan, A.M.Nigmatullaev, Chem.Nat.Comp. 38(1) 51-53 (2002)
292)* Essential Oils of Two Hypericum Species from Uzbekistan, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, H.R.Nuriddinov, B.Demirci, Chem.Nat.Comp. 38(1) 54-57 (2002)
293)* Antimicrobial Screening on Mentha piperita Essential Oils, G.Iscan, N.Kirimer, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, F.Demirci, J. Agr.Food Chem., 50, 3943-3946 (2002).
294)* Ferulagone: A New Monoterpene Ester from Ferulago thirkeana Essential Oil, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, T.Hashimoto, Y.Asakawa, Y.Noma, Planta Med., 68, 564-567 (2002).
295)* Composition of Essential Oils from Two Varieties of Salvia aucheri Bentham Growing in Turkey, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 14, 241-242 (2002).
296)* Book Review: Bioassay Techniques for Drug Development, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, J.Nat.Prod., 65 (7), 1086-1087 (2002).
297)* Composition of the Microdistilled Essential Oils of Tordylium apulum L. and T. pustulosum Boiss., K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, T.Ozek, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 14, 353-354 (2002).
298)* The Microbiological Oxidation of (-)-beta-Pinene by Different Fungi, A.Farooq, M.I.Choudhary, S.Tahara, Atta-ur-Rahman, K.H.C.Baser, F.Demirci, Z. Naturforsch. C., 686-690 (2002).
299)* Antimicrobial Activity of Some Satureja Essential Oils, D.Azaz, F.Demirci, F.Satil, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, Z. Naturforsch. C., 817-821 (2002).
300)* Detoxification of Terpinolene by Plant Pathogenic Fungus Botrytis cinerea, A.Farooq, I. Choudhary, Atta-ur-Rahman, S.Tahara, K.H.C.Baser, F.Demirci, Z. Naturforsch. C., 863-866 (2002).
301)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Achillea multifida (DC.) Boiss, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, S.Kocak, C.Akinci, H.Malyer, G.Guleryuz, Planta Med. 68, 941-943 (2002).
302)* Antioxidant and Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Eight Salvia Species, B.Bozan, N.Ozturk, M.Kosar, Z.Tunalier, K.H.C.Baser, Chem.Nat.Comp. 38 (2) 198-200 (2002)
303)* The Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of the Resurrection Plant Myrothamnus flabellifolius, A.M.Viljoen, M.E.Klesper, E.J.Ernst, D.Keele, E.Roling, S. van Vuuren, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, B.E. van Wyk, S.Afr.J.Bot., 68 (1) 100-105 (2002).
304)* The Essential Oil Composition of the Roots and Rhizomes of Siphonochilus aethiopicus, A.M.Viljoen, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, B.E. van Wyk, S. Afr. J. Bot., 68(1) 115-116 (2002).
305)* Comparative morphological, anatomical, ecological and chemical studies on Endemic Saturaja parnassica subsp. sipylea from Turkey, F.Satil, G.Tumen, A.Akcelik, K.H.C.Baser, Acta Bot. Croat., 61, 2, 207-220 (2002)
306)* Effects of Gentiana lutea ssp. symphyandra on the Central Nervous System in Mice, N.Ozturk, K.H.C.Baser, S.Aydin, Y.Ozturk, I.Calis, Phytotheraphy Res. 16, 627-631 (2002)
307)* A Comparative study on the antiinflammatory, antinociceptive and antipyretic effects of isoquinoline alkaloids from the roots of Turkish Berberis species, E.Kupeli, M.Kosar, E.Yesilada, K.H.C.Baser, Life Sciences, 72, 645-657(2002).
308)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Ononis viscosa L. subsp. breviflora (DC.) Nyman, F.Z.Erdemgil, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 38 (6) 565-567 (2002).
309)* Micro-distilled Volatile Compounds from Ferulago Species Growing in Western Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, T.Ozek, E.Akalin, N.Ozhatay, Pharm. Biol., 40(6) 466-471 (2002).
310)* Composition of the Essential Oils From Five Endemic Sideritis species, N.Kirimer, N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 15, 221-225 (2003).
311)* Antioxidant and Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Rhus coriaria and Cinnamomum cassia Extracts, B.Bozan, M.Kosar, Z.Tunalier, N.Ozturk, K.H.C.Baser, Acta Aliment. Hung., 32(1) 53-61 (2003).
312)* The Essential Oil of Seseli tortuosum L. Growing in Turkey, A Kaya, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 18, 159-161 (2003).
313)* Essential oils of boswellia, myrrh and opopanax, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, A.Dekebo, E.Dagne, Flavour Fragr. J., 18, 153-156 (2003).
314)* Wood Essential Oils of Juniperus foetidissima Willd., Z.Tunalier, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Holzforschung, 57, 140-144 (2003).
315)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, A.A.Donmez, Flavour Fragr. J., 18, 122-123 (2003).
316)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Six Endemic Salvia Species from Turkey, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, B.Yildiz, Z.Bahcecioglu, Flavour Fragr. J., 18, 116-121 (2003).
317)* Essential Oils from Buds of Betula Species growing in Turkey, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 18, 87-90 (2003).
318)* Composition of the essential oil of Cotinus coggygria Scop.from Turkey, B.Demirci, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 18, 43-44 (2003).
319) Turkish rose oil: Recent results. K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, T. Ozek, Perf. Flavour, 28(2) 34-42 (2003).
320)* The essential oil of Origanum syriacum L. var. sinaicum, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, T.Ozek, Flavour Fragr. J., 18, 98-99 (2003).
321)* The essential oil of Achillea falcata, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J. 18, 192–194 (2003).
322)* Studies on Turkish Rose Concrete, Absolute and Hydrosol, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, Khim.Prir. Soedin., (5) 375-379 (2003). Chem. Nat. Comp., 39(5) 457-464 (2003).
323)* The Isolation of Some Soluble and Dispersed Materials of Oregano Water, I.Boydag, M.Kurkcuoglu, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 39(5) 465-469 (2003).
324)* Compositions of Volatiles Obtained from Spices by Microdistillation, N.Sargın, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat.Comp. 39(4) 355-357 (2003).
325)* The Bioactive Essential Oils of Heracleum sphondylium L. subsp. ternatum (Velen.) Brummitt, G.Iscan, F.Demirci, M.Kurkcuoglu, M.Kivanc, K.H.C.Baser, Z. Naturforsch. C., 58c, 195-200 (2003).
326)* Osmitopsis asteriscoides (Asteraceae) – The antimicrobial activity and essential oil composition of a Cape-Dutch remedy. A. Viljoen, S. van Vuuren, E. Ernst, M. Klebser, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, B.-E. van Wyk, J. Ethnopharmacol., 88 (2-3) 137-143 (2003).
327) Olymposciadium caespitosum (Umbelliferae): A monotypic endemic species from Turkey. A. Kaya, K.H.C. Baser, Flora Mediterranea, 12, 377-387 (2003).
328)* Inhibition of DNA synthesis by carvacrol in mouse myoblast cells bearing a human N-ras oncogene. H. Zeytinoglu, Z. Incesu, K.H.C. Baser, Phytomedicine, 10(4) 292-299 (2003).
329)* Glandular Trichomes and Essential oils of Salvia glutinosa L., A. Kaya, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, S. Afr. J. Bot., 69, 422–427 (2003).
330)* An Improved On-Line HPLC-DPPH Method for the Screening of Free Radical Scavenging Compounds in Water Extracts of Lamiaceae Plants, M. Kosar, H.J.D. Dorman, R. Hiltunen, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 39(2) 161-166 (2003).
331)* Thalictroside: A new phenolic compound from Thalictrum orientale. F.Z. Erdemgil, K.H.C. Baser, P. Akbay, O. Sticher, I. Calis, Z. Naturforsch. C., 58 (9/10) 632-636 (2003).
332)* Antimicrobial Compounds from Pimpinella Species Growing in Turkey, N. Tabanca, E. Bedir, N. Kirimer, K. H. C. Baser, S. I. Khan, M. R. Jacob and I. A. Khan, Planta Medica, 933-938 (2003).
333)* The Glycosidically Bound Volatile Compounds of Taxus baccata, N. Erdemoglu, B. Sener, B. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 39(2) 195-198 (2003).
334)* Fatty acid composition of pistachio nuts in Turkey, F. Satil, N. Azcan, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 39(4) 322-324 (2003).
335)* Analysis of the Volatile Components of Five Turkish Rhododendron Species by Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction and GC-MS (HS-SPME-GC-MS), D. Tasdemir, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, A.A. Donmez, K. H. C. Baser, P.Ruedi, Z. Naturforsch. 58c, 797-803 (2003).
336)* Determination of the Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Lycium Extracts, M. Kosar, A. Altintas, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Khim. Prir. Soedin., (6) 439-442 (2003). Chem.Nat.Comp., 39(6) 531-535 (2003).
337)* Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Phlomis linearis Boiss. & Bal., and Biological Effects on the CAM-Assay: A Safety Evaluation, B. Demirci, M. Y. Dadandi, D.H. Paper, G. Franz, K. H. C. Baser, Z. Naturforsch. 58c, 826-829 (2003).
338)* Determination of Aroma Compounds in Blackberry by GC/MS Analysis, N.Turemis, E.Kafkas, M.Kurkcuoglu, S.Kafkas, K.H.C.Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 39, 174-176 (2003)
339)* Anticandidal activity of three Heracleum essential oils, G. Iscan, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 40(6) 544-547 (2004).
340)* In vitro biological activity and essential oil composition of four indigenous South African Helichrysum species, A.C.U. Lourens, D.Reddy, K.H.C. Baser, A.M. Viljoen, S.F. Van Vuuren, J. Ethnopharmacol., 95, 253-258 (2004).
341)* Chemical Composition of Essential Oils from Leaves and Twigs of Pistacia lentiscus, Pistacia lentiscus var. chia, and Pistacia terebinthus from Turkey, B. Kivcak, S. Akay, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Pharmaceutical Biology, 42 (4–5) 360–366 (2004)
342)* A Comparative Study of the Essential oils of Wild and Cultivated Satureja hortensis, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Kirimer. G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16(5) 422-424 (2004).
343)* Composition of the Microdistilled Essential Oils of Cachrys alpina Bieb., K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, E.Akalin, N.Ozhatay, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16, 167-168 (2004).
344)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Satureja spinosa L., N.Tabanca, M.Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, H.Duman, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16, 127-128 (2004).
345)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Achillea sieheana Stapf and the Enantiomeric Distribution of Camphor, N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, M.Vural, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16, 180-181 (2004).
346)* Comparison of the Essential Oils of Origanum majorana L. and Origanum x majoricum Cambess., N.Tabanca, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, G.Tumen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16, 248-252 (2004).
347)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Marrubium bourgaei subsp. caricum P.H.Davis, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, N.Kirimer, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16, 133-134 (2004).
348)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Galium aparine L. and G. odoratum (L.) Scop. From Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, N.Kirimer, D.Deliorman, F.Ergun, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16(4) 305-307 (2004).
349)* A Potential New Source of Cedarwood Oil: Juniperus foetidissima Willd., Z.Tunalier, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 16, 233-235 (2004).
350)* The Volatiles of Fresh Cut Osyris alba L. Flowers, F.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 19(1) 72-73 (2004).
351)* Book Review: Spice Crops, K.H.C. Baser, J. Sci. Food Agric., 83, 390 (2004)
352)* Estrogenic activity of isolated compounds and essential oils of Pimpinella species from Turkey, evaluated using a recombinant yeast screen, N.Tabanca, S.I.Khan, E.Bedir, S.Annavarapu, K.Willet, I.A.Khan, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Planta Medica, 70, 728-735 (2004)
353)* Investigation of the Origanum onites L. Essential Oil Using the Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) Assay, F. Demirci, D. H. Paper, G. Franz, K.H.C. Baser, J. Agric.Food Chem. 52(2) 251 – 254 (2004).
354)* Fatty acids in the seeds of Origanum onites L. and Origanum vulgare L., N. Azcan, M. Kara, B. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, Lipids, 39(5) 487-489 (2004)
355)* Essential Oils of Sideritis Species of Turkey Belonging to Section Empedoclia, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, H.Duman, Chem. Nat. Comp., 40(1) 19-23 (2004).
356)* New sesquiterpenoid-type bicyclic compounds from the buds of Betula pubescens. Ring-contracted products of beta-caryophyllene?, K. D. Klika, B. Demirci, J.-P. Salminen, V.V. Ovcharenko, S. Vuorela, K. H. C. Baser, K. Pihlaja, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2627-2635 (2004)
357)* Phenolic composition of some strawberry genotypes at different maturation stages, M.Kosar, E. Kafkas, S. Paydas, K.H.C. Baser, J. Agric. Food Chem., 52 (6) 1586-1589 (2004)
358)* Volatile flavour components of mandarin wine obtained from clementines (Citrus reticula Blanco) extracted by solid-phase microextraction, S. Selli, M. Kurkcuoglu, E. Kafkas, T. Cabaroglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, A. Canbas, Flavour Fragr. J., 19(4) 413-416 (2004).
359)* Composition and the in vitro Antimicrobial Activities of the Essential Oils of some Thymus Species, A. D. Azaz, H. A. Irtem, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C.Baser, Z. Naturforsch. 59c, 75-80 (2004).
360)* Fatty acid composition of seed oils of twelve Salvia species growing in Turkey, N. Azcan, A. Ertan, B. Demirci, K. H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 40(3) 218-221 (2004).
361)* Screening of free radical scavenging compounds in water extracts of Mentha samples using a postcolumn derivatization method, M. Kosar, H.J. Damien Dorman, K. H. C. Baser, R. Hiltunen, J. Agric. Food Chem., 52, 5004-5010 (2004).
362)* Antioxidant properties and phenolic composition of Sideritis species, Z. Tunalier, M. Kosar, N. Ozturk, K.H.C. Baser, H. Duman, N. Kirimer, Chem. Nat. Comp., 40(3) 206-210 (2004).
363)* Microbial transformation of (-)-carvone, F. Demirci, Y. Noma, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Z. Naturforsch. 59c, 389-393 (2004).
364)* Composition of the essential oil of Centaurea dichroa, A. Altintas, Y.B.Kose, E. Yucel, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 40(6) 604-605 (2004).
365)* An Improved HPLC Post-Column Methodology for the Identification of Free Radical Scavenging Phytochemicals in Complex Mixtures, M. Kosar, D. Dorman, K. H.C. Baser, R. Hiltunen, Chromatographia, 60, 635-638 (2004).
366) Essential Oil of Betula pendula Roth. Buds, B. Demirci, D. H. Paper, F. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, G.Franz, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM), 1(3) 301-303 (2004)
367)* Essential oil composition and in vitro antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity of South African Vitex species, E Nyiligira, A.M. Viljoen, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, S.F. van Vuuren, S. Afr. J. Bot., 70(4) 611-617 (2004).
368)* Book Review: Thyme – The Genus Thymus, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil. Res., 16, 159 (2004)
369)* Headspace-SPME and Hydrodistillation of Two Fragrant Artemisia sp., B. Demirci, F. Demirci and K.H.C. Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 19, 395-398 (2004)
370)* The essential oil of Senecio farfarifolius Boiss. et Kotschy growing in Turkey, K.H.C. Baser and B. Demirci, J. Essent. Oil Res., 16, 558-559 (2004)
371)* The composition, geographical variation and antimicrobial activity of Lippia javanica (Verbenaceae) leaf essential oils, A.M. Viljoen, S. Subramoney, S.F. Van Vuuren, K.H.C. Baser, B Demirci, J. Ethnopharmacol., 96, 271–277 (2005)
372)* The Essential Oils of Two Varieties of Salvia euphratica Montbret et Aucher ex Bentham: var. euphratica and var. leiocalycina (rech. Fil) Hedge from Turkey, K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, B.Yildiz, J.Essent. Oil Res. , 17(1) 47-48 (2005)
373)* Composition of the essential oil of Helichrysum forskahlii (Gmel.) Hilliard et Burt, M.M. El-Olemy, A.J. Al-Rehaily, O.A. Albishi, J.S. Mossa, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 17(1) 112-116 (2005).
374)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Myrrhoides nodosa (L.) Cannon from Turkey, G.Tumen, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, J.Essent. Oil Res., 17(2) 126-127 (2005).
375)* Enantiomeric distribution of linalool, linalyl acetate and camphor in Bulgarian lavender oil, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, A. Konakchiev, J. Essent. Oil Res., 17(2) 135-136 (2005).
376)* Ninde Oil (Aeollanthus myrianthus Taylor) Revisited: Analysis of a Historical Oil, K.H.C.Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, J.Essent. Oil Res., 17(2) 137-138 (2005).
377)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Cymbopogon afronardus Stapf from Uganda, K.H.C.Baser, T.Ozek, B.Demirci, J.Essent. Oil Res. 17(2) 139-140 (2005).
378)* The Essential Oil of Salvia limbata C.A.Meyer Growing in Turkey, M.Kurkcuoglu, B.Demirci, K.H.C.Baser, T.Dirmenci, G.Tumen, U.Ozgen, J.Essent. Oil Res., 17(2) 192-193 (2005).
379)* The Essential Oil of Pentapleura subulifera Hand.-Mazz. K.H.C.Baser, B.Demirci, N.Tabanca, Z.Aytac, M.Ekici, J.Essent. Oil Res., 17(2) 204-205 (2005).
380)* The Essential Oil of Stachys laetivirens Kotschy & Boiss. ex Rech. fil., Endemic in Turkey, H. Duman, M.Kartal, L. Altun, B. Demirci and K.H.C. Baser, Flavour Fragr. J. , 20(1) 48-50 (2005).
381) Patterns of essential oil relationships in Pimpinella (Umbelliferae) based on phylogenetic relationships using nuclear and chloroplast sequences, N.Tabanca, A.W.Douglas, E.Bedir, F.E.Dayan, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, Z.Aytac, I.A.Khan, B.E.Scheffler, Plant Genetic Resources, 3(2) 149-169 (2005).
382)* Bioactive Constituents from Turkish Pimpinella Species, N.Tabanca, E.Bedir, D.Slade, D.Ferreira, D.E.Wedge, M.R.Jacob, S.I. Khan, N.Kirimer, K.H.C.Baser, I.A.Khan, Chemistry and Biodiversity, 2(2) 221-232 (2005).
383)* Study of the essential oils of Thymus haussknechtii Velen and Thymus kotschyanus Boiss. et Hohen var. kotschyanus (Lamiaceae) taxa from the eastern Anatolian region in Turkey, E. Bagci, K.H.C. Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 20(2) 199-202 (2005).
384)* Insecticidal activity of 23 essential oils and their major compounds against adult Lipaphis pseudobrassicae (Davis) (Aphididae: Homoptera), B. J. Sampson, N.Tabanca, N. Kirimer, B. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, I. A. Khan, J. M. Spiers, D. E. Wedge, Pest Management Science, 61(11) 1122-1128 (2005)
385)* Genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of origanum oil and carvacrol evaluated by Ames Salmonella/microsomal test, E. Ipek, H. Zeytinoglu, S. Okay, B. A. Tuylu, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, Food Chem., 93 (3) 551-556 (2005)
386)* A Simple method to Obtain Essential Oils from Salvia triloba L. and Laurus nobilis L. by Using Microwave-Assisted Hydrodistillation, M. Kosar, Z. Tunalier, T. Ozek, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, Z. Naturforsch. C, 60, 501-504 (2005)
387)* Kaurane diterpenoids from three Sideritis species, M.Bruno, F. Piozzi, N.A. Arnold, K.H.C. Baser, N. Tabanca, N. Kirimer, Turk J Chem, 29, 61-64 (2005).
388) New trends in the utilization of medicinal and aromatic plants, K.H.C. Baser, Acta Horticulturae, 676, 11-23 (2005).
389)* Traditional phytotherapy and trans-cultural pharmacy among Turkish migrants living in Cologne, Germany, A.Pieroni, H. Muenz, M. Akbulut, K. H. C. Baser, C. Durmuskahya, J. Ethnopharmacol., 102, 69-88 (2005)
390)* Pollen morphology of Thalictrum L. (Ranunculaceae) species in Turkey, S.Tatlidil, A. Bicakci, H.Malyer, K.H.C. Baser, Pak. J. Bot., 37(2) 203-212 (2005)
391)* Composition of the essential oils of Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa from Turkey, E. Sezik, E. Kocakulak, K. H. C. Baser, T. Ozek, Chem. Nat. Comp., 41(3) 352-354 (2005).
392)* Comparison of Microwave-Assisted Hydrodistillation and Hydrodistillation Methods for the Analysis of Volatile Secondary Metabolites, M. Kosar, T. Ozek, F. Goger, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Pharmaceutical Biol., 43(6) 491-495 (2005).
393)* Determination of volatile compounds in Sultaniye wine by solid-phase microextraction (SPME) techniques, T. Cabaroglu, S. Selli, E. Kafkas, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Canbas, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 41(4) 382-384 (2005)
394)* The in vitro pharmacological activities and a chemical investigation of three South African Salvia species. G.P. Kamatou, A.M. Viljoen, A.B. Gono-Bwalya, R.L. Zyl, S.F. Vuuren, A.C. Lourens, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, K.L. Lindsey, J.V. Staden, P. Steenkamp, J Ethnopharmacol. 102, 382–390(2005)
395)* Essential oil analysis of Asian Hypericum L. (Clusiaceae) species. B. Demirci, S.L. Crockett, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan. J. Essent. Oil Res. 17, 659-663 (2005).
396)* Composition of the essential oils of three endemic Turkish Heracleum species obtained by different isolation techniques, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, A. Duran, J. Essent. Oil Res., 17, 605-610 (2005)
397)* GC/MS analysis of essential oils from Pimpinella aurea, P. corymbosa, P. peregrina and P. puberula gathered from Eastern and Southern Turkey, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, E. Bedir, I.A. Khan, D.E. Wedge, J. Chromatogr. A, 1092, 192-198 (2005)
398)* Effects of Salvia Essential Oils on the Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) Assay, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, A.A. Donmez, G. Franz, D.H. Paper, K.H.C. Baser, Pharmaceutical Biol., 43(8) 666-671 (2005).
399)* In vitro antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of some Satureja essential oils, A.D. Azaz, M. Kurkcuoglu, F. Satil, K.H.C. Baser, G. Tumen, Flavour Fragr. J., 20(6) 587-591 (2005)
400)* Composition and Anticandidal Activity of The Essential Oil of Chaerophyllum byzantinum Boiss., M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, G. Iscan, H. Malyer, G. Kaynak, Flavour Fragr. J., 21, 115-117 (2006)
401)* Composition of the essential oil of fruits and roots of Ferulago isaurica Pesmen and F. syriaca Boiss. (Umbelliferae) from Turkey, C. S. Erdurak, M. Coskun, B. Demirci and K. H. C. Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 21, 118-121 (2006)
402)* Identification of volatile aroma compounds of strawberry wine using Solid Phase Microextraction Techniques coupled with Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, E. Kafkas, T. Cabaroglu, S. Selli, A. Bozdogan, M. Kurkcuoglu, S. Paydas, K.H.C.Baser, Flavour Fragr. J. , 21, 68-71 (2006)
403)* Essential oil composition of Seseli resinosum Freyn et Sint. and Seseli tortuosum L. growing in Turkey, E. Dogan, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Tosun, H. Duman, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18(1) 57-59 (2006)
404)* Comparison of the essential oils of Xanthogalum purpurascens Lallem. obtained by different extraction techniques, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, A.Duran, M. Sagiroglu, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18(2) 181-184 (2006)
405)* Composition of the essential oils of Phlomis rigida Labill. and P. samia L., B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, M.Y. Dadandi, J. Essent. Oil Res. 18, 328-331 (2006)
406)* The Essential Oil Composition of Acroptilon repens of Turkish Origin, Z. Tunalier, N. T. Candan, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 21, 462-464 (2006).
407)* Effects of gentiopicroside, sweroside and swertiamarine, secoiridoids from Gentian (Gentiana lutea ssp. symphyandra) on cultured chicken embrionic fibroblasts, N. Ozturk, S. Korkmaz, Y. Ozturk, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica, 72(4) 289-294 (2006)
408)* The essential oil constituents and antimicrobial activity of Anthemis aciphylla Boiss. var. discoidea Boiss., K. H. C. Baser, B. Demirci, G. Iscan, Y. Asakawa, T. Hashimoto, Y. Noma, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 54(2) 222-225 (2006)
409)* Analysis of sugars, organic acids and vitamin C contents of blackberry genotypes from Turkey, E. Kafkas, M. Kosar, N. Turemis, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem. , 97, 732–736 (2006)
410)* Biological Activity and Composition of the Essential Oils of Achillea schischkinii Sosn. and Achillea aleppica DC. subsp. aleppica, G. Iscan, N. Kirimer, M. Kurkcuoglu, T.Arabaci, E. Kupeli, K.H.C. Baser, J. Agric. Food Chem., 54, 170-173 (2006)
411)* Microdistillation and essential oil chemistry—a useful tool for detecting hybridisation in Plectranthus (Lamiaceae), A.M. Viljoen, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, C.J. Potgieter, T.J. Edwards, South African Journal of Botany, 72(1) 99-104 (2006)
412)* The antimicrobial, antimalarial and toxicity profiles of helihumulone, leaf essential oil and extracts of Helichrysum cymosum (L.) D. Don subsp. cymosum, S.F. van Vuuren, A.M. Viljoen, F.R. van Zyl, F.R. van Heerden, K.H.C. Baser, South African Journal of Botany, 72, 287-290 (2006)
413)* Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of essential oils from Pimpinella species gathered from Central and Northern Turkey, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, E. Bedir, I. A. Khan, D. E. Wedge, J. Chromatogr. A, 1117(2) 194-205 (2006).
414)* Composition of the essential oils of Lycium barbarum and L. ruthenicum fruits, A. Altintas, M. Kosar, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, Chem. Nat. Comp., 42(1) 24-25 (2006).
415)* Study of the essential oil composition of Pinus sylvestris from Turkey, O. Ustun, E. Sezik, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 42(1) 26-31 (2006)
416)* Furocoumarins from Prangos ferulacea, K. A. Eshbakova, A. I. Saidkhodzhaev, K.H.C. Baser, H. Duman, A. D. Vdovin, N. D. Abdullaev, Chem. Nat. Comp., 42(1) 102-103 (2006)
417)* Composition of the essential oil of Pastinaca sativa L. subsp. urens (Req. ex Gordon) Celak, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, M. Vural, Chem. Nat. Comp., 42(1) 114-115 (2006)
418)* The Biological Activity and Essential Oil Composition of 17 Agathosma (Rutaceae) Species, A. M. Viljoen, A. Moolla, S.F. van Vuuren, R. L. van Zyl, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, T. H. Trinder-Smith, J. Essent. Oil Res. , 18 , 2-16 (Special Edition 2006)
419)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Diosma prama I. Williams, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, A.M. Viljoen, J.E. Victor, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18, 17-18 (Special Edition 2006)
420)* The Geographical Variation and Antimicrobial Activity of African Wormwood ( Artemisia afra Jacq.) Essential Oil, A. M. Viljoen, S. F. van Vuuren, T. Gwebu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18 , 19-25 (Special Edition 2006)
421)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Five Coleonema Species from South Africa, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, A.M. Viljoen, J.E. Victor, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18, 26-29 (Special Edition 2006)
422)* A Seasonal Variation Study of the Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Agathosma ovata (Thunb.) Pillans (Rutaceae), A. M. Viljoen, A. Molla, S. F. van Vuuren, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18 , 30-36 (Special Edition 2006)
423)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Two Adenandra, Species from South Africa, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, A.M. Viljoen, J.E. Victor, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18, 46-47 (Special Edition 2006)
424)* The Essential Oil Composition and Chemotaxonomy of Salvia stenophylla and its Allies S. repens and S. runcinata , A. M. Viljoen, A. Gono-Bwalya, G. P.P. Kamatou, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci , J. Essent. Oil Res., 18 , 37-45 (Special Edition 2006)
425)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Three, Acmadenia Species from South Africa, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, A.M. Viljoen, J.E. Victor, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18 , 54-56 (Special Edition 2006)
426)* The Essential Oil Composition and Chemotaxonomical Appraisal of South African Pelargoniums (Geraniaceae), J.Y.Y. Lalli, A.M. Viljoen, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T.Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18 , 89-105 (Special Edition 2006)
427)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Euchaetis albertiniana I.J.M. Williams , K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, A.M. Viljoen , J. Essent. Oil Res., 18 , 122-123 (Special Edition 2006)
428)* Composition and antioxidant activities of Salvia halophila and S. virgata from Turkey, M. Kosar, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 72(11) 977 (2006)
429)* Turkish Oregano: Chemistry and Biological Activities, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Planta Med., 72(11) 979 (2006)
430)* Hydroxylation of selected sesquiterpenes by the fungus Neurospora crassa, F. Demirci, T. Akar, T.A. Demir, I. Kiran, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 72(11) 981 (2006)
431)* Essential oil of Turkish Origanum onites L. and its main components, carvacrol and thymol show potent antiprotozoal activity without cytotoxicity, D. Tasdemir, M. Kaiser, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 72(11)1006 (2006)
432)* Effects of carvacrol upon the liver of rats undergoing partial hepatectomy, M. Canbek, M. Uyanoglu, E. Aral, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 72 (11)1040 (2006)
433)* The Chemical Composition and Antifungal Activity of Salvia macrochlamys and Salvia recognita Essential Oils, N. Tabanca, B.Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Z. Aytac, M. Ekici, S. I. Khan, M. R. Jacob, D. E. Wedge, J. Agric. Food Chem., 54 (18) 6593-6597 (2006)
434)* Essential oil composition of Seseli petraeum M. Bieb. and Seseli andronakii Woron. and growing in Turkey, A. Tosun, M. Kurkcuoglu, E. Dogan, H. Duman, K.H.C. Baser, Flavour Fragr. J., 21(2) 257-259 (2006)
435)* Composition of the essential oil of Centaurea huber-morathii Wagenitz isolated from seeds by microdistillation, K.H.C. Baser, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, A. Duran, Flavour Fragr. J., 21 (3) 568-570 (2006)
436)* Composition of the essential oils of Rhabdosciadium oligocarpum (Post ex Boiss.) Hedge et Lamond and Rhabdosciadium microcalycinum Hand.-Mazz., K.H.C. Baser, G. Ozek, T.Ozek, A.Duran, H.Duman, Flavour Fragr. J. , 21 (4) 650-655 (2006)
437)* Characterization of volatile constituents of Haplopappus greenei and studies on the antifungal activity against phytopathogens, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, N. Tabanca, S.L. Crockett, D.E. Wedge, J. Agric. Food Chem., 54, 3146-3150 (2006).
438)* Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of two endemic species from Turkey: Sideritis cilicica Boiss. et Bal. and Sideritis bilgerana P.H. Davis, G. Iscan, N. Kirimer, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 41 (6) 679-682 (2006)
439)* Composition of the essential oil of Chaerophyllum macropodum Boiss. fruits obtained by microdistillation, K.H.C. Baser, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, A. Duran, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18(5) 515-517 (2006)
440)* Comparison of the essential oils of Prangos turcica A. Duran, M. Sagiroglu et H. Duman fruits obtained by different isolation techniques, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, A. Duran, M. Sagiroglu, H. Duman, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18(5) 511-514 (2006)
441)* Composition of the essential oil of Phlomis nissolii L., N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, J. Essent. Oil Res. 18(6) 600-601 (2006)
442)* Composition of the essential oil from seeds of Matthiola anchoniifolia Hub.-Mor. obtained by microdistillation, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res.,18(6) 602-603 (2006)
443)* Essential Oils of Tordylium pestalozzae Boiss., Tordylium pustulosum Boiss.and Tordylium lanatum (Boiss.) Boiss. (Umbelliferae), Growing Wild in Turkey, A. Tosun, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 18(6) 640-642 (2006)
444)* Volatiles of Hypericum bupleuroides Griseb., F. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 18(6) 650-651 (2006)
445) Aromatic plants as a source of botanicals, K.H.C. Baser, Acta Hort. 723, 27-33 (2006)
446) Essential oils of Lamiaceae plants of Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, N. Kirimer, Acta Hort. 723, 163-171 (2006).
447)* Effect of a dietary essential oil mixture on performance of laying hens in the summer season, M. Cabuk, M. Bozkurt, A. Alcicek, A.U. Catli, K.H.C. Baser, S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci., 36(4) 215-221 (2006)
448)* Antimicrobial activities of methanol extracts and essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis, depending on location and seasonal variations O. Yesil Celiktas, E.E. Hames Kocabas, E. Bedir, F. Vardar Sukan, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem., 100, 553-559 (2007)
449)* Quality characteristics for strawberry genotypes at different maturation stages, E. Kafkas, M. Kosar, S. Paydas, S. Kafkas, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem., 100, 1229-1236 (2007)
450)* Micromorphology of glandular trichomes of Nepeta congesta Fisch. & Mey. var. congesta (Lamiaceae) and chemical analysis of the essential oils, A. Kaya, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, South African J. Bot., 73 (1) 29-34 (2007)
451)* Studies on Betula Essential Oils, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, Arkivoc, (vii) 335-348 (2007)
452)* Essential Oil Composition of an Endemic Species of Turkey: Marrubium bourgaei Boiss. subsp. bourgaei (Labiatae), M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, A. Tosun, E. Dogan, H. Duman, J. Essent. Oil Res., 19 (1) 34-36 (2007)
453)* Antioxidant activity and phenolic composition of sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) extracts, M. Kosar, B. Bozan, F. Temelli, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem., 103, 952-959 (2007)
454)* Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-nociceptive Activities and Composition of Lythrum salicaria L. Extracts, Z. Tunalier, M. Kosar, E. Kupeli, I. Calis, K.H.C. Baser, J. Ethnopharmacol., 110, 539-547 (2007)
455) Composition of the essential oil of Cuminum cyminum L. according to harvesting times, Y. Kan, M. Kartal, T. Ozek, S. Aslan, K.H.C. Baser, Turkish J. Pharm. Sci., 4(1) 25-29 (2007).
456)* Recent advances in the chemistry and biological activities of the Pimpinella species of Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, N. Tabanca, N. Kirimer, E. Bedir, I.A. Khan, D.E. Wedge, Pure Appl. Chem., 79(4) 539-556 (2007)
457)* Characterization of Volatile Constituents of Scaligeria tripartita and Studies on the Antifungal Activity against Phytopathogenic Fungi, N.Tabanca, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, E. Mincsovics, S.I. Khan, M.R. Jacob, D. E. Wedge, J. Chromatogr. B, 850(1-2) 221-229 (2007).
458)* Essential Oil of Tordylium ketenoglui H. Duman & A. Duran (Umbelliferae) Growing in Turkey, A. Tosun, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, H. Duman, J. Essent. Oil Res., 19, 153-154 (2007)
459)* Flower and Fruit Essential oils of Scandix iberica Bieb. (Umbelliferae) Growing in Turkey, A. Kaya, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 19, 155-156 (2007)
460)* Antioxidant, antiinflammatory and antinociceptive activities of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Sultani Cekirdeksiz leaves and its ethnic products, M. Kosar, Z. Tunalier, H. Malyer, E. Kupeli, V. Uylaser, C. Turkben, K.H.C. Baser, J. Agric. Food Chem., 55(11) 4596-4603 (2007)
461)* The essential oil composition of Tanacetum macrophyllum (Waldst. et Kit) Schultz Bip., B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 19, 255-257 (2007)
462)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oils of Calamintha betulifolia Boiss. et Bal., M. Kurkcuoglu, G. Iscan, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, S. Alan, J. Essent. Oil Res., 19, 285-287 (2007)
463)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Centaurea aladagensis Wagenitz, Y.B. Kose, G. Iscan, A.Altintas, S. Celik, B.Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Fitoterapia, 78 (3) 253-254 (2007)
464)* Effect of Essential Oils and Isolated Compounds from Pimpinella Species on NF-kB: A Target for Anti-inflammatory Therapy, N. Tabanca, G. Ma, D. S. Pasco, E. Bedir, N. Kirimer, K. H.C. Baser, I. A. Khan, S. I. Khan, Phytother. Res., 21, 741-745 (2007)
465)* Essential oil analysis of five African and Mediterranean Hypericum L. (Clusiaceae) species. B. Demirci, S.L. Crockett, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan. J. Essent. Oil Res., 19, 302-306 (2007)
466)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Tanacetum cadmeum (Boiss.) Heywood subsp. orientale Grierson, G.Ozek, T. Ozek, G. Iscan, K.H.C.Baser, E. Hamzaoglu, A. Duran J. Essent. Oil Res.,19, 392-395 (2007)
467)* Composition of the essential oils of Tordylium trachycarpum (Boiss.) Al-Eisawi et Jury and Tordylium hasselquistiae DC. growing in Turkey, T. Ozek, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, A. Tosun J. Essent. Oil Res., 19, 401-403 (2007)
468)* Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Chaerophyllum libanoticum Boiss. et Kotschy, B. Demirci, M. Kosar, F. Demirci, M. Dinc, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem., 105, 1512-1515 (2007)
469)* Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Anthemis wiedemanniana from Turkey, B. Kivcak, T. Mert, H. Saglam, T. Ozturk, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 43(1) 47-51 (2007)
470)* Volatile compositions and some fruit characteristics of table varieties from Turkey, E. Kafkas, L. Son, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 43(3) 344-346 (2007)
471)* Analysis of the fatty oil of Pistacia eurycarpa nuts by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, E. Kafkas, M. Kurkcuoglu, S. Kafkas, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 43(3) 313-314 (2007)
472)* Comparison of Microwave-Assisted Hydrodistillation and Hydrodistillation Methods for the Fruit Essential Oils of Foeniculum vulgare, M. Kosar, T. Ozek, M. Kurkcuoglu and K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 19, 426?429 (2007)
473)* Chemical composition and free radical scavenging activity of saffron, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kosar, S. Demirci, I. Kara, Planta Medica, 73, 805-806 (2007)
474)* Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of Salvia halophila and Salvia virgata from Turkey, E. Kupeli, F. Goger, M. Kosar, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica, 73, 836 (2007)
475)* Anticandidal activity of essential oils from commercial herbal spices from Turkey, F. Demirci, G. Iscan, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica, 73, 860 (2007)
476)* Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons of the essential oil of Actinolema macrolema Boiss., B. Demirci, G. Koltuksuz, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica, 73, 870 (2007)
477)* Composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Ferulago longistylis Boiss. Fruits, A.M.G. Ozkan, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica, 73, 880 (2007)
478)* Composition of essential oil of the fruits and roots of Prangos denticulata Fisch. et Mey. (Umbelliferae) growing in Turkey, C.S. Kilic, M. Coskun, H. Duman, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica, 73, 948 (2007)
479)* Free radical scavenging compounds in Salvia halophila Hedge and S. virgata Jacq. Extracts using a postcolumn derivatization method, M. Kosar, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica, 73, 877 (2007)
480)* Seasonal and geographical variation of Heteropyxis natalensis essential oil and the effect thereof on the antimicrobial activity, S. F. van Vuuren, A. M. Viljoen, T. Ozek , B. Demirci , K.H.C. Baser, South African J. Bot., 73(3) 441-448 (2007)
481)* The essential oil and its antimicrobial activity of wild and cultivated Origanum vulgare L. subsp. hirtum (Link) Ietswaart from Marmara region in Turkey, G. Esen, A. D. Azaz, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, A.Tinmaz, Flavour Fragr. J., 22, 371-376 (2007)
482)* Chemical Composition and Antifungal Activity of Arnica longifolia, Aster hesperius and Chrysothamnus nauseosus Essential Oils, N. Tabanca, B.Demirci, S.L. Crockett, K.H.C. Baser, D.E. Wedge, J. Agric. Food Chem., 55(21) 8430?8435 (2007)
483)* Comparison of hydrodistillation and microdistilation methods for the analysis of fruit volatiles of Prangos pabularia Lindl., and evaluation of its antimicrobial activity, G.Ozek , T.Ozek, G. Iscan, K.H.C.Baser, E. Hamzaoglu, A. Duran , South African J. Bot., 73, 563-569 (2007)
484)* Composition, Enantiomeric Distribution, and Antimicrobial Activity of Tanacetum argenteum subsp. flabellifolium Essential Oil, N.Tabanca, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, D. E. Wedge, K.H.C.Baser, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 45, 714-719 (2007)
485)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Hippomarathrum cristatum (DC.) Boiss., G. Ozek,T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, E. Hamzaoglu, A. Duran, J. Essent. Oil Res., 19(6) 540-542 (2007)
486)* Composition of the essential oils of Salvia anatolica Hamzaoglu et A.Duran, a new endemic in Turkey, G.Ozek, T.Ozek, K.H.C.Baser, E.Hamzaoglu, A.Duran, Chem. Nat. Comp., 43(6) 667-671 (2007)
487)* Anticonvulsant activity of furanocoumarins and the essential oil obtained from the fruits of Heracleum crenatifolium, F. Tosun, C. Akyuz Kizilay, K. Erol, F. Sultan Kilic, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, Food Chem. 107, 990-993 (2008)
488)* Comparative essential oil composition of the natural hybrid Phlomis x vuralii Dadandi (Lamiaceae) and its parents, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, M.Y. Dadandi, J. Essent. Oil Res., 20, 57-62 (2008)
489)* Effects of carvacrol upon the liver of rats undergoing partial hepatectomy, M. Uyanoglu, M. Canbek, E. Aral, K.H.C. Baser, Phytomedicine, 15, 226-229 (2008)
490)* Inhibitory effect of Turkish Rosmarinus officinalis L. on acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase enzymes, I. Orhan, S. Aslan, M. Kartal, B. Sener, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem., 108(2) 663-668 (2008)
491)* The effect of maturation on the composition and biological activity of the essential oil of a commercially important Satureja species from Turkey: Satureja cuneifolia Ten., M. Kosar, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Agric. Food Chem., 56, 2260-2265 (2008)
492)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Oils of Ferula szowitsiana DC. from Turkey, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, G. Iscan, K.H.C. Baser, A. Duran, E. Hamzaoglu, J. Essent. Oil Res., 20, 186-190 (2008)
493)* In Vitro Antioxidant Properties and Phenolic Composition of Salvia virgata Jacq. from Turkey, M. Kosar, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, J. Agric. Food Chem., 56, 2369-2374 (2008)
494)* Head-space volatiles of marula (Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra), A.M. Viljoen, G.P.P. Kamatou, K.H.C. Baser, South African J. Bot., 74, 325-326 (2008)
495)* Composition of the essential oils of two Sideritis species from Turkey and antimicrobial activity, N. Kirimer, B. Demirci, G. Iscan, K. H. C. Baser, H. Duman, Chem. Nat. Comp., 44(1) 121-123 (2008)
496)* Volatile constituents of Hypericum L. Section Myriandra (Clusiaceae): Species of the H. fasciculatum Lam. alliance, S.L. Crockett, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, J. Essent. Oil Res., 20(3) 244-249 (2008)
497)* Acaricidal efficacy of Origanum onites L. essential oil against Rhipicephalus turanicus (Ixodidae), S. Coskun, O. Giriskin, M. Kurkcuoglu, A.O. Giriskin, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Parasitol. Res., 103 , 259-261 (2008)
498)* The effects of intra-rectal and intra-peritoneal application of Origanum onites L. Essential oil on 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid-induced colitis in the rat, E. Dundar, E.G. Olgun, S. Isiksoy, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, C. Bal, Exper.Toxicol. Pathology , 59 (6) 399-408 (2008)
499)* Antibacterial activity of two Phlomis essential oils against food pathogens, F. Demirci, K. Guven, B. Demirci, M.Y. Dadandi, K.H.C. Baser, Food Control, 19, 1159-1164 (2008)
500) Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of the Essential Oil of Commiphora opobalsamum L., S.M. El-Massarany, F.A. Abbas, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, S.I. Khan, A.J. Al-Rehaily, J.S. Mossa, E.A. Abourashed, Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants, 13(4) 111-122 (2007)
501)* Phenolic composition and biological activities of Salvia halophila and Salvia virgata from Turkey, E. Kupeli, F. Goger, M. Kosar, K. H. C. Baser, Food Chem., 108, 942-949 (2008)
502)* The composition and antimicrobial activity of Artemisia kasakorum essential oil, E.M. Suleymenov, T. Ozek, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, S.M. Adekenov, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 207-208 (2008); Chem. Nat. Comp., 44(2) 263-265 (2008)
503)* Chemical Composition and Antifungal Activity of Angelica sinensis Essential Oil against three Colletotrichum species, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, X. Wang, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, L. Zhou, S.J. Cutler, Nat. Prod. Commun., 3 (7) 1073-1078 (2008)
504)* Composition of the essential oil of three Centaurea species from Turkey, Y.B. Kose, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, E. Yucel, J. Essent. Oil Res., 20, 335-338 (2008)
505)* Composition of essential oils of ten Centaurea taxa from Turkey, C. Karamenderes, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 20, 342-349 (2008)
506)* Chemotypic variations of the essential oils of Mentha species collected in the Marmara region of Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, G. Tarimcilar, Planta Med., 74(9) 27 (2008)
507)* Morphological, anatomical and palynological characteristics of Salvia halophila endemic to Turkey, A. Kaya, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Nordic J. Bot., 25, 351-358 (2007)
508)* Effects of carvacrol on defects of ischemia-reperfusion in the liver, M. Canbek, M. Uyanoglu, G. Bayramoglu, H. Senturk, N. Erkasap, T. Koken, S. Uslu, C. Demirustu, E. Aral, K.H.C. Baser, Phytomedicine, 15, 447-452 (2008)
509)* Composition of the essential oils of Angelica sylvestris L. var. sylvestris isolated from the fruits by different isolation techniques, T.Ozek, G. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, A.Duran, M. Sagiroglu, J. Essent. Oil Res., 20, 408-411 (2008)
510) Chemical compositions of the needle essential oils obtained from Pinus brutia Ten. growing in Turkey, E. Sezik, O. Ustun, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Acta Pharmaceutica Sciencia, 50, 85-96 (2008).
511)* Head-space volatiles of Gethyllis afra and G. ciliaris fruits (“kukumakranka”), G.P.P. Kamatou, A.M. Viljoen, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, South African J. Bot., 74(4) 768-770 (2008)
512)* Biological and Pharmacological Activities of Carvacrol and Carvacrol Bearing Essential Oils, K.H.C. Baser, Curr. Pharm. Design, 14, 3106-3120 (2008).
513) Turkish Rose Oil: The queen of essential oils, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu,Link Natural Products Digest, 4(1) 21-24 (2008).
514)* Effects of Origanum onites on endothelial function and serum biochemical markers in hyperlipidaemic patients, B. Ozdemir, A. Ekbul, N.B. Topal, E. Sarandol, A. Sag, K.H.C. Baser, J. Cordan, S. Gullulu, E. Tuncel, I. Baran, A. Aydinlar, J. Int. Med. Res., 36, 1326-1334 (2008).
515)* Antifungal Compounds from Pimpinella Species against Plant Pathogens, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, N. Kirimer, KHC Baser, E. Bedir, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 236 Published 17 Aug 2008.
516)* Essential Oil of the Leaves of Ribes nigrum L. from Turkey, , C.S. Kilic, M. Koyuncu, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent Oil Res., 20, 1-3 (2008)
517)* Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oil of Ferulago longistylis Boiss. Fruits, A.M.Gencler Ozkan, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 20, 569-573 (2008)
518)* Antifungal and insecticidal activity of two Juniperus essential oils, D.E. Wedge, N. Tabanca, B. J. Sampson, C. Werle, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, P. Nan, J. Duan, Z. Liu, Nat. Prod. Com., 4(1) 123-127 (2009).
519)* Inhibition of NF-kB-mediated Transcription and Induction of Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer Cells By Epoxypseudoisoeugenol-2-methyl butyrate, G. Ma, H. Tabanca, K.H.C. Baser, N. Kirimer, D. Pasco, I. Khan, S. Khan, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 63(4) 673-680 (2009).
520)* Compositions of essential oils and trichomes of Teucrium chamaedrys L. subsp. trapezunticum Rech. fil and subsp. syspirense (C. Koch) Rech. fil., A. Kaya, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Chemistry and Biodiversity, 6, 96-104 (2009)
521)* Bioactivity-guided Fractionation and GC-MS Fingerprinting of Angelica sinensis and A. archangelica Root Components for Antifungal and Mosquito Deterrent Activity, D.E. Wedge, J.A. Klun, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, Z. Liu, S. Zhang, C.L. Cantrell, J. Zhang, J. Agric. Food Chem., 57, 464-470 (2009).
522)* Essential oil composition of Hypericum thymopsis Boiss., A.M. Gencler Ozkan, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil.Res., 21, 149-153 (2009).
523)* Composition of the essential oils of Calamintha tauricola P.H. Davis, S. Alan, M. Kurkcuoglu, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 21, 143-145 (2009).
524)* The Variation in the Essential Oil Composition of Tanacetum cadmeum (Boiss.) Heywood ssp. orientale Grierson from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, J. Essent. Oil Res., 21, 97-100 (2009).
525)* Composition of the Essential Oil of Endemic Centaurea paphlagonica (Bornm.) Wagenitz From Turkey, Y.B. Kose, A. Altintas, B. Demirci, S. Celik, K.H.C. Baser, Asian J. Chem., 21(3) 1719-1724 (2009)
526)* Phenolic profile and antioxidant evaluation of Mentha x piperita (Peppermint) extracts, H.J. D. Dorman, M. Kosar, K.H.C. Baser, R. Hiltunen, Nat. Prod. Com., 4, 1-8 (2009).
527)* A rapid microdistillation method for Texas and Turkish Salvia species and their genetic profiles, N. Techen, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, J.L. Turner, C. Pounders, G. Akaydin, F. Demirci, Z. Pan, I.A. Khan, D.E. Wedge, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 75, 415 (2009).
528)* Chemical characterization and genomic profling of Achillea biebersteinii from various localities in Central Turkey, N. Techen, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, I. Gurbuz, Z. Pan, I.A. Khan, F. Demirci, D.E. Wedge, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 75, 416 (2009).
529)* Chemical composition and biological activities of four Achillea essential oils from Turkey, B. Demirci, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, S.I. Khan, I.A. Khan, Z. Aytac, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 75, 420 (2009).
530)* Essential oil of Inula sarana Boiss. (Compositae), an endemic species of Turkey, N. Kirimer, B. Demirci, H. Duman, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med., 75, 421 (2009).
531)* Evaluation of angiogenic activity of Salvia triloba L. essential oil, A.T. Koparal, B. Demirci, M. Kaya, G. Duali, S. Butun, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Planta Med., 75, 421 (2009).
532)* Insecticidal activities and composition of essential oils from the Medicinal Plant Garden at the National Center for Natural Products Research, N. Tabanca, A.D. Weerasooriya, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, J. Pridgeon, J.J. Becnel, B.J. Sampson, C.T. Werle, D.E. Wedge, Planta Med., 75, 421 (2009).
533)* Chemical composition and biological activities of two Angelica essential oils from China, D.E. Wedge, Z. Gao, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Pridgeon, .J. Becnel, B.J. Sampson, C.T. Werle, Planta Med., 75, 422 (2009)
534)* The chemical composition and biological activities of Notopterygium incisum and Notopterygium forbesii essential oils from China, D.E. Wedge, Z. Gao, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Pridgeon, J.J. Becnel, B.J. Sampson, C.T. Werle, Planta Med., 75, 422 (2009).
535)* Component composition of essential oils of Artemisia lercheana and A. sieversiana of the flora of Kazakhstan. Antimicrobial activity of A. sieversiana essential oil, E.M. Suleimenov, T. Ozek, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, S.M. Adekenov, Chem. Nat. Comp., 45(1) 120-123 (2009).
536)* Anticandidal pimaradiene diterpene from Phlomis essential oils, B. Demirci, M. Toyota, F.Demirci, M. Y. Dadandi, K.H.C. Baser, Comptes Rendus Chimie, 12, 612-621 (2009)
537)* Essential oil composition of Gmelina arborea Roxb., Verbenaceae, from Nigeria, D.O. Moronkola, I.A. Ogunwande, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 21(3) 264-266 (2009)
538)* The essential oil composition of Tanacetum densum (Labill.) Heywood ssp. sivasicum Hub.-Mor. & Grierson from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, J. Essent. Oil Res., 21(3) 200-202 (2009)
539)* Characterization and Biological Activity of Achillea teretifolia Willd. and A. nobilis L. subsp. neilreichii (Kerner) Formanek Essential Oils, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, I. Gurbuz, E. Yesilada, K.H.C. Baser, Turkish J. Biol., 33, 129-136 (2009)
540)* The needle oil of Pinus caribaea Morelet from Nigeria, D. O. Moronkola, I. A. Ogunwande, I. O. Oyewole, K. H. C. Baser, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 21, 342-344 (2009).
541)* Effect of absorbent pads containing oregano essential oil on the shelf life extension of overwrap packed chicken drumsticks stored at four degrees celcius, N. Oral, L. Vatansever, C. Sezer, B. Aydin, A. Guven, M. Gulmez, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, Poultry Sci., 88(7) 1459-1465 (2009).
542)* Research into chemistry and biological activities of Prangos Lindl. (Apiaceae) species of Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, G. Ozek, A. Duran, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, Planta Medica, 75(9) 888 (2009).
543)* Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oils of Lavandula stoechas L. ssp. stoechas Growing Wild in Turkey, H. Kirmizibekmez , B. Demirci , E. Yesilada, K. H. C. Baser, F. Demirci, Nat. Prod. Commun., 4(7) 1001-1006 (2009).
544)* Studies on the Volatile Oils of Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae) and Phyllanthus amarus Sch. & Thonn. (Euphorbiaceae), D.O. Moronkola, I.A. Ogunwande, I.O. Oyewole, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Res., 21, 393-399 (2009)
545)* Comparative morphological and phytochemical characterization of Salvia cadmica Boiss. and S. smyrnaea Boiss., K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, M. Kurkcuoglu, F. Satil, G. Tumen, Pakistan J. Bot., 41(4) 1545-1555 (2009).
546)* Composition of the fruit essential oils of four Heptaptera species growing in Turkey, G. Yilmaz , B. Demirci , M. Koyuncu, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp., 45(3) 431-433 (2009).
547)* The essential oil composition of Gnaphalium luteo-album, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, H. Duman, Chem. Nat. Comp., 45(3) 446-447 (2009)
548)* Composition of essential oil of endemic Salvia wiedemannii from Turkey, A. Kaya, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, Chem. Nat. Comp., 45(4) 552-553 (2009)
549) Essential oil composition of Juniperus drupacea Lab. leaf from Turkey, E. Sezik, E. Kocakulak, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, Acta Pharmaceutica Scientia, 51, 109-120 (2009).
550)* Anti-tuberculosis Activity of Daucus littoralis Sibth. et Sm. (Apiaceae) From Turkey , K.H.C. Baser, M.Kurkcuoglu, T. Askun, G.Tumen, J. Essent. Oil Res., 21, 572-575 (2009).
551)* Composition of the essential oil of Centaurea saligna, A. Altintas, Y. B. Kose, A. Kandemir, B. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 45(2) 276-277 (2009)
552)* Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of three Anthemis species from Turkey, A. Kurtulmus, T. Fafal, T. Mert, H. Saglam, B. Kivcak, T. Ozturk, B. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 45 (6) 900-904 (2009)
553)* Determination of Quality Specifications of Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum Populations Growing in Marmara Region of Turkey, A.B. Tinmaz, K.H.C. Baser, U. Karik, M. Kurkcuoglu, M. Ozturk, Acta Horticulturae, 826, 153-158 (2009).
554)* Rare sesquiterpenes from South African Pteronia species, A.M. Viljoen, G.P.P. Kamatou, Z.H. Coovadia, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, South African J. Bot., 76, 146-152 (2010)
555)* Gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric analysis of volatiles obtained by four different techniques from Salvia rosifolia Sm., and evaluation for biological activity, G. Ozek, F. Demirci, T. Ozek, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, S.I. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, A. Duran, E. Hamzaoglu, J. Chromatogr. A 1217, 741-748 (2010)
556)* Effects of Different Organic Manure Applications on the Essential Oil Components of Turkish Sage (Salvia fruticosa Mill.), I. Kocabas, M. Kaplan, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Asian J. Chem. 22(2) 1599-1605 (2010)
557)* Biological activities of Bellis perennis volatiles and extracts, N. Kavalcioglu, L. Acik, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, H. Demir, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5(1) 147-150 (2010)
558)* Essential oil compositions and antioxidant properties of the roots of twelve Anatolian Paeonia taxa with special reference to chromosome counts, I. Orhan, B. Demirci, I. Omar, H. Siddiqui, E. Kaya, M. I. Choudhary, G. Ecevit-Genc, N. Ozhatay, B. Sener, K.H.C. Baser, Pharm. Biol. 48(1) 10-16 (2010).
559)* Characterization of Szovitsia callicarpa volatile constituents obtained by Micro- and Hydrodistillation, B. Demirci, N. Kucukboyaci, N. Adiguzel, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5 (2) 297-300 (2010)
560)* Characterization of Essential Oils of Some Salvia Species and Their Antimycobacterial Activities,T. Askun, K. H. C. Baser, G.Tumen, M. Kurkcuoglu, Turkish J. Biol., 34, 89-95 (2010)
561)* Composition and anticandidal activity of the essential oil of Hypericum perforatum L., S. Alan, B. Demirci, G. Iscan, Y.B. Kose, K.H.C. Baser, Asian J. Chem., 22 (2) 1315-1320 (2010)
562)* Composition of essential oil of the fruits and roots of Prangos denticulata Fisch. et Mey. (Umbelliferae) growing in Turkey, C.S. Kilic, M. Coskun, H. Duman, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 22, 170-173 (2010)
563)* Antibacterial activity and the variation of Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz Bip. essential oils from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, J. Oleo Sci., 59 (4) 177-184 (2010)
564)* Essential oils from wild and micropropagated plants of Origanum minutiflorum O. Schwarz et Davis, D. Ozkum, M. Kurkcuoglu, R. Tipirdamaz, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil. Res., 22, 135-137 (2010)
565)* Biotransformation of alpha-Cedrol and Caryophyllene Oxide by the Fungus Neurospora crassa, I. Kiran, Z. Durceylan, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Y. Noma, F. Demirci, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5 (4) 515-518 (2010).
566)* Characterization and comparison of five Eucalyptus essential oils and their repellent activity against Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, E.K. Blythe, U.R. Bernier, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, A. Weerasooriya, I.A. Khan, D.E. Wedge, Planta Med. 76, 529 (2010)
567)* Evaluation of some enantiomers from essential oils: Isolation and biological activities, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, G. Iscan, N. Tabanca, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, D.E. Wedge, Planta Med. 76, 537 (2010)
568)* Composition of the essential oil of Aulacospermum anomalum Ledeb. from Kazakhstan, G. Ozek, M. Ishmuratova, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 76, 537 (2010)
569)* Antibacterial activity and composition of the essential oils of two endemic Salvia sp. from Turkey, M. Akin, B. Demirci, Y. Bagci, K.H.C. Baser, African J. Biotechnol., 9(15) 2322-2327 (2010)
570)* Antimicrobial activity and essential oil composition of a new Tanacetum argyrophyllum (C. Koch) Tvzel var. argyrophyllum chemotype, K. Polatoglu, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, J. Oleo Sci., 59 (6) 307-313 (2010)
571)* Essential oil composition and antibacterial activity of Tanacetum argenteum (Lam.) Willd. ssp. argenteum and T. densum (Lab.) Schultz Bip. ssp. amani Heywood from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, J. Oleo Sci. 59 (7) 361-367 (2010)
572)* The in vivo angiogenic evaluation of Thymbra spicata L. essential oil, B. Demirci, H.T. Kiyan, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Pharmacognosy Magazine, 6(22) S127 (2010)
573)* Volatile compounds of overground part of Halimodendron halodendron (Pall) Voss , G.Zh. Baisalova, G. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, S.B. Rakhmadieva, Pharmacognosy Magazine, 6(22) S128 (2010)
574)* Composition of the essential oil of Pinus nigra Arnold from Turkey, E. Sezik, O. Ustun, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Turkish J. Chem., 34(2) 313-325 (2010)
575)* Essential oil composition of endemic Centaurea tchihatcheffii Fisch. et Mey. from Turkey, A. Altintas, U. Koca, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Asian J. Chem., 22(6) 4711-4716 (2010).
576)* Volatile compounds of seeds of Hesperis bicuspidata, H. bottae and H. podocarpa, N. Kirimer, S. Gokmen, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, A. Duran, J. Essent. Oil Res., 22(3) 230-231 (2010)
577)* Composition of Tordylium aegyptiacum (L.) Lam. Essential Oil , A. Tosun, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 22(3) 245-246 (2010)
578)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Calamintha sylvatica Bromf. subsp. sylvatica and Calamintha sylvatica Bromf. subsp. ascendens (Jordan) P.W. Ball, S.Alan, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 22, 325-327 (2010)
579)* Headspace Volatiles of Three Turkish Plants , M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 22, 389-392 (2010)
580)* Composition of the Essential Oils of Centaurea sericea Wagenitz and Centaurea ensiformis P.H. Davis from Turkey, Y.B. Kose, A. Altintas, O. Tugay, T. Uysal, B. Demirci, K. Ertugrul, K.H.C. Baser, Asian J. Chem. 22(9) 7159-7163 (2010)
581) Composition of the essential oil of Seseli campestre Besser growing in Northwest Anatolia, A. Kaya, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Turk. J. Pharm. Sci., 7(2) 161-166 (2010)
582)* Compositions of volatiles and fixed oils of the seeds of Nigella species, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, A. Donmez, Z. Ugurlu, Planta Med. 76(12) 1231 (2010).
583)* Quantitative HPTLC determination of rosmarinic acid and antioxidant activity of Origanum onites L. Water and 70% methanol extracts,F. Goger, A. Altintas, M. Kosar, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 76(12) 1331 (2010).
584)* The in vivo and in vitro angiogenic evaluation of the essential oil of Echinophora tournefortii, B. Demirci, T. Kiyan, A. Koparal, M. Kaya, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med.76(12) 1346 (2010).
585)* The in vivo angiogenic evaluation of betulin, F. Demirci, H. Duymus, T. Kiyan, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 76(12) 1349 (2010).
586)* Microdistillation and analysis of volatiles from eight ornamental Salvia taxa, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, J.L. Turner, C. Pounders, F. Demirci,K.H.C. Baser, D.E. Wedge, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5(9) 1421-1426 (2010)
587)* Salvia officinalis L.: Composition and antioxidant -related activities of a crude extract and selected sub-fractions, M. Kosar, H.J. Damien-Dorman, K.H.C. Baser, R. Hiltunen, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5(9) 1453-1456 (2010)
588)* Essential Oil Composition, Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activities of Two Endemic Stachys cretica Subspecies (Lamiaceae) from Turkey, T. Serbetci, B. Demirci, C. Bozkurt Guzel, S. Kultur, M. Ergüven, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5(9) 1369-1374 (2010)
589)* Eupatorium capillifolium Essential Oil: Chemical Composition, Antifungal Activity, and Insecticidal Activity, N. Tabanca, U.R. Bernier, M. Tsikola, J.J.Becnel, B. Sampson, C. Werle, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, E.K. Blythe, C. Pounders, D.E. Wedge, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5(9) 1409-1416 (2010)
590)* Aromatic plants, essential oils and volatiles in animal feeding – A European Perspective, Ch. Franz, KHC Baser, W. Windisch, Flavour Fragr. J. 25, 327-340 (2010)
591)* Effect of Oregano Essential Oil on Biofilms Formed by Staphylococci and Escherichia coli, N. Bilge Oral, L. Vatansever, B. Duman Aydin, C. Sezer, A. Guven, M. Gulmez, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 16 (Suppl. A), 23-29 (2010).
592)* Dietary plant bioactives for poultry health and productivity, R.J. Wallace, W.Oleszek, C.Franz, I. Hahn, K.H.C. Baser, A. Mathe, K. Teichmann, British Poultry Sci., 51(4) 461-487 (2010)
593)* Enantiomeric distribution of some linalool containing essential oils and their biological activities, T. Ozek, N. Tabanca, F. Demirci, D. E. Wedge, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod., 4(4) 180-192 (2010)
594)* Chemical composition of the wood and leaf oils from the Clanwilliam Cedar (Widdringtonia cedarbergensis J.A. Marsh): a critically endangered species, G.P.P. Kamatou , A.M. Viljoen, T. Ozek , K.H.C. Baser, South African J. Bot., 76, 652-654 (2010)
595)* Composition and Antibacterial Activity of The Essential Oil of Ferulago confusa Velen, M. Kurkcuoglu, G. Iscan, F. Demirci, H. Malyer, E. Erdogan, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 22(6) 490-492 (2010)
596)* Essential Oil Composition of Four Endemic Ferulago Species Growing in Turkey, C.S. Kilic, A.M. Gencler Ozkan, B. Demirci, M. Coskun, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5(12) 1951-1954 (2010).
597)* Morphological, Chemical and Indumentum Characteristics of Rhododendron luteum Sweet (Ericaceae), S. Alan, M. Kurkcuoglu, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Pak. J. Bot., 42(6) 3729-3737 (2010).
598)* Composition of the essential oils of subspecies of Scutellaria albida L. from Turkey, M. Cicek, B. Demirci, G. Yilmaz, O. Ketenoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 22(1) 55-58 (2010)
599)* The composition of essential oils of Calamintha pamphylica subspecies, S. Alan, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Turkish J. Biol., 35, 259-265 (2011)
600)* Alkaloids of Aconitum nasutum Fisch. ex Reichb., A. Altintas, N. Kirimer, B. Salimov, K.H.C.Baser, Asian J. Chemistry, 23(4) 1873-1874 (2011)
601)* Essential oil composition of endemic Tanacetum zahlbruckneri (Náb.) and T. tabrisianum (Boiss.) Sosn. & Takht. from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, B. Demirci, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Res., 25(6) 576-584 (2011)
602)* A novel wound healing ointment: A formulation of Hypericum perforatum oil and sage and oregano essential oils based on traditional Turkish knowledge, I. Suntar, E. Kupeli Akyol, H. Keles, A. Oktem, K.H.C. Baser, S. Yesilada, J. Ethnopharmacol., 134, 89-96 (2011).
603)* Biochemical characterization of antimicrobial activity of glycolipids produced by Rhodococcus erythropolis, A. Abdel-Megeed, A.N. Al-Rahma, A.A. Mostafa, K.H.C. Baser, Pakistan J. Bot., 43(2) 1323-1334 (2011).
604)* Essential Oil Composition of Five collections of Achillea biebersteinii from Central Turkey and Their Antifungal and Insecticidal Activity, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, I. Gurbuz, F. Demirci, J.J. Becnel, D.E. Wedge, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 6(5) 701-706 (2011)
605)* Activity of Cupressus funebris, Juniperus communis and J. chinensis (Cupressaceae) essential oils ans repellents against ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) and as repellents and toxicants against mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, J.F. Carroll, M. Kramer, N.M. Elejalde, U.R. Bernier, M. Coy, J.J. Becnel, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Zhang, S. Zhang, Planta Med. 77(5) Poster 42 (2011).
606)* In vitro antioxidant properties and phenolic composition of Salvia halophila Hedge from Turkey, M. Kosar, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem. 129, 374-379 (2011)
607)* Essential oil composition of Tanacetum kotschyi from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, B. Demirci, N. Goren and K. H. C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 47(2) 297-299 (2011).
608)* Composition of Volatiles from Three Iris Species of Turkey K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, I. Erdogan Orhan, M. Kartal, N. Sekeroglu, B. Sener, J. Essent. Oil Res. 23, 66-71 (2011)
609)* Iron(III) Reducing and Antiradical Activities of Three Sideritis from Turkey, M. Kosar, D. Dorman, K.H.C. Baser, R. Hiltunen, Pharm. Biol. 49(8) 800-804 (2011)
610) Composition of the essential oil of Calamintha grandiflora (L.) Moench, S. Alan, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Turk J. Pharm. Sci. 8(2) 127-132 (2011)
611)* HPLC-MS/MS quantitative determination of gallic acid and cyanidin-3-glucoside of bilberry fruit extract from Turkey, N. Kirimer, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1268-1268 (2011).
612)* Quantitative analysis of cyanidin-3-glucoside in different elderberry extracts by HPLC, H.G. Duymus, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1270-1271 (2011).
613)* Microbial transformation of beta-phellandrene, G. Iscan, N. Kirimer, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1278-1278 (2011).
614)* Major volatile compounds of 50 Thymus taxa naturally grown in Antalya region of Turkey, M. Karaca, S. Elmasulu, M. Kurkcuoglu, A.G. Ince, A. Cinar, A. Onus, K.H.C. Baser, K. Turgut, Planta Med. 77(12) 1296-1296 (2011).
615)* Classification of 63 Origanum taxa based on microsatellite markers and essential oil composition, S. Elmasulu, M. Kurkcuoglu, A.G. Ince, M. Karaca, A. Cinar, A. Onus, K.H.C. Baser, K. Turgut, Planta Med. 77(12) 1296-1296 (2011).
616)* Chemical composition of the oil of Cicuta virosa L. from Kazakhstan, M. Ishmuratova, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1300-1300 (2011).
617)* Sulphur containing volatiles of Barbarea vulgaris WT Aiton from Kazakhstan, S.B. Rakhmadieva, G. Ozek, M. Marenich, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1300-1301 (2011).
618)* Phoenix dactylifera L. essential oil: Chemical composition, antimicrobial and insecticidal activities, B. Demirci, S.I. Alqasoumi, A.J. Al Rehaily, M.A. Al Yahya, H.S. Yusufoglu, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, F. Demirci, J.J. Becnel, U.R. Bernier, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med.77(12) 1302-1302 (2011).
619)* Composition of the essential oils of Centaurea aphrodisea, C. polyclada, C. athoa, C. hyalopsis and C. iberica, S. Erel Baykan, B. Demirci, S. Demir, C. Karaalp, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1302-1302 (2011).
620)* Variation in the essential oil composition of the fruits of Vitex agnus-castus, G. Gulsoy, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, G. Sariyar, Planta Med. 77(12) 1302-1302 (2011).
621)* Compositions of the essential oils of Salvia fruticosa Mill. populations in the flora of Marmara region, U. Karik, A.C. Saglam, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1302-1302 (2011).
622)* Composition of Artemisia abrotanum and A. pontica essential oils and their repellent activity against Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, E.K. Blythe, U.R. Bernier, A. Ali, D.E. Wedge, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1305-1305 (2011).
623)* The composition of Taif rose oil, M. Kurkcuoglu, A.A. Megeed Abdel, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1306-1306 (2011).
624)* In vitro effect of myrrh extracts on the viability of Schistosoma mansoni larvae, S.D. Karamustafa, N. Mansour, B. Demirci, A. Ankli, K.H.C. Baser, Q. Bickle, D. Tasdemir, Planta Med. 77(12) 1317-1317 (2011).
625)* The determination of total phenolics and flavonoid contents, and antimicrobial activity of some sage populations of Salvia fruticosa Mill., Salvia pomifera Mill. and Salvia tomentosa Mill. in the Marmara region of Turkey, S.S. Erdogan, U. Karik, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med.77(12) 1319-1319 (2011).
626)* An investigation of the contents of phenolics, flavonoid compounds and antioxidant activity of some wild mushrooms, S.S. Erdogan, M.K. Soylu, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med.77(12) 1320-1320 (2011).
627)* Quantitative determination of gallic acid and cyanidin-3-O-glucoside within sumac extracts by HPLC-MS/MS, M. Kosar, F. Goger, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1385-1385 (2011).
628)* The in vivo angiogenic evaluation of Achillea biebersteinii Afan. and Achillea teretifolia Willd. essential oils, F. Demirci, H.T. Kiyan, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1391-1391 (2011).
629)* Quantitative analysis of rosmarinic acid in Rosmarinus officinalis growing in Turkey by LC-MS/MS, A. Altintas, F. Goger, H.G. Duymus, N. Kirimer, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1394-1394 (2011).
630)* Comprehensive analysis of Artemisiae scopariae herba from different growing areas, R. Scheruebl, A. Orland, B. Demirci, W. Knoess, K.H.C. Baser, G. Franz, J. Heilmann, Planta Med. 77(12) 1398-1398 (2011).
631)* Assessment of anti-angiogenic and anti-tumoral potentials of Origanum onites L. essential oil, R. Bostancioglu, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, A.T. Koparal, Planta Med. 77(12) 1400-1401 (2011).
632)* An in vitro approach to neuroprotective activity of Rosa damascena Mill, a medieval age traditional medicine used for memory enhancement, F.S. Senol, I. Orhan, M. Kurkcuoglu, M.H. Khan, A. Altintas, B. Sener, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1440-1440 (2011).
633)* Appraisal of in vitro neuroprotective effects of Turkish Pinus L. species and pycnogenol and essential oil analyses, O. Ustun, F. Senol, M. Kurkcuoglu, I. Orhan, M. Kartal, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 77(12) 1441-1442 (2011).
634)* The Anticandidal Essential Oil of Nepeta transcaucasica Grossh.,G. Iscan, Y. B. Kose, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Chemistry and Biodiversity, 8, 2144-2148 (2011)
635)* Inhibitory effect of Calamintha nepeta subsp. glandulosa essential oil on lipoxygenase, B.Demirci, H.E. Temel, T. Portakal, H. Kırmızıbekmez, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Turk. J. Biochem., 36(4) ; 188–192 (2011)
636)* Antimicrobial and anticholinesterase activities of the essential oils isolated from Salvia dicroantha Stapf., Salvia verticillata L. subsp. amasiaca (Freyn and Bornm.) Bornm. and Salvia wiedemannii Boiss., B. Kunduhoglu, M. Kurkcuoglu, M. E. Duru,K.H.C. Baser, J. Med. Plants Res. 5(29) 6484-6490 (2011)
637)* Activity of Cupressus funebris, Juniperus communis, and J. chinensis (Cupressaceae) Essential Oils as Repellents against Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) and as Repellents and Toxicants against Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), J. Carroll, N. Tabanca, M. Kramer, N. Elejalde, D. Wedge, U. Bernier, M. Coy, J. Becnel, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Zhang, S. Zhang, Sui, J. Vector Ecology, 36(2) 258-268 (2011)
638)* Essential oil composition of three species of Scutellaria from Turkey, M. Cicek, B. Demirci, G. Yilmaz, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Rep. 25(8) 1720-1726 (2011)
639)* Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of the Subterranean Parts of Valeriana alliariifolia, H. Bardakci, B. Demirci, E. Yesilada, H. Kirmizibekmez, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 6(1) 89-92 (2012)
640)* Composition of the essential oil of Haplophyllum megalanthum Bornm. from Turkey, N. Unver-Sumer, G.I. Kaya, B. Sarikaya, M.A. Onur, C. Ozdemir, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 6(1) 80-83 (2012)
641)* Chemical composition of the essential oil and antioxidant activity of methanolic extracts from fruits and flowers of Hypericum lydium Boiss., T. Serbetci, N. Ozsoy, B. Demirci, A. Can, S. Kultur, K.H.C. Baser, Industrial Crops and Products, 36, 599-606 (2012)
642)* Investigation on chemical composition, anticholinesterase and antioxidant activities of extracts and essential oil of Turkish Pinus species and pycnogenol, O.Ustun, F.S.Senol, M. Kurkcuoglu, I. Erdogan Orhan, M. Kartal, K.H.C. Baser, Industrial Crops and Products, 38, 115 – 123 (2012)
643)* Biological activity and the essential composition of Tanacetum chiliophyllum var. chiliophyllum chemotypes from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, N. Goren, Ind. Crops Prods., 39, 97-105 (2012)
644) Book Review: Issue: Lipids and Essential Oils as Antimicrobial Agents, K.H.C. Baser, Herbalgram, (93), 71-72 (2012)
645)* Chemical Diversity in Volatiles of Teucrium orientale L. var. orientale, var. puberulens and var. glabrescens Determined by Simultaneous GC-FID and GC/MS Techniques, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, M. Dinc, S. Dogu, K.H.C. Baser, Chemistry and Biodiversity, 9, 1144-1154 (2012)
646)* Essential oil composition of Tordylium syriacum L. (Umbelliferae) collected from different localities in Turkey, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, A. Tosun, H. Duman and A. Duran, J. Essent. Oil Res. 24(4) 347–350 (2012)
647)* Essential Oil Composition and Antimicrobial Activities of Tanacetum chiliophyllum (Fisch. & Mey.) Schultz Bip. var. monocephalum Grierson from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 6(2) 184-188 (2012)
648)* The Essential Oil Composition of Tanacetum densum (Labill.) Heywood ssp. eginense Heywood from Turkey, K. Polatoglu, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 6(4) 402-406 (2012)
649)* Biotransformation of ( R )-(-)-alpha-phellandrene: Antimicrobial activity of its major metabolite,G. Iscan, N. Kirimer, F. Demirci , B.Demirci , Y. Noma and K.H.C. Baser, Chemistry and Biodiversity, 9, 1525-1532 (2012)
650)* Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Stachys lavandulifolia subsp. lavandulifolia Essential Oil and its Infusion, G. Iscan, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, F. Goger, N. Kirimer, Y.B. Kose, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 7(9) 1241-1244 (2012)
651)* Evaluation of some essential oils as alternative antibiotics against American foulbrood agent Paenibacillus larvae on honey bees Apis mellifera L., A. Ozkirim, N. Keskin, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent Oil Res. 24(5) 465-470 (2012)
652)* Chemical composition and in vitro cytogenic, genotoxic efects of essential oil from Urtica dioica L., S. Gul, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, H.A. Akpulat, P. Aksu, Bull. Environ. Contam.Toxicol. 88(5) 666-671 (2012).
653)* Natural product studies of U.S. endangered plants: Volatile components of Lindera melissifolia (Lauraceae) repel mosquitoes and ticks, J. Oh , J.J. Bowling, J.F. Carroll, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, T.D. Leininger, U.R. Bernier, M. Hamann, Phytochemistry 80, 28-36 (2012)
654)* Assessment of anti-angiogenic and anti-tumoral potentials of Origanum onites L. essential oil, R. B. Bostancioglu, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, A. T. Koparal, Food Chem.Toxicol. 50(6) 2002-2008 (2012)
655)* Chemical composition of the essential oils of Anthemis coelopoda var. bourgaei and Anthemis aciphylla var. aciphylla, T. Mert Gonenc, T. Fafal Erdogan, B. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, B. Kivcak, Chem. Nat. Comp. 48(2) 332-334 (2012)
656)* One-step multiple component isolation from the oil of Crinitaria tatarica (Less.) Sojak. by preparative capillary gas chromatography with characterization by spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques and evaluation of biological activity, G. Ozek, M. Ishmuratova, N. Tabanca, M.M. Radwan, F. Goger, T. Ozek, D. E. Wedge, J.J. Becnel, S.J. Cutler, K.H.C. Baser, J. Sep. Sci. 35(5-6) 650-660 (2012)
657)* Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils from different parts of Bupleurum rotundifolium L., M. Akin, H.T. Saracoglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kucukhoduk, Rec. Nat. Prod. 6(3) 316-320 (2012)
658)* Chemical Composition of Endemic Thymus spathulifolius Hausskn. and Velen. Essential Oil and its Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activity from Turkey, S. Celen, A.D. Azaz, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Bear. Plants (JEOBP) 15(4) 628-636 (2012)
659) Turkish Rose: A review of the history, ethnobotany and modern uses of rose petals, rose oil, rose water and other rose products, K.H.C. Baser, A. Altintas, M. Kurkcuoglu, Herbalgram (96) 40-53 (2012)
660)* Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils from different parts of some Bupleurum L. species, H.T. Saracoglu, M. Akin, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, African J. Microbiol. Res., 6(12) 2899-2908 (2012).
661)* Chemical composition of rose-scented Pelargonium essential oils and their biting deterrence and insecticidal activity, C.C. Murphy, B. Demirci, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, J.J. Becnel, B.J. Sampson, D.E. Wedge, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, Planta Medica 78(5) 88 (2012)
662)* Chemical composition of Heracleum pastinacifolium subsp. transcaucasicum and subsp. incanum essential oils and their biting deterrent and larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, G. Ozek, A. Ali, A. Duran, E. Hamzaoglu, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, Planta Medica 78(5) 89 (2012)
663)* Repellent and larvicidal activity of Ruta graveolens essential oil and its major individual constituents against Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, H. Kiyan, A. Ali, U.R. Bernier, D.E. Wedge, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica 78(5) 90 (2012)
664) Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller) Leaves. T. Erdogan, T. Gonenc, Z.S. Hortoglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, B. Kivcak, Med Aromat Plants 1(8) 1:e134. doi:10.4172/2167-0412.1000e134 (2012)
665) The chemical composition of the leaf and seed oils of Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn. (Dipterocarpaceae), A.S. Kamariah, T. Ozek, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, ASEAN J. Sci. Technol. Dev., 29(2) 105-114 (2012)
666)* Essential oils of Mentha species from Marmara region of Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, M. Kurkcuoglu, B. Demirci, T. Ozek, G. Tarimcilar, J. Essent. Oil Res. 24(3) 265-272 (2012)
667)* Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils from different parts of endemic Bupleurum L. species, H. Taner Saracoglu, M. Akin, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Ankara Univ. Vet. Fak. Derg. 59, 265-270 (2012)
668)* Comparison of the volatiles of Daphne pontica L. and D. oleoides Schreber subsp. oleoides isolated by hydro- and microdistillation methods, I. Gurbuz, B.Demirci, G. Franz, K.H.C. Baser, E. Yesilada, F. Demirci, Turkish J. Biol., 37, 1-8 (2013)
669)* Phytochemical characterization of Phagnalon graecum Boiss. by HPLC and GC-MS with its enzyme inhibitory and antioxidant activity profiling by spectrophotometric methods, I. Erdogan Orhan, F.S.Senol, B. Demirci, N. Ozturk, K.H.C. Baser, B. Sener, Food Analytical Methods, 6, 1-9 (2013)
670) Essential oil composition of five endemic Hypericum species from Turkey, E. Eroglu Ozkan, B. Demirol, C. Unsal Gurer, S. Kultur, A. Mat, K.H.C. Baser, Med. Aromat. Plants, 2(2) 121-124 (2013)
671)* Complex evolutionary relationships in the Origanum L. section Majorana Benth. (Lamiaceae), B. Lukas, R. Samuel, E. Mader, K.H.C. Baser, H. Duman, J. Novak, Botanical J. Linnean Soc. 171, 667-686 (2013)
672)* Composition of Cyclotrichium niveum essential oil: Enantiomeric separation of pulegone and repellent activity against the lone star tick, and yellow fever mosquito, N. Tabanca, J.F. Carroll, M. Kramer, U.R. Bernier, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, Z. Aytac, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, Planta Med. 79, P17 (2013)
673)* Chemical composition and biological activity of Haplophyllum tuberculatum Juss. essential oil, A.J. Al-Rehaily, S.I. Alqasoumi, H.S. Yusufoglu, M.A. Al-Yahya, B. Demirci, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, F. Demirci, U.R. Bernier, J.J. Becnel, H.E. Temel, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 79, P48 (2013)
674)* Biting deterrent and larvicidal activity of essential oils of Magnolia grandiflora against Aedes aegypti, J.U. Rehman, A. Ali, N. Tabanca, V. Raman, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Başer, I.A. Khan, Planta Med. 79, P20 (2013)
675)* Composition of Prangos pabularia essential oil: Identification of an unknown compound from the oil and its insecticidal activity agains yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, M. Tsikolia, U.R. Bernier, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, Planta Med. 79, P18 (2013)
676)* Chemical Composition, Antifungal and Insecticidal Activities of Hedychium Essential Oils, H.F. Sakhanokho, B.J. Sampson, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, U.R. Bernier, M. Tsikolia, N.M.Agramonte, J.J. Becnel, J.Chen, K. Rajasekaran, J.M. Spiers, Molecules, 18, 4308-4327 (2013)
677)* Chemical composition of volatiles and anti-ulcerogenic effects of Styrax liquidus, I. Gurbuz, E. Yesilada, B. Demirci, E. Sezik, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Ethnopharmacol. 148, 332–336 (2013)
678)* A mechanistic investigation on anticholinesterase and antioxidant effects of rose (Rosa damascena Mill.), F.S. Senol, I. Erdogan Orhan, M. Kurkcuoglu, M.T.H. Khan, A. Altintas, B. Sener, K.H.C. Baser, Food Res. Int. 53, 502-509 (2013)
679)* Bioassay-Guided Investigation of Two Monarda Essential oils for repellent activity against Yellow Fever mosquito Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, U.R. Bernier, A. Ali, M. Wang, B. Demirci, E.K. Blythe, S.I. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, J. Agric. Food Chem. 61 (36) 8573-8580 (2013)
680) Comparison of the essential oils of different colored Centaurea tchihatcheffii Fisch. & Mey. flowers, KHC Baser, B. Demirci, S. Erik, Turkish J. Pharmaceutical Sci., 10(2) 313-318 (2013).
681)* Composition of the essential oils of Centaurea aphrodisea, C. polyclada, C. athoa, C. hyalolepis and C. iberica, S.B. Erel, B. Demirci, S. Demir, C. Kayaalp, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 25(2) 79-84 (2013).
682)* Composition, mosquito larvicidal, biting deterrent and antifungal activity of essential oils of different plant parts of Cupressus arizonica var. glabra (‘Caroline Sapphire’), A. Ali, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Ellis, S. Gray, B.R. Lackey, C. Murphy, I.A. Khan, D.E. Wedge, Nat. Prod. Commun. 8(2) 257-260 (2013)
683) Geographic variation in the volatile leaf oils of Juniperus excelsa M.-Bieb., R.P.Adams, A.N. Tashev, K.H.C. Baser, B.Douahy, M.B. Dagher-Kharrat, Phytologia 95(4) 279-282 (2013)
684)* The composition of Taif rose oil, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Abdel-Megeed, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 25(5) 364-367 (2013)
685)* Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons of the essential oil of Actinolema macrolema Boiss., B. Demirci, G. Koltuksuz Yasdikcioglu, K.H.C. Baser, Turk. J. Chem. 37, 917-926 (2013)
686)* Insecticidal and biting deterrent activity of rose-scented Geranium (Pelargonium spp.) essential oils and individual compounds against Stephanitis pyrioides and Aedes aegypti, A. Ali, C.C. Murphy, B. Demirci, D.E. Wedge, B.J. Sampson, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, N. Tabanca, Pest Management Sci. 69, 1385-1392 (2013)
687)* Phoenix dactylifera L. spathe essential oil: Chemical composition and repellent activity against the yellow fever mosquito, B. Demirci, M. Tsikolia, U.R. Bernier, N.M. Agremonte, S.I. Alqasoumi, M.A. Al-Yahya, A.J. Al-Rehaily, H.S. Yusufoglu, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, N. Tabanca, Acta Tropica 128, 557-560 (2013)
688)* Biting Deterrence and Larvicidal Activity of Ruta chalepensis L. Essential Oil and its Major Individual Constituents against Mosquitoes, A. Ali, B. Demirci, H.T. Kiyan, U.R. Bernier, M. Tsikolia, D.E. Wedge, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, N. Tabanca, J. Medical Entomology 50(6) 1267-1274 (2013)
689)* Composition of the essential oil of Mentha lavandulacea Willd. (Lamiaceae) from Saudi Arabia, A. Abdel-Megeed, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 49(5) 951-952 (2013)
690)* Compositions of the essential oils of Teucrium cavernarum and Teucrium paederotoides, two endemic species from Turkey, A. Kaya, B. Demirci, M. Dinc , S. Dogu, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essential Oil Bearing Plants (JEOP), 16(5) 588-594 (2013).
691)* The in vivo evaluation of anti-angiogenic effects of Hypericum essential oils using the chorioallantoic membrane assay, H.Kiyan, B. Demirci, KHC. Baser, F.Demirci, Pharmaceutical Biology, 52(1) 44-50 (2014)
692)* The essential oil composition of aerial parts of Anthemis tricolor Boiss. from Cyprus, C. Karaalp, S. Baykan Erel, A. Nalbantsoy, S. Gucel, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Res. 28(7) 488-91 (2014)
693) Geographic variation in the volatile leaf oils of Juniperus excelsa and J. polycarpos, R. P. Adams, B. Douaihy, M. D. Dagher-Kharrat, V. Farzaliyev, Alexander N. Tashev, K. H. C. Baser and A. K. Christou, Phytologia 96(2) 96-106 (2014)
694)* In vitro Antioxidant Properties and Anthocyanin Compositions of Elderberry Extracts, H.G. Duymus, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Food Chem. 155, 112–119 (2014)
695)* Determination of Fatty Acid and Essential Oil Constituents and Biological Activities on Ranunculus pedatus subsp. pedatus, T. Erdogan, T. Gonenc, B. Demirci, B. Kivcak, K.H.C. Baser, Asian J. Chem. 26(7) 2156-2160 (2014)
696)* Chemical Diversity and Biological Activity of the Volatiles of Five Artemisia Species from Far East Russia, G. Ozek, Y. Suleimen, N. Tabanca, R. Doudkin, P.G. Gorovoy, F. Goger, D.E. Wedge, A. Ali, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 8(3) 242-261 (2014)
697)* Volatiles of two endemic Anthemis species from Turkey, N. Kirimer, B. Demirci, H. Duman, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 50(2) 379-381 (2014)
698)* Chemical Diversity in Volatiles of Helichrysum plicatum DC. Subspecies in Turkey, B. Ozturk, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 8(4) 373-384 (2014)
699)* Biting Deterrence and Larvicidal Activity of Essential Oils of Two Subspecies of Tanacetum argenteum (Lam.) Willd. and Individual Constituents against Aedes aegypti (L) (Diptera: Culicidae), A. Ali, N. Tabanca, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Duran, E.K. Blythe, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, J. Medical Entomol. 51(4) 824-830 (2014)
700)* Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Haplophyllum tuberculatum Juss. Essential Oil, A. J. Al-Rehaily, S. I. Alqasoumi, H. S. Yusufoglu,* M. A. Al-Yahya, B.Demirci, N. Tabanca, D. E. Wedge, Fatih Demirci, U. R. Bernier, J.-J. Becnel, H. E.Temel , K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Bearing Plants (JEOP) 17(3) 452-459 (2014)
701)* Chemical composition and insecticidal activity of essential oils of Echinophora lamondiana and pure compounds against mosquitoes, A. Ali, N. Tabanca, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, Z. Aytac, U. Bernier, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, Planta Med. 80(10) 801-801 (2014)
702)* Molecular and Phytochemical Investigation of Angelica dahurica and A. pubescentis Essential Oils and Their Biological Activity against Aedes aegypti, Stephanitis pyrioides and Colletotrichum Species, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, Z. Gao, N. Techen, D. Wedge, A. Ali, I. Khan, U. Bernier, B. Sampson, C. Werle, K.H.C. Baser, J. Agric. Food Chem. 62, 8848-8857 (2014).
703)* Composition of essential oil from Bunium incrassatum from Algeria, A. Bousetla, M. Kurkcuoglu, B. Konuklugil, K.H.C. Baser, S. Rhouati, Chem. Nat. Comp. 50 (4) 753-755 (2014).
704)* The Essential Oil Constituents of Ranunculus marginatus d’Urv. var. trachycarpus (Fisch. & Mey.) from Turkey, T. Erdogan, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, B. Kivcak, J. Essent. Oil Bearing Plants (JEOP), 17 (4) 702 – 707 (2014)
705) Essential oils of Anatolian Apiaceae – A Profile, K.H.C. Baser, N. Kirimer, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 1(1) 1-50 (2014)
706) The volatile compounds of Elderberries (Sambucus nigra L.), H.Gamze Agalar, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 1(1) 51-54 (2014)
707)* Oil Rose (Rosa damascena), K.H.C. Baser, N. Arslan, MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS OF THE MIDDLE-EAST Book Series: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World Volume: 2 Pages: 281-304 (2014
708)* Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum), K.H.C. Baser, N. Arslan, MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS OF THE MIDDLE-EAST Book Series: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World Volume: 2 Pages: 305-332 (2014)
709)* Essential oil composition of three Centaurea species from Turkey; Centaurea aggregata Fisch. & Mey. ex. DC. subsp. aggregata, C. balsamita Lam. and C. behen L., T. Erdogan, P. Degirmenci, U. Cakilcioglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, B. Kivcak, Rec. Nat. Prod. 9(1) (2015)
710)* Essential oils of Echinophora lamondiana: A relationship between chemical profile and biting deterrence and larvicidal activity against mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), A. Ali, N. Tabanca, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, Z. Aytac, U.R. Bernier, N.M. Agramonte, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, J. Medical Entomol. 52(1) 93-100 (2015)
711) ISEO 2014. 45th International Symposium on Essential Oils, K.H.C. Baser, Euro Cosmetics, (1/2) 42-43 (2015)
712)* Volatile compounds from the aerial part and fruits of Grammosciadium pterocarpum Boiss. growing in Turkey, N. Kucukboyaci, B. Demirci, N. Adiguzel, B. Bani, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 27(3) 177-181 (2015) 7
713)* Composition of the essential oils from samples of Vitex agnus-castus L. growing in Turkey, G. Gulsoy Toplan, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, G. Sariyar, J. Essent.Oil Res. 27(4) 337-342 (2015)
714) Composition of the essential oil of Pink Chablis™ bluebeard (Caryopteris ×clandonensis ‘Durio’) and its biological activity against the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti, E.K. Blythe, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, U.R. Bernier, N.M. Agramonte, A. Ali, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 2(1) 11-21 (2015)
715) Geographical Variation of Ajuga laxmannii (L.) Bentham Essential Oil, Y.B. Kose, S. Alan, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 2(1) 32-36 (2015)
716)* Composition, insecticidal activity and other biological activities of Tanacetum abrotanifolium Druce. essential oil, K. Polatoglu, O.C. Karakoc, Y. Y. Yucel, B. Demirci, N. Goren, K.H.C. Baser, Ind. Crops Prods 7, 7-14 (2015)
717)* Inhibition of Human Neutrophil Responses by the Essential Oil of Artemisia kotuchoviiand its Constituents, I. A. Schepetkin, S. V. Kushnarenko, G. Ozek, L. N. Kirpotina, G. A. Utegenova, Y. A. Kotukhov, A. N. Danilova, T. Ozek, K. H. C. Baser, M.T. Quinn, J. Agric. Food Chem. 63, 4999-5007 (2015)
718)* Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils from the Aerial Parts of Salvia pinnata L., N.U. Somer, B. Bozkurt Sarikaya, B. Erac, E. Kaynar, G. I. Kaya, M.A.Onur, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 9(4) 614-618 (2015)
719)* Chemical composition of Paeonia anomala essential oil and its insecticidal activity against Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, U.R. Bernier, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, S. Shatar, A. Altansetseg, D. Batar, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, Planta Med 81 – PB21 (2015) DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1545176
720) Characterization and Antimicrobial Evaluation of the Essential Oil of Pinus pinea L. from Turkey, F. Demirci, P. Bayramic, G. Goger, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 2(2) 39-44 (2015)
721) Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction (HS-SPME) and Analysis of Geotrichum fragrans Volatiles, G. Iscan, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 2(2) 45-51 (2015)
722) Chemical Characterisation of the Essential Oil of Hypericum aviculariifolium Jaub. & Spach subsp. depilatum (Freyn & Bornm.) Robson var. bourgaei (Boiss.) Robson from Turkey, S. Kucuk, M. Kurkcuoglu, Y.B. Kose, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 2(2) 52-56 (2015)
723)* Antiprotozoal effect of Artemisia indica extracts and essential oil, D. Tasdemir, M. Tierney, R. Sen, M.C. Bergonzi, B. Demirci, A.R. Bilia, K.H.C. Baser, R. Brun, M. Chatterjee, Planta Med. 81, 1029-1037 (2015).
724) The comparison of volatile components of Salvia ceratophylla L. collected from different regions of Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, H.G. Agalar, F. Celep, A.Karaman, M. Dogan, B. Demirci, Turk. J. Pharm. Sci. 12(1) 53-58 (2015)
725)* Essential Oil composition of Tordylium elegans, M. Kurkcuoglu, A.Tosun, A. Duran, H. Duman, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Comp. 51(5) 980-981 (2015).
726) Effect of coffee consumption on anaerobik performance, E. Onarici Gungor, A. O.Cerrah, l. Yilmaz, H. Turnagol, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research 2(12) 14-17 (2015).
727)* DPPH Scavenging, PRAP activities and Essential oil composition of edible Lathyrus ochrus L. (Cyprus Vetch, Luvana) from Cyprus, K. Polatoglu, S. Arsal, B. Demirci, K. H. C. Baser, J. Oleo Sci. 64(3) 309-314 (2015)
728)* Composition of the essential oil of Marrubium anisodon C. Koch, N. Kirimer, M. Kurkcuoglu, G. Akgul, K.H.C. Baser, A.A. Mahmoud, Rec. Nat. Prod.9(2) 234-236 (2015)
729)* Rapid chemical analysis and antiprotozoal effect of the solvent extracts and the essential oil of Artemisia indica, D. Tasdemir, R. Sen, M.C. Bergonzi, B. Demirci, A.R. Bilia, K.H.C. Baser, R. Brun, M. Chatterjee, Planta Medica 81(16) 1547-1548 PW-202 (2015)
730)* Chemical composition and Biological Activity of Four Salvia Essential Oils and Individual Compounds against Two Species of Mosquitoes, A. Ali, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, E.K. Blythe, Z. Ali, K.H.C. Baser, I.A. Khan, J. Agric. Food Chem. 63(2) 447-456 (2015)
731)* Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Essential Oils from Four Nepeta Species and Hybrids against Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae), A. Ali, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, E. K. Blythe, K.H.C. Baser, I. A. Khan, Rec. Nat. Prod. 10(2) 137-147 (2016)
732)* The Identification of suberosin from Prangos pabularia Essential Oil and Its Mosquito Activity against Aedes aegypti, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, U.R. Bernier, M. Tsikolia, A. Duran, I.A. Khan, G. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek , Rec. Nat. Prod. 10(3) 311-315 (2016)
733)* Unexpected Irregular Monoterpene “Yomogi Alcohol” in the Volatiles of the Lathyrus L. species (Leguminosae) of Cyprus, K. Polatoglu, S. Arsal, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Oleo Sci. 65(3) 241-249 (2016) doi : 10.5650/jos.ess15165
734)* GC-MS analysis: In vivo hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of the essential oil of Achillea biebersteinii Afan. growing in Saudi Arabia, M.S. Al-Said, R.A. Mothana, M.M. Al-Yahya, S. Rafatullah, M.O. Al-Sohaibani, J.M. Khaled, A. Alatar, N.S. Alharbi, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2016, Article ID 1867048.
735)* Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of essential oils from leaves, aerial stems, basal stems, and rhizomes of Etlingera fimbriobracteata (K.Schum.) RMSm., A.F.M.S. Ud-Daula, F. Demirci, K. Abu Salim, B. Demirci, L.B.L. Lim, K.H.C. Baser, N. Ahmad, Industrial Crops and Products 84, 189-198 (2016)
736) Essential oils of Achillea species of Turkey, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 3(1) 1-14 (2016)
737) Essential oil composition of Stachys iberica Bieb. subsp. iberica from Turkey, F. Goger, B. Demirci, G. Ozek, H. Duman, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 3(1) 31-34 (2016)
738)* Insecticidal activity of edible Crithmum maritimum L. essential oil against Coleopteran and Lepidopteran insects, K. Polatoglu, O.C. Karakoc, Y. Yucel Yucel, S. Gucel, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Industrial Crops and Products 89, 383-389 (2016)
739)* Investigation of essential oils from three natural populations of Lonicera iliensis, S. V. Kushnarenko, L. N. Karasholakova, G. Ozek, K. T. Abidkulova, N. M. Mukhitdinov, K. H. C. Baser, T. Ozek, Chemistry of Natural Compounds 52 (4) 751-753 (2016)
740)* Chemical characterization and anticholinesterase effects of essential oils derived from Salvia species, H. E. Temel, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, F. Celep, A. Kahraman, M. Doğan, K. H. C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil. Res. 28(4) 322-331 (2016)
741)* Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Centaurea baseri: New species from Turkey, Y.B. Kose, G. Iscan, F. Goger, G. Akalin, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Biodiversity 13, 1369-1379 (2016) doi: 10.1002/cbdv.201600070
742)* Modulation of Human Neutrophil Responses by the Essential Oils from Ferula akitschkensis and their Constituents, I.A. Schepetkin, S.V. Kushnarenko, G. Ozek, L.N. Kirpotina, P. Sinharoy, G.A. Utegenova, K.T. Abidkulova, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, A.R. Kovrizhina, A.I. Khlebnikov, D.S. Damron, M.T. Quinn, J. Agric. Food Chem 64(38) 7156-7170 (2016) doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.6b03205
743)* High amounts of n-alkanes in the composition of Asphodelus aestivus Brot. flower essential oil from Cyprus, K. Polatoglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Oleo Sci. 65(10) 867-870 (2016) doi: 10.5650/jos.ess.15197
744) Comparative systematical, morphological, trichomes and phytochemical characterization of Teucrium montbretii subsp. pamphylicum and Teucrium odontites, S. Kucuk, Y.B. Kose, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Biological Diversity and Conservation, 9(2)15-23 (2016)
745) Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Tanacetum tomentellum (Boiss.) Grierson essential oil from Turkey, N. Tabanca, K.H.C. Baser, Z. Aytac, M. R. Jacob, S. I. Khan, B. Demirci, Nat. Volatiles and Essent. Oils, 3(2) 1-8 (2016)
746) Composition of the essential oil of the Hyssopus officinalis L. subsp. angustifolius (Bieb.) Arcangeli, M. Kurkcuoglu, S. Arikan Eser, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Volatiles and Essent. Oils, 3(2) 15-19 (2016)
747) Composition and biological activity of Cyperus rotundus L. tuber volatiles from Saudi Arabia, S. Al-Massarani, F. Al-Enzi, M. Al-Tamimi, N. Al-Jomaiah, R. Al-amri , K.H.C. Baser, N. Tabanca, A. S. Estep, J. J. Becnel, J. R. Bloomquist, Betül Demirci, Nat. Volatiles and Essent. Oils, 3(2) 26-34 (2016)
748)* 11-Hydroxy-2,4-cycloeudesmane from leaf oil of Juglans regia and evaluation of its larvicidal activity, A. Koroglu, A. Baldemir, G. Ozek, E. Bedir, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, Nat. Prod. Commun. 11(10) 1421-1424 (2016)
749)* Essential oil of Helichrysum conglobatum from Cyprus, K. Polatoglu, B. Demirci, I. Calis, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 11(10) 1521-1522 (2016)
750)* Preparative Capillary GC for Characterization of Five Dracocephalum Essential Oils from Mongolia, and their Mosquito Larvicidal Activity, G. Ozek, N. Tabanca, M.M. Radwan, S. Shatar, A. Altantsetseg, D. Baatar, K.H.C. Baser, J.J. Becnel, T. Ozek, Nat. Prod. Commun.11(10) 1541-1544 (2016)
751) Preparative gas chromatography for isolation of eudesmane type sesquiterpene ketone from Prangos heyniae essential oil, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, E. Bedir, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, A. Duran, I.A. Khan, K.H.C. Baser, Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils (NVEO) 3(3) 28 (2016)
752) Essential oils as potential insecticidal agents for protection of stored products, K. Polatoglu, H. Servi, O.C. Karakoc, Y.Yucel Yucel, S. Yucel, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils (NVEO) 3(3) 45 (2016)
753) Chemical diversity of Aster tataricus volatiles from Mongolia, G. Ozek, S. Yur, A. Altantsetseg, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils (NVEO) 3(3) 117 (2016)
754) Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Sium sisarum L. essential oil, G. Ozturk, B. Demirci, A. Duran, M. Celik, F. Altinordu, K.H.C. Baser, Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils (NVEO) 3(3) 118 (2016)
755) Anticandidal, Antibacterial Properties and Composition of the Essential Oils of Juniperus excelsa Bieb. subsp. excelsa Growing in Eskişehir, Turkey, S. Kucuk, M. Kurkcuoglu, G. Iscan, C. Elmaci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 3(4) 8-12 (2016)
756) Chemical Composition of Heracleum platytaenium Boiss. (Apiaceae) essential oil from Turkey, C.S. Kilic, B. Demirci, M. Coskun, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 3(4) 13-23 (2016)
757) Chemical composition of Achillea schischkinii Sosn., an endemic species from Turkey, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, Z. Aytac, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 3(4) 24-28 (2016)
759)* Handbook of Essential Oils: Science, Technology, and Applications SECOND EDITION Introduction, K.H.C. Baser, G. Buchbauer, HANDBOOK OF ESSENTIAL OILS: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND APPLICATIONS, 2ND EDITION Pages: 1-3 ((2016.
760)* Essential Oils Used in Veterinary Medicine, K.H.C. Baser, Ch. Franz, HANDBOOK OF ESSENTIAL OILS: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND APPLICATIONS, 2ND EDITION Pages: 655-668 (2016)
761) The chemical composition of Salvia verticillata L. subsp. verticillata from Turkey, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(1) 18-28 (2017)
762) Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Sium sisarum essential oils, G. Ozturk, B. Demirci, A. Duran, F. Altinordu, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(1) 29-32 (2017)
763) Essential Oils of Anatolian Lamiaceae – An Update (PL-08), K.H.C. Baser, N. Kirimer, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 9 (2017)
764) Essential oil composition and morphological characteristics of Cyclotrichium glabrescens (Boiss. et Kotschy ex Rech. fil.) Leblebici endemic in Turkey (OP-21), M. Kurkcuoglu, S. Kucuk, M. Kursat, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 35 (2017)
765) Essential oil composition of Origanum majorana from three different locations in Northern Cyprus (PP-43), A. Hanoglu, D. Yigit, B. Demirci, D. Ozkum Yavuz, I. Calis, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 80 (2017)
766) The leaf and the gall volatiles of Salvia fruticosa Miller from Turkey: Chemical and biological diversity (PP-49), S. Suzgec-Selcuk, G. Ozek, S. Yur, F. Goger, E. Tuzlaci, M.B. Gurdal, G. Gursoy Toplan, A.H. Mericli, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 86 (2017)
767) Antimicrobial evaluation and chemical characterisation of the essential oil of the endemic Salvia cryptantha Montbert & Aucher ex Bentham from Eskisehir (PP-50), G. Ozturk, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 87 (2017)
768) Study of the yield and the chemical composition of Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum (PP-63), S. Oflaz, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 100 (2017)
769) Essential oil composition of Stachys obliqua Waldst et Kit (PP-66), B. Demirci, G. Yildiz, N. Kirimer, A. Ocak, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 103 (2017)
770) Composition of the essential oil and antioxidant capacity of Moluccella species from Turkey (PP-68), A. Koroglu Guvenc, G. Ozek, M.M. Hurkul, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 105 (2017)
771) Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Phlomoides laciniata essential oil, methanolic extract and infusion (PP-69), D. Kirci, B. Demirci, F. Goger, M. Armagan, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 106 (2017)
772) Essential oil and fatty acid compositions of Stachys hissarica Regel from Uzbekistan (PP-74), D.T. Asilbekova, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, S. Sh. Sagdullaev, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 111 (2017)
773) Chemical characterization of Phlomis kurdica Rech. fil. essential oil from Turkey (PP-78), A.E. Karadag, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4(2) 115 (2017)
774)* Essential Oil Composition of Three Centaurea Species from Turkey: Centaurea aggregata Fisch. & Mey. ex. DC. subsp. aggregata, C. balsamita Lam. and C. behen L., T.Erdogan, B. Sumer, O. Ozcinar, U. Cakilcioglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, B. Kivcak, Rec. Nat. Prod. 11(1) 69-73 (2017)
775)* Difference in Volatile Composition of Chenopodium murale from Two Different Locations of Cyprus, K. Polatoglu, B. Demirci, I. Calis, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 11(1) 88-91 (2017)
776)* Insecticidal activity of Salvia veneris Hedge essential oil against coleopteran stored product insects and Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera). K. Polatoglu, O.C. Karakoc, Y. Yucel Yucel, S. Gucel, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Industrial Crops and Prods. 97, 93-100 (2017)
777)* Repellency of the Origanum onites L. essential oil and constituents to the lone star tick and yellow fever mosquito, J.F. Carroll, B. Demirci, M. Kramer, U.R. Bernier, N.M. Agramonte, K.H.C. Baser, N. Tabanca, Nat. Prod. Res. 31(18) 2192-2197 (2017) DOI:
778)* Chemical composition and phagocyte immunomodulatory activity of Ferula iliensis essential oil, G. Ozek, I.A. Schepetkin, G.A. Utegenova, L.N. Kirpotina, S. R. Andrei, T.Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, K.T. Abidkulova, S.V. Kushnarenko, A.I. Khebnikov, D.S. Damron, M.T. Quinn,Journal of Leucocyte Biology, 101(6) 1361-1371 (2017)
779)* Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Sideritis cypria Post endemic in Northern Cyprus, D.Yigit Hanoglu, A. Hanoglu, M. Guvenir, K. Suer, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, D. Ozkum Yavuz, J. Essent. Oil Res. 29(3) 228-232 (2017)
780)* Phytochemical characterization of endemic Achillea sivasica Çelik & Akpulat and screening for inhibitory potential against oxidative damage, tyrosinase and a-amylase, Y. Haliloglu, T. Ozek, M. Tekin, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, G. Ozek, Int. J.Food Properties 20(S1) S693-S706 (2017)
781)* Volatile composition, Antioxidant Activity and Antioxidant Components in Saffron Cultivated in Turkey, M. Kosar, B. Demirci, F. Goger, I. Kara, K.H.C. Baser Int. J. Food Properties 20(S1) S746-S754 (2017)
782)* Composition and biological activities of Salvia veneris Hedge growing in Cyprus, G. Gulsoy Toptan, M. Kurkcuoglu, F. Goger, G. Iscan, H.G. Agalar, A. Mat, K.H.C. Baser, M. Koyuncu, G. Sariyar, Industrial Crops and Products 97, 41-48 (2017)
783) Book Review: Essential Oils: Contact Allergy and Chemical Composition by Anton C. de Groot and Erich Schmidt, K.H.C. Baser, HerbalGram 114, 68 (2017)
784)* Essential oil composition and leaf trichomes of Pegolettia baccharidifolia and Pegolettia retrofracta (Asteraceae) K.H.C. Baser, G. Ozek, I.M. Hulley, T. Ozek, P.M. Tilney, B.-E. Van Wyk, South African Journal of Botany 111, 275-282 (2017)
785)* Chemical and Biological Diversity of the Leaf and Rhizome Volatiles of Acorus calamusL. from Turkey S. Suzgec-Selcuk, G. Ozek, A.H. Mericli, K.H.C. Baser, Y. Haliloglu, T. Ozek, J. Essent. Oil Bear. Plants 20(3) 646-661 (2017)
786)* Investigation of Galatella villosa Rchb.f. and Galatella tatarica (Less.) Novopokr. for antioxidant, a-amylase, tyrosinase, lipoxygenase and xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities, G. Ozek, M. Ishmuratova, S. Yur, F. Goger, Y. Haliloglu, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, Nat. Prod. Commun. 12(8) 1255-1258 (2017)
787)* Rose mentioned in the works of scientists of the Medieval East and implications in modern science, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Prod. Commun. 12(8) 1327-1330 (2017)
788)* Rhanterium epapposum Oliv. essential oil: Chemical composition and antimicrobial, insect-repellent and anticholinesterase activities. B. Demirci, H.S. Yusufoglu, N. Tabanca, H.E. Temel, U. R. Bernier, N.M. Agramonte, S.I. Algasoumi, A. J. Al-Rehaily, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 25(5) 703-708 (2017)
789)* Identification of potential therapeutic role of Thymus capitatus essential oil using cellular imaging, D. Ozkum Yavuz*, M. Mavis, G. Ates, Azmi Hanoglu, Duygu Yigit Hanoglu, K. H.C. Başer, N. Serakinci, Procedia Computer Science 120, 961-966 (2017)
790)* Fungal biotransformation of cyclademol and antimicrobial activities of its metabolites, I. Kiran, O. Ozsen, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Nat. Prod. Commun.12(10) 1529-1530 (2017)
791)* Composition and potential of Tanacetum haussknechtii Bornm. Grierson as antioxidant and inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase, tyrosinase and a-amylase enzymes, S. Yur, M. Tekin, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, Int. J. Food Properties 20(S3) S2359-2378 (2017)
792)* Antimicrobial Strategies in Novel Drug Delivery Systems: Applications in the Treatment of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections, J. Bueno, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, MICROBIOLOGY OF SKIN, SOFT TISSUE, BONE AND JOINT INFECTIONS Book Series: Clinical Microbiology Diagnosis Treatment and Prophylaxis of Infections Volume: 2 Pages: 271-286 (2017)
793)* Chemical composition of the essential oil and antimicrobial activity of Scaligeria DC. taxa and implications for taxonomy, A. Baldemir, B. Demirci, M.Y. Paksoy, S. Ilgun, M. Kosar, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Rec. Nat. Prod. 12(1) 14-28 (2018)
794)* Comparative study of three Achillea essential oils from Eastern part of Turkey and their biological activities, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Z. Aytac, S.I. Khan, M.R. Jacob, N. Tabanca, Rec. Nat. Prod. 12(2) 195-200 (2018)
795)* Biological Evaluation, Overpressured Layer Chromatography Separation, and Isolation of a New Acetylenic Derivative Compound from Prangos platychlaena spp. platychlaena Fruit Essential Oils, N. Tabanca, D.E. Wedge, X.-C. Li, Z. Gao, T. Ozek, U. R. Bernier, N. D. Epsky, K.H.C. Baser, G. Ozek, J. Planar Chromatography 31(1) 61-71 (2018)
796)* Chemical Composition and Insecticidal Activity of Edible Garland (Chrysanthemum coronarium L.) Essential Oil Against the Granary Pest Sitophilus granarius L. (Coleoptera), K. Polatoglu, O.C. Karakoc, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 30(2) 120-130 (2018)
797)* Chemical Compositions of Achillea sivasica: Different Plant Part Volatiles, Enantiomers and Fatty Acids, G. Ozek, M. Tekin, Y. Haliloglu, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, Rec. Nat. Prod. 12(2) 142-159 (2018)
798)* Chemical composition of a new taxon, Seseli gummiferum subsp. ilgazense and its larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti, M. Kurkcuoglu, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, I.A. Khan, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 12(2) 184-189 (2018)
799)* Microbial biotransformation of alpha-ionol, I. Kiran, T.T. Sefunc, O. Ozsen, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, J. Chem. Res. 42, 13-14 (2018)
800)* Morphological, Indumentum and Chemical Characteristics and Analysis of the Volatile Components of the Flowers of Rhododendron ponticum L. subsp. ponticum (Ericaceae) of Turkish Origin, S. Kucuk, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod.12(5) 498-507 (2018)
801)* Chemical composition, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Chaerophyllum aromaticum L. from Turkey, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Sen, L. Bitis, S. Birteksoz Tan, A. Dogan, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Bearing Plants 21(2) 563-569 (2018)
802)* Volatile Components of Some Selected Turkish Liverworts, Y. Asakawa, K.H.C. Baser, B. Erol, S. Von Reuss, W. A. Konig, H. Ozenoglu, I. Gokler, Nat. Prod. Commun. 13(7) 899-902 (2018)
803)* Characterization of the volatile compounds of five endemic Aristolochia species from Turkey, N. Kirimer, B. Demirci, G. Iscan, H. Malyer, A. Tosunoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Chem Nat. Comp. 54(4) 777-780 (2018)
804)* Isolation of eudesmane type sesquiterpene ketone from Prangos heyniae H. Duman et M.F. Watson essential oil and mosquitocidal activity of the essential oils, G. Ozek, E. Bedir, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, I.A. Khan, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, T. Ozek, Open Chemistry 16(1) 453-467 (2018)
805)* Comparative study of three Achillea essential oils from Eastern part of Turkey and their biological activities, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Z. Aytac, S.I. Khan, M.R. Jacob, N. Tabanca, Rec. Nat. Prod. 12(2) 195-200 (2018)
806)* Morphological, Indumentum and Chemical Characteristics and Analysis of the Volatile Components of the Flowers of Rhododendron ponticum L. subsp. ponticum (Ericaceae) of Turkish Origin, S. Kucuk, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 12(5) 498-507 (2018)
807)* Essential oil composition of Pentzia incana (Asteraceae), an important natural pasture plant in the Karoo region of South Africa, I.M. Hulley, N. J. Sadgrove, P. M. Tilney, G. Ozek , S. Yur, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, B.-E. van Wyk, African Journal of Range and Forage Science137-145 (2018)
808) Essential oil characterization of Cousinia sivasica Hub.-Mor. (Asteraceae), M. Tekin, G. Ozek, E. Martin, T. Ozek, G. Yilmaz, K.H.C. Baser, BioDiCon 11(2) 16-21 (2018)
809) Isolation and Characterization of Essential Oils from Plant Materials: A Review, E. Kafkas, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Research Trends: Current Topics in Phytochemistry, 14, 21-31 (2018)
810)** Chemical characterization of Schinus molle L. essential oils from North Cyprus, H. Alnawari, B. Demirci, A. Hanoglu, D. Hanoglu,I. Calis, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils (NVEO) 5(3) 7-12 (2018)
811)** Essential oil composition of Zosima absinthifolia (Vent) Link from Northern Cyprus, O. Aburwais, A. Hanoglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils (NVEO) 5(2) 19-23 (2018)
812)** Essential oils of Anatolian Lamiaceae – An update, K.H.C. Baser, N. Kirimer, Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils (NVEO) 5(4) 1-28 (2018)
813)* Essential Oils against Microbial Resistance Mechanisms, Challenges and Applications in Drug Discovery, J. Bueno, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, ESSENTIAL OILS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR TREATMENT OF MICROBIAL DISEASES Pages: 143-158 (2018)
814)* Composition of the essential oils of two endemic Helichrysum species of Turkey, M. Kurkcuoglu, H.G. Agalar, A. Aksoy, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 13(3) 236-242 (2019)
815)* Glandular trichome structures and chemical composition of the volatiles of five Ribes species from Turkey, G. Kendir, A. Koroglu, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent Oil Res. 31(2) 111-119 (2019)
816)* Antibacterial activities of herbal toothpastes combined with essential oils against Streptococcus mutans, O.I. Karadaglioglu, N. Ulusoy, K.H.C. Baser, A. Hanoglu, I. Sik, Pathogens 2019, 8(1), 20; doi:10.3390/pathogens8010020
817)* The essential oils of four endemic Salvia species in Turkey, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Prod. 55(2) 354-358 (2019).
818)* Essential oil compositions of subspecies of Scutellaria brevibracteata Stapf from Turkey, G. Yilmaz, M. Cicek, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 31(4) 255-262 (2019)
819)* Chemical composition of endemic Stachys subnuda Montbret & Aucher ex Benth. essential oil and its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, A. Sen, M. Kurkcuoglu, L. Bitis, A. Dogan, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 31(4) 326-334 (2019). DOI: 10.1080/10412905.2019.1567399
820)* Volatile compounds of Tripleurospermum decipiens from two natural populations in Turkey, M. Kurkcuoglu, F. Tosun, H. Inceer, K.H.C. Baser, Chem. Nat. Prod. 55(3) 565-567 (2019).
821)* Volatile oil constituents of Crataegus azarolus L. and Crataegus pallasii Grisb., N. Agiel, D.Y. Hanoglu, A. Hanoglu, K.H.C. Baser, F. Mericli, Rec. Nat. Prod. 13(5) 405-412 (2019).
822)* Assessment of selected Saudi and Yemeni plants for mosquitocidal activities against the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti, S.Al-Massarani, A. El-Shaibany, N. Tabanca, A. Ali, A.S. Estep, J.J.Becnel, F. Goger, B. Demirci, A. El-Gamal, K.H.C. Baser, Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal 27(7) 930-938 (2019).
823)** Morphological, Anatomical and Phytochemical Characterizations of Lavandula stoechas L. subsp. stoechas Growing in Turkey, S. Kucuk, A. Altintas, B. Demirci, F. Koca, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Volatiles Essent. Oils (NVEO) 6(2) 9-19 (2019).
824)* Essential oil composition of a medicinally important Cape species: Pentzia punctata Harv. (Asteraceae), I.M. Hulley, G. Ozek, N.J. Sadgrove, P.M. Tilney, T. Ozek, K.H.C. Baser, B-E Van Wyk, S. African J. Botany, 127, 208-212 (2019)
825)* In vitro Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Evaluation of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Flower Extract Fractions, A.E. Karadag, B. Demirci, A. Caskurlu, F. Demirci, M.E. Okur, D. Orak, H. Sipahi, K.H.C. Baser, S. African J. Bot., 125, 214-220 (2019)
826)* Chemical Composition, Antidiabetic, Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Activity of Inula ensifolia L. Essential Oil, A. Sen, M. Kurkcuoglu, I. Senkardes, L. Bitis, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Bearing Plants (TEOP), 22(4) 1048-1057 (2019).
827)** OBITUARY Prof. Dr. Jan Karlsen, Nat. Volatiles Essent. Oils (NVEO), 6(2) 1-2 (2019).
829)* Essential oil composition of leaves and flowers of two endemic Phlomis L. species (Phlomis cypria Post and Phlomis brevibracteata Turrill) from Northern Cyprus, A. Hanoglu, D. Yigit Hanoglu, B. Demirci, D. Ozkum Yavuz, K.H.C. Baser, I. Calis, J. Essent. Oil Res. 31(3) 196-202 (2019).
830)* Antiprotozoal Activity of Turkish Origanum onites Essential Oil and Its Components, D. Tasdemir, M. Kaiser, B. Demirci, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Molecules 24 (2019) doi:10.3390/molecules24234421
831)** Composition of the Essential Oils of Scutellaria galericulata and S. tortumensis from Turkey, G. Yilmaz, M. Cicek, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 6(3): 1-7 (2019)
832)* Essential oils and lipids from leaves of Ferula kuhistanica, D.T. Asilbekova, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, K.M. Bobakulov, K.H.C. Baser, S.S. Sagdullaev, Chem. Nat. Prod. 55(6) 993-998 (2019)
833)* Phytochemical Investigation of Endemic Sideritis cypria Post, D. Yigit Hanoglu, A. Hanoglu, H. Yusufoglu, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, I. Calis, D. Ozkum Yavuz, Rec. Nat. Prod. 14(2) 105-115 (2020)
834)* Evaluation of Antioxidant Activities, Phenolic Constituents and Essential Oil Composition of Marrubium heterodon (Benth.) Boiss. & Balansa from Turkey, T. Arabaci, M.S. Icen, T. Dirmenci, F. Goger, K.H.C. Baser, Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, 39(1) 109-115 (2020).
835)* Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Thymus capitatus against Helicobacter pylori, M. Guvenir, A. Hanoglu, D. Yigit Hanoglu, K. Suer, K.H.C. Baser, D. Ozkum Yavuz, T. Sanlidag, Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica, 77(1) 155-160 (2020)
836)* Chemical and biological profiles of essential oil from different parts of Myrtus communis L. subsp. communis from Turkey, A. Sen, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Yildirim, A. Dogan, L. Bitis, K.H.C. Baser, Agric. Conspec. Sci. 85(1) 73-80 (2020)
837)* Insecticidal and biting deterrent activities of Magnolia grandiflora essential oils and select pure compounds against Aedes aegypti, A. Ali, N. Tabanca, B. Demirci, V. Raman, J.M. Budel, K.H.C. Baser, I. Khan, Molecules, 25, 1359 (2020)
838)* Antimicrobial, anticholinesterase evaluation and chemical characterization of essential oil Phlomis kurdica Rech. fil. Growing in Turkey, A.E. Karadag, B. Demirci, S. Kultur, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 32(3) 242-246 (2020)
839)** Chemical composition of Bunium elegans (Fenzl.) Freyn var. elegans essential oil, G. Ozturk, B. Demirci, M. Celik, K.H.C. Baser, Nat. Volatiles and Essent. Oils, 7(1) 26-29 (2020)
840)* Screening of non-alkaloid acetylcholinesterase and carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes inhibitors of Leiotulus dasyanthus (K. Koch) Pimenov & Ostr. (Apiaceae), S. Karakaya, Z. Bingol, M. Koca, B. Demirci, I. Gulcin, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 32(3) 227-241 (2020) DOI: 10.1080/10412905.2020.1746415
841)* Essential oils and lipids from the flowers of two varieties of Ocimum basilicum L. cultivated in Uzbekistan, K. Bobakulov, G. Ozek, T. Ozek, D.T. Asilbekova, N. D. Abdullaev, Sh. Sh. Sagdullaev, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 32(4) 323-330 (2020), DOI:10.1080/10412905.2020.1749946
842)* Chemical Composition of Volatile oils of Fresh and Air-dried Buds of Cannabis chemovars, their Insecticidal and Repellent Activity, A.S. Wanas, M.M. Radwan, Chandra, H. Lata, Z. Mehmedic, A. Ali, K.H.C. Baser, B. Demirci, M.A. Elsohly, Natural Product Communication, 15(5) (2020) DOI: 10.1177/1934578X20926729
843)* Herbs and aromatic plants as feed additives: Aspects of composition, safety, and registration rules, C.M. Franz, K.H.C. Baser, I. Hahn-Ramssl, Feed Additives: Aromatic Plants and Herbs in Animal Nutrition and Health (Eds. P. Florou Paneri, E. Christaki, I. Giannenas), pp. 35-56 (2020) DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-814700-9.00003-0
844)* Cytotoxic effect and molecular docking studies of essential oils of Cymbocarpum erythraeum (DC.) Boiss. (Apiaceae) as potential inhibitors of cholinesterase, S. Karakaya, O. Ozdemir, M. Koca, B. Demirci, O. Aksakal, H. Turkez, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res., 32(5) 436-448 (2020) DOI: 10.1080/10412905.2020.1787884
845)* Composition of the essential oils of five subspecies of Scutellaria orientalis from Turkey, G. Yilmaz, M. Cicek, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 32(5) 429-435 (2020)
846)* A caryophyllene oxide and other potential anticholinesterase and anticancer agent in Salvia verticillata subsp. amasiaca (Freyn & Bornm.) Bornm. (Lamiaceae), S. Karakaya, S.V. Yilmaz, O. Ozdemir, M. Koca, N.M. Pinar, B. Demirci, K. Yildirim, O. Sytar, H. Turkez, K.H.C. Baser, Journal of Essential Oil Research 32(6) 512-525 (2020)
847)* Protective Effects of Origanum onites Essential Oil in the Methotrexate-Induced Rat Model: Role on Apoptosis and Hepatoxicity, A. Aykac, E. Becer, D. Ozbeyli, G. Sener, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 14(6) 395-404 (2020))
848)** Essential oil composition of different parts of Tanacetum cilicicum (Boiss.) Grierson, A. Sen, M. Kurkcuoglu, L. Bitis, A. Dogan, K.H.C. Baser, Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils, 7(3) 18-28 (2020)
849)** Microdistilled essential oil of Thymus integer Griseb. endemic in Cyprus, D. Yigit Hanoglu, A. Hanoglu, B. Demirci, S. Tamson, B. Kesanli, K.H.C. Baser, Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils, 7(3) 51-54 (2020)
850)* Chemical composition, sensory evaluation and antimicrobial activity of Taif rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) essential oils, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, S. G. Akterian, H. N. Fidan, A. S. Stoyanova, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 52(4) 460-466 (2020) DOI: 10.34049/bcc.52.4.5261
851)* Chemical characterization of Bunium allioides and B. brachyactis, G. Ozturk, B. Demirci, M. Celik, K. H. C. Baser, Chemistry of Natural Compounds 56 (6) 1146-1147 (2020). DOI 10.1007/s10600-020-03250-5
852)* Drying Effects on the Volatile Compounds of Kumquat, Limequat, and Mexican Lime Fruits, H.G. Agalar, B. Temiz, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Bearing Plants, 23(6) 1395-1408 (2020)
853)* Beneficial Effects of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) in Ocular Diseases, M. Kosar and K.H.C. Baser, In: Saffron: The Age-Old Panacea in a New Light, M. Sarwat and S. Sumaiya, pp. 155-161 (2020)
854)* The Leaf and the Gall Volatiles of Salvia fruticosa Miller from Turkey: Chemical Composition and Biological Activities, S. Suzgec-Selcuk, T. Ozek, G. Ozek, S. Yur, F. Goger, M.B. Gurdal, G.G. Toplan, A.H. Mericli, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 15(1) 10-24 (2021).
855)* Chemical composition, antiradical and enzyme inhibitory potential of essential oil obtained from aerial part of Centaurea pterocaula Trautv., A. Sen, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Yildirim, I. Senkardes, L. Bitis, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil. Res. 33(1) 44-52 (2021)
856)* Boswellia sacra essential oil manages colon cancer stem cells proliferation and apoptosis: a new perspective for cure, E. Becer, H. Kabadayi, K.H.C. Baser, H.S. Vatansever, J. Essent. Oil Res. 33(1) 53-62 (2021)
857)** In vitro Anti-Leishmanial Activity of Essential Oils Extracted from Plants Growing in Northern Cyprus Against Leishmania tropica. E. Guler, A. Ozbilgin, I. Cavus, B. Baddal, I. Etikan, KHC Baser, T. Sanlidag. Turkiye Parazitol Derg 45(2) 101-107 (2021).
858)* Chemical composition and biological activities of Valeriana dioscoridis S.M. roots, B. Sen-Utsukarci, S.M. Kessler, O. Akbal-Dagistan, A.S. Estep, N. Tabanca, M. Kurkcuoglu, S. Demirci-Kayiran, E. Eroglu-Ozkan, Z. Gul, H.Bardakci, J. Becnel, A.K. Kiemer, A. Mat, K.H.C. Baser, S. African J. Bot. 141, 306-312 (2021).
859)* Microbial transformation of (-)-alpha-bisabolol towards bioactive metabolites, Z. Firat, F. Demirci, B. Demirci, H. Kirmizibekmez, K.H.C. Baser, Rec. Nat. Prod. 15(6) 593-601 (2021) Special Issue
860)* Fungal biotransformation of cedramber, O.O. Batur, I. Kiran, F. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Biocatalysis and Biotransformation (2021). DOI: 10.1080/102424
861)* Review of studies on Phlomis and Eremostachys species (Lamiaceae) with emphasis on iridoids, phenylethanoid glycosides, and essential oils, I. Calis and K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. 87(14) 1128-1151 (2021). DOI: 10.1055/a-1527-4238
862)* Comparative Antibacterial Capabilities of Origanum onites oil and Diode Laser against Enterecoccus faecalis contaminated primary root canals, A. Islam, S. Susever, D. Yigit Hanoglu, K.H.C. Baser, S. Cetiner, Cyprus J. Medical Sciences 6(3)237-243 (2021)
863)* Volatile constituents of three Thymus sipyleus Boiss. subspecies from different sites in Turkey, H.G. Agalar, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, K. Turgut, Turkish Journal of Chemistry 45, 1959-1967 (2021). DOI: 10.3906/kim-2103-6
864)* Essential Oil Composition and Anatomical Characteristics of Stachys megalodonta Hausskn. & Bornm. ex P. H. Davis subsp. mardinensis R. Bhattacharjee Endemic in Turkey, Kurkcuoglu, M., Kucuk, S., Kursat, M., Baser, K.H.C., Annals of Phytomedicine, 10(2) 1-6 (2021)
865)* Phytochemical Composition and Pharmacological Activities of Teucrium polium L. Collected from Eastern Turkey, G. Gulsoy Toplan, F. Goger, T. T askin, G. Ecevit Genc, A. Civas, G. Iscan, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Mat, K.H.C. Baser, Turkish Journal of Chemistry 46(1) 269-282 (2022) doi:10.3906/kim-2107-13
866)* A Multi-Parameter Evaluation of the Neuroprotective and Cognitive-Enhancing Effects of Origanum onites L. (Turkish Oregano) Essential Oil on Scopolamine-Induced Amnestic Rats, A. Aykac, K. Terali, D. Ozbeyli, S. Ede, O. Albayrak, K.H.C. Baser, G. Sener, Metabolic Brain Disease 37, 1041-1055 (2022)
867)* Phytochemical screening and biological evaluation of Salvia hydrangea Dc. ex Benth. growing in eastern Anatolia, G. Gulsoy Toplan, M. Kurkcuoglu, F. Goger, T. Taskin, A. Civas, G. Iscan, G. Ecevit-Genc, A. Mat, K.H.C. Baser, South African Journal of Botany, 147, 779-807 (2022).
868)* Comparative Studies on Essential Oil and Phenolic Content with in vitro Antioxidant, Anticholinesterase, Antimicrobial Activities of Achillea biebersteinii Afan. and A. millefolium subsp. millefolium Afan. L. Growing in Eastern Turkey, G. Gulsoy Toplan, T. Taskin, G. Iscan, F. Goger, M. Kurkcuoglu, A. Civas, G. Ecevit-Genc, A. Mat, K.H.C. Baser, Molecules 27(6) 1956 (2022);
869)* Evaluation of antibacterial and antifungal effects of Calcium hydroxide mixed with two different essential oils, G. Cosan, C.S. Ozverel, D. Yigit Hanoglu, K.H.C. Baser, Y.M. Tunca, Molecules 27, 2635 (2022)
870)* In vitro and in silico evaluation of ACE2-LOX inhibitory activity of Origanum essential oils and carvacrol, F. Demirci, K. Terali, A.E. Karadag, S.N. Biltekin, E. Ak Sakal, M. Kosar, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Med. (2022) DOI: 10.1055/a-1828-2479
871)* The Effect of Cynara cornigera L. in HepG2 Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells, E. Sanlidag, E. Becer, I. Calis, K.H.C. Baser, A. Hanoglu, F. Goger, H.S. Vatansever, Rec. Nat. Prod.
872) Chaerophyllum libanoticum Boiss. et Kotschy.: The fruit essential oil, composition, skin-whitening and antioxidant activities. M. Kurkcuoglu, H.G. Agalar, B. Temiz, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, European J. Life Sci. 1, 28-34 (2022).
873) Antioxidant, Antityrosinase Activities and Composition of Essential Oils Obtained from Roots and Fruits of Ferulago longistylis Boiss. M. Kurkcuoglu, H.G. Agalar, B. Temiz, A. Duran, M. Y. Paksoy, K.H.C. Baser, J. Res. Pharm. 26(4) 790-798 (2022).
874)* The Influence of the Flowering and Fruiting Periods on the Insecticidal Activities of the Extracts of Erica manipuliflora and Their Chemical Compositions, B. Sen, B. Gurdal, N. Tabanca, A.S. Estep, M.Kurkcuoglu, F. Goker, Z. Gul, H. Bardakci, J. Becnel, A. Mat, K.H.C. Baser, Industrial Crops and Products, 187 115380
875)* In vitro and In silico Evaluation of ACE2 and LOX Inhibitory Activity of Eucalyptus Essential Oils, 1,8-Cineole, and Citronellal, E. Ak Sakalli, K. Terali, A.E. Karadag, S.N. Biltekin, M. Kosar, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Nat. Prod. Commun. 17(6) (2022) DOI 10.1177/1934578X221109409
876) Book review: Oregano. The Genus Origanum (Lamiaceae) Taxonomy, Cultivation, Chemistry and Uses, Tuncay Dirmenci (Editor), K.H.C. Baser, HerbalGram 134, 65-66 (2022)
877)* Cytotoxic Activity and Antioxidant Effects of Origanum onites essential oil and its two major contents, carvacrol and p-cymene on human colorectal (HCT116) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cell lines, E. Becer, E. Mutlu Altundag, K.H.C. Baser, H.S.Vatansever, J. Essent. Oil Res. early view (2022)
878) Microbial Transformation of 3,3-Dimethylcyclohexyl methyl ketone and Antimicrobial Evaluation, O. O. Batur, I. Kiran, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 50(3) 263-267 (2022)
879) Kekik, K.H.C. Baser, Tabiat ve Insan 1(191) 15-31 (2022)
880) Ian Hedge, KHC Baser, T. Ekim, A. Guner, Bagbahce Bilim Dergisi 9 (2), 45-45
881)* Structural similarities of phytochemicals significantly contribute to species delimitation of Nigella and Garidella (Ranunculaceae), Y. Kaya, B. Demirci, Z. Ugurlu Aydin, E. Oymak Donmez, K.H.C. Baser, A.A. Donmez, J. Essent. Oil Res. 35(1) 11-23 (2023) DOI 10.1080/10412905.2022.2147591
882)* In vitro Antiviral Evaluations of the Essential Oil Blend against SARS-CoV-2: Coldmix®, K.H.C. Baser, A.E. Karadag, S.N. Biltekin, M. Erturk, F. Demirci, MDPI Current Issues in Molecular Biology 45(1) 677-684 (2023)
883)* Evaluation of therapeutic role of Thymus capitatus (L.) Hoffm. & Link, Origanum dubium Boiss. Essential oils and their major constituents as enhancers in cancer therapy, M. Mavis, M.S.B. Ali, A. Hanoglu, Y. Ozalp, D. Ozkum Yavuz, K.H.C. Baser, N. Serakinci, Rec. Nat. Prod. January 2023. DOI:
884)* Dill seed oil as possible contraceptive agent: Antiangiogenic effects on endothelial cells, G. Ulus, M. Zeytinoglu, M. Kurkcuoglu, K.H.C. Baser, A.T. Koparal, Brazilian J. Pharmaceutical Sci. (BJPS), 2023:59:e20060. DOI HTTP://
885) Fungal Biotransformation of Cedryl Formate, I. Kıran, K.H.C. Baser, F. Demirci, O. Ozsen Batur, Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 2023
886)* The Essential Oil Compositions of Teucrium spp. Belonging to the Section Polium Schreb. (Lamiaceae) Growing in Cyprus, Yigit Hanoglu D, Hanoglu A, Demirci B, Baser KHC,Records of Natural Products, 17(1) 113-124 (2023) DOI 10.25135/rnp.327.2203.2379
887)* The Essential Oil Compositions of two Eucalyptus sp. ( camaldulensis Dehnh. and E. torquata Luehm.) naturalized to Cyprus, Yigit Hanoglu D, Hanoglu A, Adediran SB, Baser KHC, Ozkum Yavuz D, J. Essent. Oil Res. 35(2) 136-142 (2023) DOI 10.1080/10412905.2022.2147592
888)* In Vitro and In Silico Evaluation of ACE2 and LOX Inhibitory Activity of Origanum Essential Oils and Carvacrol, F. Demirci, K. Terali, A.E. Karadag, S.N.Biltekin, A. Ak Sakalli, B. Demirci, M. Kosar, K.H.C. Baser, Planta Medica 89(8) 790-799 (2023). DOI: 10.1055/a-1828-2479
889)* Composition and Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Anticancer Activities of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Essential Oil, E. Becer, E.M. Altundag, M. Guran, H.S.Vatansever, S. Usturk, D. Yigit Hanoglu, K.H.C. Baser, South African Journal of Botany 160, 437-445 (2023)
890)* Antiproliferative, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Boswellia sacra on Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells, E. Becer, E.Mutlu Altundag, C. Ozbilenler, H.S. Vatansever, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Bearing Plants (2023) DOI 10.1080/0972060x.2023.2257214
891)* Chemical compositions of the essential oils of endemic wild Origanum majorana var. tenuifolium collected from three different locations during flowering and post-flowering phases in North Cyprus, Multivariate Statistical Analyses, A. Hanoglu, D. Yigit-Hanoglu, B. Demirci, D. Kırcı, F.B. Alkas, D. Ozkum Yavuz, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent Oil Bearing Plants 24(2) 525-536 DOI: 10.1080/0972060X.2024.2330551 (2024).
892)* Chemical Characterisation of the Essential Oil Compositions of Mentha spicata and M. longifolia ssp. cyprica from the Mediterranean Basin and Multivariate Statistical Analyses, H. Isfendiyaroglu, A.Hanoglu, D. Yigit Hanoglu, F.B. Alkas, K.H.C.Baser, D. Ozkum Yavuz, Molecules, 29(9) (2024) DOI10.3390/molecules29091970
893)* A Comprehensive Assessment of the Cholinergic-Supporting and Cognitive-Enhancing Effects of Rosa damascena Mill. (Damask Rose) Essential Oil on Scopolamine-Induced Amnestic Rats, K. Teralı, D. Ozbeyli, D. Yigit-Hanoglu, K.H.C. Baser, G. Senel, A. Aykac, Brain and Behaviour (2024) May;14(5):e3507. doi: 10.1002/brb3.3507
894)* Investigation of the Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Endemic Seseli salsugineum A. Duran and Lyskov Essential Oil, G. Ozturk, B. Demirci, G. Goger, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, Bezmialem Science 12(4) 401-5 (2024).
895)* Some Thoughts on the Future of Essential Oils, K.H.C. Baser, J. Essent. Oil Res. 36(6) 525-531 (2024)
896) Investigation of the Essential Oil Composition and Biological Activities of the Essential Oil and Extracts of the Aerial Parts of Seseli libanotis (L.) W. Koch, B. Temiz, M. Kurkcuoglu, H.G. Agalar, A. Duran, K.H.C. Baser, European Journal of Life Sciences 3(3) 107-113 (2024)
897)* The multivariate statistical analyses of the temporal variation in the chemical composition of the essential oil of Eucalyptus torquata in Cyprus, M. Bulama Modu, D.Yigit Hanoglu, A. Hanoglu, F.B. Alkas, K.H.C. Baser, D. Ozkum Yavuz, Molecules 30 (2) 10.3390/molecules30020332